Chapter 122
"'Huanyang Jade'? In the future, what kind of treasure is this 'Huanyang Jade'?" Yang Xiaobao couldn't help getting excited when he heard Future's inexplicable joy, but he didn't know that this "Huanyang Jade" "What is it, therefore, hasten to ask the future.

"Dear master, this 'Huanyang Jade' is a very good thing." Future still said excitedly, but she stopped in the middle of her words.

"Well, how is it a good method? Or what are the subtle uses of this 'Huanyang Jade'?" Seeing the future, Yang Xiaobao only said the first half of the sentence, but didn't continue the second half, so he had no choice but to He continued to ask, and at the same time secretly wondered how he could learn to say half of the future and keep the half, which is tantalizing.

"Dear master, this 'Huanyang Jade' is an extraordinary product, because it is not only a panacea, but also a treasure of heaven and earth. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a panacea. As long as the patient still has a breath, use it It can be rescued, and it is even more worthy of the name if it is a treasure of heaven and earth, because it is the only main ingredient for refining the soul-returning pill, and this time the soul-returning pill is the best soul medicine, which can nourish, It is extremely precious to strengthen a person's soul." Future's pleasant voice then whispered in Yang Xiaobao's ear.

"I didn't expect this 'Huanyang Jade' to have the effect of bringing the dead back to life. It's amazing, and it's too heaven-defying. In the future." Yang Xiaobao heard that the "Huanyang Jade" was so precious, he was so happy that he couldn't speak. Speechless.

Yang Xiaobao waited for a while, seeing that Future did not answer, he immediately started to move, first cut these "Huanyang Jade" into square pieces with the Nebula dagger, and then with a thought, these cut into pieces The blocky "Huanyang Jade" was collected into the system space. I didn't expect that there were quite a lot of "Huanyang Jade" below. They have already collected 80 or 800 yuan and have not yet reached the end. Looking at this posture, it is estimated that You have to charge Qianer [-] yuan.

Yang Xiaobao was collecting while counting. Seeing the "Huanyang Jade" one after another being collected into the system space, he was already happy. When it was cut to 500 yuan, Yang Xiaobao suddenly found out In an abnormal situation, there is actually a large piece of red "Huanyang Jade" here, and the red is very bright, but the other "Huanyang Jade" is all blue, including the ones that have been collected into the system space.

After Yang Xiaobao discovered this special situation, he quickly summoned the future in his heart: "In the future, brother, why did I see a large piece of red 'Huanyang Jade', while the others are all blue, what's going on. "

"Dear master, developed, we are really developed this time, you know, this red 'Huanyang Jade' is 'Jade Heart', it is more precious than other 'Huanyang Jade' It's more than several times, I really didn't expect this 'Huanyang Jade' to give birth to a 'Yu Xin', this is so amazing." The beautiful voice in the future said happily in Yang Xiaobao's ear, because it was too much Excited, he even uttered a foul language.

"The future, is it true? This is too heaven-defying, this is too miraculous?" Yang Xiaobao heard that the red "Huanyang Jade" is actually more precious than other "Huanyang Jade" With the existence of times, my heart is even more excited, and my words are incoherent.

Yang Xiaobao was excited and excited for a while, then cut the big piece of "jade heart", took out an empty box from the system space, carefully put the "returning jade heart" in it, and then thought As soon as it moved, it was put into the system space, and the "Huanyang Jade Heart" was put away, Yang Xiaobao then started cutting and collected other "Huanyang Jade".

There are quite a lot of "Huanyang Jade" in this pool. Yang Xiaobao collected 99 yuan before harvesting all of them. After collecting the last piece, Yang Xiaobao jumped out of the pit contentedly, and Throw the dug up stones one by one back into the newly dug pit, so that the "Sun and Sky Stone" will not hang on its back.

Yang Xiaobao didn't stay here for long, just took a look at the huge "Sun and Sky Stone", and then walked to the depths of the canyon. After walking for about half an hour, this section of the cliff finally came to an end. After passing this cliff, I saw a small river. Unexpectedly, the scenery here is unique. The first thing that caught my eye was a waterfall pouring down from a high cliff. It reminds me of a poem by the poet Li Bai:
"Sunshine censer produces purple smoke,

Looking at the waterfall Kakezen River from a distance.

Flying down three thousand feet,
It is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days. "

Seeing such a beautiful scenery here, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help becoming a little intoxicated. If Li Bai came here for a visit, I'm afraid he would come up with some good sentences.

Looking at the clear and transparent river water and the waterfall rain curtain falling from the cliff, Yang Xiaobao suddenly remembered the Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave written by Master Wu Chengen in Journey to the West, and had a whim, the waterfall rain curtain Will there be a water curtain hole or something in the back?

As soon as the thought of raising Xiaobao came up, he immediately smiled spontaneously, and said to himself, "Thinking too far, thinking too far." However, just as he finished saying this sentence, he suddenly realized that A monkey jumped out from behind the rain curtain of the waterfall. After seeing Yang Xiaobao, the monkey was stunned for a moment, and then made a funny face at Yang Xiaobao.

When Yang Xiaobao saw the monkey coming out from behind the waterfall, he couldn't help feeling reckless, even a little unbelievable. Could it be that there is really a water curtain hole behind the waterfall?Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to take a look behind the waterfall to see what's weird inside.

But before Yang Xiaobao went in, he took a look at the monkey first, and after confirming that it was just an ordinary monkey, not a monster, he used the wind riding technique and floated towards the waterfall like a gust of wind.

In just a few breaths, I arrived in front of the waterfall, then passed through the waterfall, and looked at the back. I didn't expect that there was really a hole in it. The size of the basketball court is the same. On both sides of the hole, there is a stone table and several stone piers. Several monkeys are sitting on the stone piers and playing.

After these monkeys saw Yang Xiaobao, they were stunned for a while, and then they all called out at the same time. One brave monkey actually picked up a fruit on the stone table and jumped to Yang Xiaobao. , and then lifted the fruit high, obviously to offer the fruit to Yang Xiaobao.

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