Chapter 150 Awakening
The little fat man heard that Yang Xiaobao said so, so he had no choice but to accept the gold coins. It is estimated that Yang Xiaobao made a lot of money, and he looked like he didn't care about money at all. We've been brothers for many years, so there's no need to be so delicate.

Seeing the little fat man accepting the gold coins, Yang Xiaoding nodded happily. He felt that the little fat man was really good. He still remembered that on the first day he was reborn from the earth, he fell into the arena of the Star Academy. It was the little fat man. The one who woke him up was also the one who first learned about some things in this world from him, and later became his first good friend after coming to this world.

So the little fat man talked to Yang Xiaobao, and immediately went out. Although Yang Xiaobao was an old driver for two generations, he really didn't know much about these customs and etiquette. To help, basically he doesn't need to worry about it, such as building the mourning hall, loading the corpse, etc. All the work has been done by the little fat man's father, and the funeral will be held at noon tomorrow.

What Yang Xiaobao didn't expect was that the elder of the spider gang was really reliable. At around 10 o'clock the next morning, he brought more than 2000 people, and they were all dressed in black clothes and pants. The line of people lined up for a long time, and this momentum looked very amazing. Fortunately, Yang Xiaobao had already greeted Shan Benwei in advance yesterday, and their company already knew what was going on, otherwise they would have to scare them die.

However, such a long line still attracted many passers-by to watch, but many people recognized that these people belonged to the Spider Gang, the largest gang organization in Shanshui City, so the crowd watched silently and became more and more curious. Judging by the appearance of these people, they are going to attend someone's funeral. Could it be that some important person from the Spider Gang died?As a result, people who didn't know the truth gathered more and more, almost filling up the villas in Dadou Village.

However, when they came to the mourning hall temporarily built by Yang Xiaobao, after inquiring about it, they immediately understood that it was not the death of the leader of the Spider Gang, but a resident who had lived here for less than half a year. They all died, not only dead, but also very miserable. It is said that they were insulted and died by the leader of the Spider Gang. The reason why these Spider Gang members came to the funeral together was because the family had a powerful son. The name is Yang Xiaobao, I heard that he is still the elder of the Star Academy, his son killed the Spider Gang headquarters alone, and killed the Spider Gang to the ground, Ouyang, the leader of the Spider Gang, was afraid, and dared not come back .

And Yang Xiaobao slapped Miao Zhiyi, the eldest elder of the Spider Gang, into the hospital with a few slaps. Later, under Yang Xiaobao's persecution, he had to call more than 2000 gang members to come to the funeral. After the whole story, they were all sobbing and scolding Ouyang, the leader of the Spider Gang, for fear of being inhumane. At the same time, they admired the young man Yang Xiaobao. The deceased had such a powerful son to avenge them. Rest in peace.

At 200:2000 p.m., the enlightenment began. For a while, the sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums sounded immediately, and then the funeral convoy composed of more than [-] small vehicles followed a large truck with two pairs of high-quality nanmu coffins. Going forward, there are more than [-] spider gangs behind the convoy. The long team is dragging forward, which is truly spectacular.


Niu Shuzhen has been back to her hometown of Wanguo for more than half a year. In the past six months, she has been practicing the Nine Yin Yuan Jing every day without interruption. It is also in response to an old saying that heaven and earth reward hard work, and she has her unique Tianyin body Physique has also been cultivated to the first level of martial arts. This speed can be said to be quite astonishing.

In the past six months, Li Zuo, the eldest son of the Li family of the upper class family in Wanguo, has gradually recovered, but his cultivation is still at the same level, and he is still at the third level of Wu Yuan. As for the head of the Li family, he is on the way to Xingyunzong in half a year Missing, there has been no news for half a year, and it is not known whether he is dead or alive.

Therefore, the Li family's status as the first family in Wanguo has long existed in name only, while the medicinal materials business of the Niu family is booming, and has opened more than 50 branches in Wanguo. Not as good as the Li family, but with this momentum of development, catching up with the Li family is just around the corner.

Niu Shuzhen saw that everything was normal at home and the family business was doing well, so she decided to return to Starry Sky Academy, because she also had many questions about cultivation and needed to ask Master for advice. Lingyugu came out, and after returning, maybe I can see him right away. I haven't seen him for so long, and I don't know how Brother Xiaobao is doing. It's normal, how can a man as good as Brother Xiao Bao not have a woman around him?

When Niu Shuzhen thought of this, she suddenly felt a little nervous. It seemed that she had to go back early, so that Brother Xiaobao would not forget himself after a long time.Niu Shuzhen made up her mind and bid farewell to her parents immediately. Although Niu Xingming and his wife could not save their daughter from leaving, they did not keep her. After all, her daughter also has her own way, and it is impossible to stay with them forever. Therefore, they just told her to go out and be careful. Safety first.

Niu Shuzhen bid farewell to her family and went to Kunyu Country Shanshui City alone. This time she came back by taking the suspension train. Since the last time she took the train, Niu Shuzhen still feels nostalgic for this train. It was very satisfying. As for the speed, it was too fast. In just one day and one night, the train arrived at the railway station of Shanshui City in Kunyu Country.

Niu Shuzhen got off the train, and as soon as she set foot on the land of Shanshui City, she immediately felt a sense of intimacy. It can be said that this place is her blessed land and a turning point in her life. Here, she met two noble people, one It was her boyfriend who raised Xiaobao, and the other was her master, Dean Ling, and it was these two who changed her life.

After Niu Shuzhen walked out of the station, she hailed a taxi, and then said to the driver to go to Starry Sky Academy. The driver agreed, and then started the car and went straight to Starry Sky Academy. The business of taking taxis to Starry Sky Academy is more than double than usual.

As soon as Niu Shuzhen got into the taxi, she immediately remembered the first time she and Yang Xiaobao took the car to the Kaixuan Hotel. After thinking about it, she couldn't help showing a happy smile on her face.

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