Chapter 161

After the decision was made, Luo Xiaran went back to the room to figure out who would be more suitable to stay.Cheng Yan's dark-type ability was cultivated by Luo Xiaran, but Luo Zhaoxian was still a little uneasy if he didn't leave an attack-type one for Luo Zhaoxian.

What if Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui leave the inn one day?Although Luo Zhaoxian's metal ability is also very powerful, but after all, he can't compare with the physical strength of young people, can he?

But even though Luo Xiaran thought well, when she met Luo Zhaoxian, she was still completely rejected.From Luo Zhaoxian's point of view, Wu Yan'an is nothing at all, as long as the family lives well together, why bother to take this risk?
What's more, their family has been away from H province for so long, and they don't know how Wu Yan'an is doing now. If Wu Yan'an died accidentally, wouldn't Luo Xiaran's trip be in vain?
Although this possibility is unlikely, if you don't have [-], you are afraid of it, so it is impossible for Luo Zhaoxian to let Luo Xiaran go back.The most important thing was that Luo Xiaran actually wanted to keep the two of them in S City, which Luo Zhaoxian couldn't bear.

Luo Zhaoxian thought that he was a father and a husband, how could he allow his daughter to take risks while he waited in a safe place.Even if Cheng Yan and the others are good people, but they have ulterior motives, it is bound to be unsafe along the way. If someone has two hearts, it will be an extremely dangerous situation.

It's just that Luo Xiaran also strengthened her determination, the father and daughter quarreled weakly, and in the end Luo Zhaoxian retreated.Chu Xinrui is right, Wu Yan'an has become Luo Xiaran's heart knot, if it is not completely untied, it will only affect Luo Xiaran's future life.

Since the end of the world, Luo Xiaran has never been truly happy for even a minute, not to mention the appearance of Jun Lie later made Luo Xiaran erect protective spikes all over her body.As a mother and a woman, Chu Xinrui still understands Luo Xiaran's feelings.

Besides, when a daughter grows up, she should also leave her parents' side to practice.At this time, they can no longer protect their daughter as well as before, so let Luo Xiaran become stronger, and prevent them from having any problems, leaving Luo Xiaran alone in the world alone. .

After talking through her parents, Luo Xiaran started to pack supplies into the system backpack.It's cold and freezing along the way, so you have to make more preparations. You can't lack food, clothing, housing and transportation. Luo Xiaran is not the one who wronged herself.

Finally, Luo Xiaran decided to make a travel list.In addition to Cheng Yan and his five friends, Luo Xiaran brought eight hunting dogs including Heishan. The hunting dogs are very vigilant and can serve as vigil at night.

Afterwards, Tang Mingyu and the others were left in the inn by Luo Xiaran to protect Luo Zhaoxian and his wife, and Luo Xiaran also asked them to form a team to hunt zombies outside the safe zone. A stroke of money can be regarded as picking up a lot of crystal nuclei for nothing.

Luo Xiaran has already rang, and when the winter is over, the whole world will undergo a very major change.However, Luo Xiaran was not sure whether it was a little change or a sudden change, so she only said hello to Luo Zhaoxian and stopped taking this matter to heart.

Since it was inevitable, she couldn't change it, so why bother herself?The end of the last days is far away, and it is the safest situation to take one step at a time.

It's just that when Luo Xiaran quietly packed up everything and was about to leave, Jun Lie, who hadn't come for a while, blocked the gate of the inn with a team of people.

 Timely release~Please collect and recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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