The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 429 Chapter 431 Wake up, Yi Wenwen

Chapter 429 Chapter 431 Wake up, Yi Wenwen

Yi Wenwen slowly withdrew his palm and shook it lightly.

"Are the gods in this world so weak?"

He didn't care at all about what he had just done. Instead, he pleased him by seeing the despairing expressions of those who were originally desperate after seeing hope.

"Since this is the case, then I will give you a good time. After all, I don't have much time to deal with you. The next world is still waiting for me to destroy it."

Yi Wenwen's tone was very gentle, but his actions did not hesitate at all.

After he finished these words, the already dilapidated world began to accelerate its destruction.

The earth is shaking, the sky is collapsing, and the ocean is roaring.

All kinds of disasters swept the world together at this moment, and the destructive force that had been suppressed for many years was released at this moment.

The human beings who were originally fighting on the battlefield were attacked from all directions, and a large number of creatures died at this moment.

Yi Wenwen looked at all this with endless coldness and darkness in his eyes.

"People behind the scenes, are you ready to accept my challenge?"

He murmured, violent emotions colliding violently with reason in his mind, destroying every world that that person set foot on became a lingering thought in his mind.

Dead creatures can't reveal any emotion in his eyes.

Suddenly, the world that was still howling was suddenly stopped.

'Ding, it was detected that tester 001 was overly emotional and on the verge of collapse, and now he is about to be ejected forcibly...'

Yi Wenwen didn't have time to observe why the world under his feet suddenly stopped when he heard a blunt mechanical sound from his mind.

He squinted his eyes slightly, scanning his surroundings dangerously.

"Who is talking, come out for me."

'Force popup to start...'

"Who is it? Come out!"

'Countdown: 3, 2, 1...'

A burst of light surrounded him from all directions, and the dazzling light made him narrow his eyes slightly.

The moment before he disappeared, he seemed to see a series of flowing data codes.

In a luxuriously decorated but very empty bedroom, a game cabin inlaid with gems suddenly made a piercing sound, and the red light above it also began to flicker non-stop.

"Jingle bell bell..."

A moment after the voice sounded, the closed door was suddenly violently opened.


No one cared about the loud noise of the door. When the owner who took the lead entered the room, all the people who came in one after another quickly ran towards the game cabin.

Everyone looked at the pitch-black game cabin, with deep worry in their eyes, no one shouted loudly, and all looked nervously at the cabin door.

Suddenly, the incessant chirping stopped abruptly, and the hatch began to move slowly.

A slender, powerful hand with well-defined bones stretched out from the inside and placed it on the door of the game cabin.

Seeing this, the people waiting outside had great joy on their faces.

"Brother, you finally woke up."

As the man said, he quickly reached out to help the people inside.

The moment Yi Wenwen opened his eyes, countless memories flooded him, and scenes from the past flashed before his eyes.

And he finally remembered where he was, feeling a little lost for a while.

After hearing his brother's voice, he slowly sat up.

"Brother, is there something wrong with you?"

The person who is concerned and inquiring at this moment is his own younger brother, Yi Zeya.

When the elders of the Yi family named the junior, they thought of gentleness and elegance, but when the second child was born, the word Erya was not suitable, so after some discussion, they changed their name to Zeya.Although the name seems a bit weird, it fulfills the elders' thoughts.

Yiwen Wenchi, topless, showing his strong chest.His deep gaze swept towards the people around the game cabin, with a gloomy light shining in his eyes.

Anyone caught by his gaze couldn't help but flinch.

After meeting her elder brother's eyes, Yi Zeya frowned slightly.

"Everyone else goes out first, and Erya stays."

Yi Wenwen said in a hoarse voice, his cold eyes swept towards the subordinates and servants waiting at the side.

When the rest of the people left the bedroom one after another and closed the door, he said again: "Erya, help me out."

"Brother, how many times have I told you, don't call me that."

Although Yi Zeya said so, she still stretched out her hand and lifted her up carefully.

Seeing his younger brother's expression, Yi Wenwen twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, but didn't say much.

After adapting to his slightly weak body, he quickly washed up and lay back on his bed.

Looking at his younger brother who was waiting by his side, the eyes that had become cold due to the loss of that person gradually warmed up.

"Erya, how long have I been in the game?"

In his memory, he was testing the latest virtual network world developed by the company.But after entering the game, he lost his original memory and forgot his original purpose.

After hearing her own brother's question, Yi Zeya breathed a sigh of relief, but also looked at the other party with a worried look.

"Brother, you've been here for half a year."

"Half a year?"

When Yi Wenwen heard the words, he murmured as if talking to himself.

After Yi Zeya listened to his murmur, a look of worry flashed in her eyes.He didn't know if it was his own illusion, he always felt that after his brother woke up this time, his whole body became colder.

So when this thought turned a corner in his mind, he changed the subject and said, "Brother, since your accident, my parents have been very worried about you. They went to the company today. After receiving the news that you woke up, Said to have started to rush back."

Thinking of his gentle parents, Yi Wenwen nodded his head lightly and responded in a low voice. "Oh, I see."

"Dong dong dong..."

When the knock on the door sounded, Yi Zeya quickly went to open the door.

The person who came was the family doctor of the Yi family, who had been staying at the Yi family mansion for the past six months.After receiving the notification from the person inside, he rushed over immediately.

"Master Yi."

The family doctor took his own medicine box and respectfully greeted the current head of the Yi family.

Yi Wenwen nodded his head lightly when he heard the words, but did not answer aloud.

Seeing this, the family doctor put down his medicine box and began to check the body of the newly awakened person.


Following the sound of hurried footsteps, a slightly eager female voice came from the door.

When the door opened, Yi's parents appeared outside the door.

Mother Yi looked at the eldest son who was leaning on the bed, with tears in her eyes, and rushed over quickly.

Seeing this, the family doctor stepped aside with a wink.


"Mom is so worried about you."

Yi Wenwen patted his mother who was lying on his lap, with helplessness in his eyes, but also a touch of tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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