LOL I am invincible

Chapter 291 Answers and Secrets

Chapter 291 Answers and Secrets

"What? I can only..."

Old Zhou stepped back.

After all these years, what strange things hasn't Lao Zhou seen?But it was the first time Lao Zhou had heard of the physique that could resist the summoning of souls.

"But isn't it rumored that all ordinary things are irresistible to this summoning?"

Zhao Wugang smiled coldly: "When did I say that this girl is an ordinary person?"

Murong Chunfang who was standing by the side felt a chill go down her spine and frowned slightly.

Is it...?
"Guys, since Yu'er has nothing to do, then everything will be fine. As for the method you want to use, sir, please do it."

Murong Chunfang's words were cautious, implying something.

When Zhao Wugang heard it, he immediately realized what was interesting and stopped talking.

This is something Murong Chunfang knows and plans to hide.

Lao Zhou couldn't see Murong Yu's body, so naturally he didn't know.

And Lin Yu actually knew that it seemed that he couldn't get into the qi in Murong Yu's body before because his innate qi was too yin?But Lin Yu doesn't know much about yin and yang.

It's just that this kind of thing doesn't seem to be a bad thing, on the contrary, it unexpectedly protected Murong Yu this time, why is Murong Chunfang so nervous about their discussion?

"Lin Yu, this Mr. Zhao said that he played a role in promoting. Then the main credit this time is still yours. After all, it took two days and two nights. I have been thinking about it for two days and two nights. In case you fail What should I do...I think I may not be able to accept it! Fortunately, you succeeded, Lin Yu, to thank you, the matter between you and Yu'er..."

When Murong Chunfang said this, Lin Yu immediately interrupted with a wave: "Auntie, don't say that."

He glanced at Murong Yu who had innocent eyes on the bed, and said, "I am willing to save Yu'er. If you want to tell me what I will do next, after I finish it, it's not too late for you to thank me, right?"


Murong Chunfang was taken aback for a moment.

She knew what Lin Yu was going to do.

The Tianxiahui and the Cuckoo Chamber of Commerce did have some grievances and feuds, but Murong Chunfang was increasingly unable to control Lin Yu.

Even Lin Yu's strength is still a mystery to Murong Chunfang at this time, he can't figure out Lin Yu at all.The resolution of this matter will definitely benefit the world.

It is of great benefit to the whole circle, but it will always touch the interests of some people.

When the time comes, Lin Yu will become the target everyone is vying to target, and Yu'er will...

"Lin Yu, you have to be clear. With Yu'er, you will not be alone in the future. You can't do things carelessly." Murong Chunfang wanted Murong Yu to have Lin Yu's strong protection by his side, but the premise was that Lin Yu must protect himself well.

Lin Yu chuckled and said, "Don't worry, if you succeed this time, you will naturally succeed every time in the future."

"I can rest assured that."

"Then..." After Lin Yu persuaded Murong Chunfang, he looked at Zhao Wugang.

Regarding the mysterious thing about summoning souls, it seems that there is nothing to ask.

The most important thing now is to let Zhao Wugang continue to look at himself mysteriously and be interested in himself.

With Zhao Wugang's powerful combat power, it's better to win over for the time being. After the world competition is over, Lin Yu will definitely get in touch with this circle frequently.

Although it's not what Lin Yu thought, but since Murong Yu's body has a major secret about Xiantian Qi, Lin Yu naturally needs to unravel this, so as to get rid of Murong Yu's illness smoothly.

"Master Zhao, before you started, I asked you a question, can you give the answer now?"

Before handing over Murong Yu to Zhao Wugang completely, Lin Yu lowered his voice and asked Zhao Wugang a question.

That is, in order to completely place one's innate qi in Murong Yu's body and achieve the point of unity, what method should be used.

Zhao Wugang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "Well... Actually, my guess at the beginning was wrong. The innate qi of the supreme sun in the body of Miss Yu'er is not the main culprit that hinders you. I know you What are you going to do, as long as you can complete that step, your miraculous healing technique can directly make Miss Yuer get better overnight without me providing a bonus!"

Lin Yu didn't speak, but Murong Chunfang and Lao Zhou looked sideways at Lin Yu.

Unexpectedly, this kid went to the World Championships, and the whole person has improved a lot in other aspects.

This is simply a strange person, as if no matter what he does, he will succeed, and he is the most shining and dazzling one among the many successful people.

"However, in my attempt just now, I discovered a secret, this secret..."

As Zhao Wugang spoke, he glanced at Murong Chunfang.

Murong Chunfang grumbled inwardly.

This man is really an old fox, to say this kind of thing...

If Murong Chunfang stopped him from talking at this time, what would Lin Yu and even Lao Zhou think of her behavior and vigilance?
I can only reveal a few.


Murong Chunfang nodded, motioning for him to continue talking.

Zhao Wugang hooked his mouth and nodded.

"This is something I haven't seen in many years!"

After he finished feeling, he continued: "This girl Yu'er is an ordinary person, she doesn't know how to practice qi at all, and she doesn't know how to move qi! But she has this... the innate qi of the supreme yang in her body, and the concentration is very high! The most important thing is that there will be no rejection in her body, and it can be perfectly integrated with her body, which is really amazing!"

Lin Yu was startled and frowned.

So Yu'er doesn't know how to practice qi?The innate qi in her body is not hers...that's how it is.

Zhao Wugang continued to explain: "The so-called practice of qi is to transform the original qi in the body into a congenital qi and use it, or to have a congenital qi. And this qi is like blood. It is in our body. Flow. The only difference is that the blood flows in the blood vessels, but the qi flows in the meridians."

"But their focus is the same, that is the heart."

"People who practice qi can transform the innate qi, which is outside the meridians and acts on the whole body from the outside. Although the effect is not strong, it can be completely replaced."

"But ordinary people can't do it, so ordinary people's hearts need to function and study, and they can't let the original energy in the body try to rotate in the meridians in the body. In this way, ordinary people with original energy want to let the innate One qi transforms in the body, or reaches the point of becoming a qi practitioner... the beating of the heart that provides blood flow must be stopped, and it is used to transport the innate qi to the meridians of the whole body!"

When Zhao Wugang said this, Lao Zhou and Murong Chunfang also understood everything.

But for Lin Yu, it opened a new door!

Lin Yu said, swallowing his saliva.

The difficulties encountered when trying to transform Chen Ming's body before made sense!

It takes two hearts, it really takes two hearts to do it!
No wonder Lin Yu couldn't feel it when targeting Liu Mu. Liu Mu is a person who practices qi, and Lin Yu's qi can also work outside of the meridians, so Liu Mu will soon be able to speak temporarily.

And Murong Yu can't, Murong Yu has to go through two days and two nights of slow healing... all because Murong Yu is an ordinary person!Lin Yu's spirit pivot secret method is a medical technique specially used for people who practice qi!
"Well, that's right, if you need to directly recover or treat Miss Yu'er's illness as you think..."

As Zhao Wugang spoke, Lin Yu also secretly thought in his heart: If Chen Ming is to become a Qi practitioner...

"Two beating hearts are needed!" The two said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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