Chapter 148 Give You a Mission

The eldest elder Miao Zhiyi had already gone to hell, but he was rescued by Yang Xiaobao's special pill. Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't really want to save his life. This person was an indirect accomplice in killing his mother and sister. How could he possibly want to save him? But in order to find out the whereabouts of Ouyang fear, he had to save him first, after all, only living people can speak, right?
And the elder Miao Zhiyi woke up quickly after taking Yang Xiaobao's special pills, but after he woke up, when he saw Yang Xiaobao, he almost fainted from fright. He is most afraid now Naturally, the person who raised Xiaobao was a murderer, because this Yangxiaobao was not only capable, but also did not play cards according to conventional routines. He could kill people with just a slap in the face. This method is really terrifying. The great elder Miao Zhiyi had had enough of the pain of slapping, and he didn't want to take it anymore, but now Yang Xiaobao came to the hospital with a lingering spirit, I'm afraid he couldn't help him anymore, who knew that raising Xiaobao Will he give him a few more big ears?
Yang Xiaobao saw that the elder Miao Zhiyi had woken up, and immediately said: "Since it's all over, sit up for me quickly, you still want to lie on the bed and pretend to be dead? If you are not honest, believe it or not, brother Shall I give you a few more ear scrapers?"

Miao Zhiyi originally wanted to lie on the bed and pretend to be unconscious, but when Yang Xiaobao said that he would slap him a few more times, he immediately sat up. He was really scared by Yang Xiaobao's slap, so, Hearing that he was going to be slapped, he immediately sat up reflexively, and the speed was not so fast.

This sudden situation immediately shocked the little nurse with her cherry mouth wide open, and she couldn't close it for a long time, because it was too unexpected and miraculous. When this patient first entered the hospital, the terrible injury, She also saw it with her own eyes. If you want to use an appropriate idiom to describe it, it would be horrible or horrible. I really didn't expect that after taking a pill from this dishonest guy It's alright, not only it's alright, but it's actually healed so quickly, so simply, so miraculously, what the hell is going on?This is simply to brighten the eyes of the blind, is it right?

Yang Xiaobao doesn't care how shocked the little nurse is. Of course, he still has considerable confidence in the special pills he made. If he learns to make alchemy, the effect will be even more astonishing and unbelievable, because The effect of the elixir is definitely not comparable to that of this special pill.

Now Yang Xiaobao saw that Miao Zhiyi, the elder of the Spider Gang, had sat up, so he asked directly: "Do you know where that old bastard Ouyang Fear is now?"

"I don't know." Miao Zhiyi quickly replied when she heard Yang Xiaobao's question.

"You fucking want to die, don't you? Believe it or not, brother, I'll give you a few more slaps. Since you are Ouyang's confidant, don't you know where he went?" Yang Xiaobao said while raising his hand. Raise your hands and make a posture to fight.

"Don't hit, don't hit, grandpa, don't hit, I really don't know." Miao Zhiyi, the eldest elder of the Spider Gang, said hastily. When he saw Yang Xiaobao raised his hand, he was so frightened that he couldn't even speak. ask for it.

"You're not telling the truth, are you? It seems that you really want to toast and not eat or drink as a punishment. Brother, I can save you, and I can continue to beat you to death. Do you believe it or not?" Yang Xiaobao Hearing that this guy still said he didn't know, he couldn't help being taken aback. Could it be that this guy really didn't know?But he wasn't sure if the guy was telling the truth, so he continued to bluff.

"Uncle, great uncle, I really don't know. Although I am the confidant of the leader, it is impossible to know everything about him. The leader is unwilling to tell me, so I can't possibly know. If I knew it, I would have told it early in the morning, and I wouldn't be able to hide anything, let alone deceive you." Miao Zhiyi said hastily.

Raising Xiaobao to see Miao Zhiyi like this, he must not know. I didn't expect that Ouyang was afraid that this old bastard really had a fucking way. He didn't even tell his confidantes his whereabouts. It's so fucking mysterious, to play missing so simply and thoroughly, does this old bastard know that my brother is going to seek revenge from him?ran to hide?But if he was really afraid, why didn't he destroy the corpses of his mother and sister?Why is that unsightly video played repeatedly instead of getting rid of it?

From the looks of it, Ouyang probably ran away in a hurry because he had encountered some urgent matter, so that he didn't have time to tell anyone. In fact, raising Xiaobao was only a half-right guess. It's still a big deal, but it's just that he committed the crime himself. I'm afraid that Ouyang wanted to experience a different kind of pleasure, but he didn't expect that Yang Xiangxiang would "drag the bottom of the pot" and bite his crime tool by the root. It made him lose his qualifications to be a man forever in this life, so he became disheartened all of a sudden. After all, now that his son is gone and the tools for committing crimes are gone, even if he wants to continue committing crimes, there is nothing he can do. If there is more than enough but not enough power, what can we do even if we have power?What fun is there in having endless wealth?Therefore, Ouyang was afraid that no one would tell, no one would tell, and besides, he would not be able to tell anyone about that place. This was the result of his prison life for several months, and this was his secret. Therefore, Ouyang was afraid that he would just leave quietly, and quietly went to the stone wall prison where he had been imprisoned for several months to concentrate on practicing.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help frowning at this time. There is no doubt that the clues to find Ouyang Fear have been completely cut off now. You must know that even Ouyang Fear's confidantes don't know, so it is even more impossible for others to know. So now there is no need to go to the spider to help other people.

However, since Ouyang Fear's whereabouts can't be found now, it is impossible to cut off the head of Ouyang Fear's neck to sacrifice to the spirit of his mother and sister. Yang Xiaobao then stared at the elder of the Spider Gang. Woke up, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to punish this person, while Miao Zhiyi was stared at by Yang Xiaobao, wondering what kind of idea this killing god would come up with to punish him.

Yang Xiaobao thought about it for a while, and immediately came up with an idea, so he immediately said to Miao Zhiyi, the eldest elder of the Spider Gang: "Brother, I will give you a task now. If you complete it well, you can spare your dog." Fate, if you don’t complete it well, you will definitely not be able to survive, nor will you be able to die.”

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