Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 121 Let's Take a Trip

Chapter 121 Let's Take a Trip

"Miss Luo, I have known you for a long time. My name is Luo Baoshan, and it is enough for Miss Luo to call me Uncle Luo. I only brought one material, which was collected by our old man during his lifetime, and they are all kept at home. If it weren't for this, we wouldn't be able to open the pot." , I won’t move either.” Luo Baoshan got up and smiled at Luo Xiaran, and after Luo Xiaran sat down, Luo Baoshan said with a smile.

"Well, Uncle Luo, let me check the material first. Can the rest be compared with this piece? This piece of gold and jade is hard to break. I can't open my mouth if you just bring this piece." Luo Xiaran looked at Luo Baoshan from The black box brought up from the side opened the box while talking.

Because she has studied wool for so many years, Luo Xiaran also knows this stuff very well.After looking carefully with the flashlight, Luo Xiaran nodded in satisfaction.

The wool is indeed a good wool, but Luo Xiaran is not sure whether Luo Baoshan has other wool in his hand.And Luo Xiaran always felt that Luo Baoshan's aura was wrong, but he didn't know what it was.

"Miss Luo was joking. I don't know anything about this. The old man has not survived since the end of the world, and there is no one else in the family who is good at it, so if Luo Xiaran is interested, I need to trouble you to go there in person.

I heard that wool is not a thing that can be handled by an expert. If I pull it over with all my strength, you will look down on me. Isn't it too much trouble.I haven't eaten enough here for several meals, so I'm really sorry. Luo Baoshan put down his teacup and said with an apologetic smile.

"This piece of wool is good, so I'll go with Uncle Luo. Would you like to have a meal, Uncle Luo, and we're leaving?" Seeing that the sun was about to set, Luo Xiaran narrowed her eyes slightly, waiting for Luo Baoshan answer.

"That's a good relationship. I heard that your food tastes good. Why don't you serve some to Uncle Luo? Let's start working when we're full. Now we can't take care of the porters." Hearing what Luo Xiaran said, Luo Xiaran Baoshan couldn't help but said.After sitting for a while, Luo Baoshan was already hungry watching others eating.

"Well, Uncle Luo eats first, I'll go prepare the car." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran frowned, and while ordering the waiter to serve Luo Baoshan's meal before coming over, she walked upstairs to Ma Jianing's room.

Luo Baoshan is definitely not as simple as selling wool. After all, it is not safe at night. Seeing that it is getting dark, Luo Baoshan still wants to eat, but he is deliberately delaying time.

And Luo Xiaran brought Ma Jianing with her. Ma Jianing was also a woman, and she hadn't shown any supernatural powers after entering the safe zone. This could better paralyze the opponent's nerves.After all, no matter at what time, the first impression of a woman is basically weak and deceitable, isn't it?
After talking about the situation with Ma Jianing, Ma Jianing followed Luo Xiaran out of the room.Luo Baoshan also noticed Ma Jianing, but Ma Jianing was soft and weak, so he didn't have any threatening power at first sight, so Luo Baoshan sat quietly in his seat, while eating, he wondered why they were all vegetarian dishes without any meat.

The off-road vehicle that drove to the safe area before was parked in front of the stables outside the inn. There were Black Mountain and other hounds in the stables, so there was no worry that it would be stolen by someone picking the lock.After checking the fuel tank, Luo Xiaran asked the shop waiter to send a message to Luo Zhaoxian and his wife, and she brought Ma Jianing to eat in the lobby.

It wasn't until night fell that Luo Baoshan ate two multigrain pancakes, three plates of vegetarian dishes, and drank two pots of tea before putting down the bowls and chopsticks, as if he had just eaten.

Luo Xiaran didn't care about Luo Baoshan's pretentiousness, went out and drove to Luo Baoshan's home according to Luo Baoshan's guidance...

 Scheduled release~ I ran all morning, made a round of phone calls, and finally found the courier, and I will never use the post anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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