Chapter 421 Tenacious Fight

Yang Xiaobao saw that this tall martial arts expert finally made a move, and he did not dare to neglect, after all, this is a martial arts level expert, and this is the first time that Yang Xiaobao has fought head-on with such a high-level martial arts expert, so Yang Xiaobao Immediately with a thought, the Tai Chi Spear appeared in his hand.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun was released, a strong murderous aura rushed towards his face, the aura was shocking, and the murderous aura and aura immediately charged towards the two martial arts experts, one tall and one short.

But at this time, the tall martial arts expert just hit Yang Xiaobao's face with a palm, and Yang Xiaobao immediately used the Tai Chi Spear technique, and he still used five moves in a row:
"The first trick: the sun, the moon, the universe,

The second measure: heaven and earth are impermanent,

The third trick: Jianghe transposition,

The fourth trick: the front line of life and death,
The fifth trick: advance and retreat freely. "

As soon as Yang Xiaobao made these five moves, countless gun shadows rushed straight towards the tall martial artist like an overwhelming mountain, but they were blocked by the palm of the tall martial artist. The palm of a tall martial artist.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being surprised when he saw that he had just blocked one of the tall Wuxiu's five moves in a row, but it was not bad to be able to block it. You must know that this is a martial arts level Strong, and still at the ninth level of Wuji, that's not bad.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao used such powerful marksmanship, the tall martial artist couldn't help being surprised, and then he was overjoyed, because this tall martial artist had already felt the extraordinary power of the Tai Chi gun, so he immediately So he decided to get the Tai Chi gun.

So, the tall martial artist immediately struck Yang Xiaobao's shoulder with another palm, and Yang Xiaobao immediately dodged to the side even though he turned around in the void, and immediately avoided it.

And at this time, the short martial arts expert first grabbed a handful of the scarlet head, and the pus and blood flowed from it, looking very disgusting, and after he grabbed a handful of the scarlet head, he immediately hit Yang Xiaobao with his palm , but was blocked by the future.

In the future, she has long been on guard against this short martial artist. Although she was disgusted when she saw the skinny head of this short martial artist, she still held back. She couldn't help it. You must know that this is a strong martial artist. In the future, she will only be at the ninth level of Wu Zun, but because of her particularity as a system elf, although she has transformed into a real person now, her background is still much stronger than ordinary people, and because she raised Xiaobao Because of this, she also has the ability to leapfrog challenges, and she also knows all the exercises that Yang Xiaobao knows.

That short martial arts expert jumped out to catch his slap when he saw the future, and he caught it. Xiu, and he is such a powerful martial artist.

Moreover, this short martial artist can't see Future's level of cultivation, because Future has no vitality fluctuations at all, and looks like an ordinary woman. Of course, this is also because Future is transformed from a system elf. It's not the same as ordinary people.

Therefore, this short martial arts expert can't see the details of Future at all, but he can still feel from the palm that touched Future just now, that Future's skill is still much worse than his.

Therefore, the short martial arts expert was immediately overjoyed, so the short martial arts expert immediately salivated and said: "Beauty, such a cute beauty, let the Lord love you."

In the future, when he heard the words of this short martial arts expert, and then saw his pus-suppressed scarlet head, he couldn't help but feel sick, and couldn't help but backed up a few steps. The foul language still goes on and on.

The future can only keep retreating, but this short martial arts expert is advancing step by step. Therefore, the future, the short martial arts expert and Yang Xiaobao are separated by a certain distance, which is equivalent to two separate battles. Although they just now There are also two battles, but they are close, but now they are completely separated, and no one cares about the battle on both sides.

And the battle between Yang Xiaobao and the tall martial artist has also entered the most tense and critical moment, but there is no winner or loser, and you are still fighting each other, it seems that there is no difference.

However, the moods of the two of them are completely different. The tall martial arts expert was very surprised, because he saw that Yang Xiaobao was at the level of Wu Zhen, compared with his martial arts level. It's two big levels behind. Logically speaking, he can kill Yang Xiaobao with just one slap, but he didn't expect that Yang Xiaobao not only caught his slap after slap, but also slapped him. Fighting back, this is too incredible.

Therefore, this tall martial artist is curious about Yang Xiaobao, unbelievable, and has a little admiration. He really can't figure out how Yang Xiaobao can be so powerful, how can he be so powerful, and can surpass two A big level challenge, but still not falling behind, is this still human?
And Yang Xiaobao was also shocked in his heart at this moment, it seems that this strongman of Wuji level is really not comparable to the strongman of Wuzun, the difference of one level is indeed quite big, indeed very big.

However, Yang Xiaobao has been fighting this martial arts powerhouse for so long, and he also knows the gap. At the same time, Yang Xiaobao's confidence has gradually increased, and he also believes that he can defeat a martial arts powerhouse.

But now, the tall martial artist immediately attacked Yang Xiaobao with one palm after another, just like a series of palms, but Yang Xiaobao avoided them all by turning around in the void.After Yang Xiaobao avoided the serial attacks of the tall martial artist, he immediately used the last five moves of the Tai Chi Spear:
"Sixth move: combine rigidity and softness,
The seventh trick: frighten ghosts,
The eighth trick: no extreme happiness,

The ninth trick: the benevolent see benevolence,
The tenth trick: the wise see wisdom. "

As soon as the five stances of the Tai Chi gun technique were used, there was a burst of flying sand and rocks, and the momentum was shocking. It was more powerful than the comprehensive five stances, and it also forced the tall martial arts expert to take a step back. Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel happy, so he also went Taking a step forward, he immediately danced the Tai Chi gun again.

However, after the tall martial arts expert took a step back, he didn't retreat any more, and immediately stabilized, and then used five palm moves in a row, which was also amazing. However, although his palm was quite powerful, But compared with Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi sharp spear technique, it is still far behind.

It can be said that this is entirely due to the strong cultivation of the tall martial arts expert, otherwise, the tall martial arts expert might have been beaten to the ground by Yang Xiaobao, even though Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi marksmanship is very powerful , but the skill of the tall martial artist is much higher than him, so when one trades up, the two are tied, and neither can do anything to the other.

As for the battle between the future and the short martial arts expert, some changes have taken place at this moment. Originally, the short martial arts expert was pressing every step of the way, chasing the future to fight, and the future basically had no power to fight back. Although the three of them, the beauty Wang Lianzi and Miss Ouyang, wanted to help and make a move, they couldn't intervene at all.

Because in the future battle with the short martial arts expert, a layer of strong yuan power fluctuations will be formed around them, and it is very powerful, so Jin Ximei and the others can't get close if they want to get close, so how can they help?
And now the future did not continue to retreat, but stabilized her figure, because she, like Yang Xiaobao, gradually mastered the aura and attack strength of the martial arts powerhouse, so the future immediately used the void turning step , conflicted left and right, and finally stabilized his figure, and no longer retreated.

Jin Ximei and the others immediately felt relieved when they saw that Future stabilized their figure. They were also terrified just now. If Future was not the opponent of that disgusting short Wuxiu, he was defeated by the short Wuxiu If not, then they will be miserable, and they will definitely be insulted by this disgusting person, which is unbearable for any of them.

Moreover, they also saw that the battle between Yang Xiaobao and the tall martial artist was not optimistic. Therefore, Jin Ximei and the others were also very anxious, but they had no choice but to watch from the side. watch.

But now that the future has stabilized his figure, the short martial artist started to scratch his scarlet head again, and he still grabbed a handful of pus and blood, which looked very disgusting, and he still said obscene words .

However, the future directly ignores the shameless actions of this short martial arts expert, and also ignores his extremely disgusting words. Gradually, after the future stabilizes his mind, he finally finds a short martial artist. Then he slapped him, and hit the short Wuxiu on the shoulder.

After getting a slap on the shoulder of the short martial artist, he immediately screamed in pain, and took several steps back in a row. The future pressed forward immediately, and it was getting tighter and tighter. The short martial arts expert also stepped forward Step back.


At this moment, Yang Xiaobao gradually gained the upper hand in the battle with the tall martial arts expert, and the tall martial arts expert also retreated step by step, and Yang Xiaobao pressed on every step of the way, but although the tall martial arts expert retreated, he did not There is no panic, after all, his skill cultivation base is here, and it is not so easy to lose.

What's more, the tall martial artist used a trick in a critical situation, which turned him into a safe place, and allowed him to take the initiative, and in turn forced Yang Xiaobao back one step, and then another step back.

Jin Ximei, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, and Ms. Ouyang saw that the battle between the two sides was going on like a fire, and both sides had their own victories, so they couldn't help but raise their hearts, but they couldn't help. Watching on the sidelines and doing anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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