Chapter 231 Surrender
Jiajie country.Qu Guan.

The long dragon came from afar, and in front of the team was a burly man riding a tall horse. There was a scar on the man's jaw, adding some heroism.

"Where are you now?" The big man turned his head and looked into the distance, wishing he could see the situation of the main city beyond the obstacles of mountains and rivers.

"General, there is Quguan in front of you. After passing through Quguan, it will take half a day at most to reach the main city."

A soldier next to him hurried forward and said.

This big man is Squall, the general sent by Jiajie Kingdom to Yizhao Kingdom.

"Half a day? Now the main city is in dire straits. I don't know what's going on. Send an order to let the soldiers speed up and rush back to the main city as soon as possible!"

General Squall waved his hand, and a soldier next to him nodded and ran back.The other person next to him hesitated for a moment, and then said: "General, we have been on the road for six or seven days in a row. The soldiers only rest for four hours a day, and they are exhausted physically and mentally. If anything happens... And, we will send out The spies who inquired about the news didn’t come back, maybe it’s up to now.”

Before the soldier finished speaking, General Squall snorted coldly, drew out the long knife at his waist, and directly chopped off the head of the soldier!
Then, without even looking at it, he continued to move forward, letting the headless body fall to the ground, being trampled by countless soldiers behind him!

"It's just that your body is a little tired, so you start to complain? You know, the motherland that gave birth and nurtured you is at stake! Your relatives and friends may be in the city! If you are one second late, they will be in more danger Whoever complains and shakes the morale of the army will end up just like him!"

General Squall shouted loudly, and then took the lead and rushed into the Quguan!
Wu Zhi was covered with rotten grass and leaves, lurking in the shadows of the forest.Beside them are tribal warriors dressed in the same way.Farther away, there are more ordinary soldiers.

These are all ambushing troops, and without exception, a strip of cloth is tied to their foreheads.Used to distinguish friend from foe.

5000 people from Commander Feite's side ambushed on the south side of Quguan.On the north side, there are another [-] reinforcements that have been contacted before.

As long as there is a signal, these 1 people will form an encirclement trend and rush out from the left and right
Just a signal!
Wu Zhi narrowed his eyes. Suddenly, a soldier nearby put his ears on the ground, listened carefully for a while, and then whispered to the people next to him: "They are coming!"

After a while, the news spread.

Wu Zhi narrowed his eyes, and his hand was already lightly on You Meng's sword hilt.

Due to the special terrain of Quguan, at most five people are allowed to pass side by side, so the team of [-] people has become longer.Coupled with the fatigue along the way, it is even more scattered.

In the dense forest on the left and right, there are shadows and greenery, but there are no birds chirping, giving people a sense of death and chill for no reason.

Some of the soldiers had ancestors who lived in the mountains and forests, so they already felt something was wrong.But people speak lightly, even if they have doubts, they are like a wave in the sea, unable to stir up any waves.

General Squall, on the other hand, cared about the motherland and was so anxious that he never cared about these details at all.

Then there is no more.

Turning a small [-]-degree corner, General Squall was about to move forward, when suddenly there was the sound of neat singing from a grass bone next to him.

General Squall felt that the voice was a little familiar, when suddenly, the grass bone was lifted, revealing ten magicians in red robes.

And then, a huge ball of explosive fire was condensed and bombarded heavily beside General Squall.

The flames swept across, covering the space with a radius of several meters. After a few fierce screams and neighs, everything returned to calm.

General, die in action!
In order to ensure the success rate of this operation, General Jerio even dispatched ten magicians to accompany the army!

Originally, these ten magicians only existed to block the road and serve as a signal to do something.

But unexpectedly, the anxious General Squall rushed to the front of the team!Although there were several personal guards to protect them, they were all burned to ashes under the indiscriminate explosive fireball!
The magicians made great achievements in one fell swoop, and retreated into the forest under the protection of the shield guards.At the same time, the ambush soldiers who heard the huge explosion made their move!

This is a fatigued division, coupled with the unfavorable terrain, the commander was killed immediately.

The right time, place, people and all are absent, is there any suspense in the result?

The answer is no.

When the ambush soldiers on the left and right rushed out from the woods on both sides of the road, the soldiers of Jiajie Kingdom panicked, and then, without any order, they could only try their best to meet the enemy.

But the momentum, physical strength and spirit of these soldiers, how can they compare with the ambush soldiers who are waiting for work?
Therefore, as soon as the two soldiers fought in this narrow terrain, seeing the seemingly endless ambushes emerging from the dense forest, the soldiers of Jiajie Kingdom collapsed.

Then, it was a big defeat!

The battle lasted for more than three hours, from sunshine to sunset. When the afterglow of the sun fell, there were corpses everywhere on this winding path, including soldiers from Jiajie Kingdom and De Klein. Ambush.But in general, the former still accounts for the majority.

Wu Zhi's body was covered in blood, which belonged to the enemy.Holding Youmeng in his hand, he stood among the corpses, surrounded by fifty soldiers who were also soaked in blood.

Naturally, Wu Zhi also participated in this battle, but he was just looking for some ordinary soldiers.He didn't have a sense of belonging to De Klein, so naturally he didn't need to work so hard, but even so, it was a killing.

A soldier was stabbed through the heart by Wu Zhi, blood spit out of his mouth and fell down.With an indifferent expression, Wu Zhi drew out his long sword and flicked it, the blood on his shoulder was wiped clean.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Wu Zhi's expression didn't change at all.

Just dead.

Seeing life and death too much, he began to ignore life.

Although these soldiers have no grievances or enmities with him, but if they have different positions, it is enmity and injustice!

I don't know when, Wu Zhi's thinking has begun to change.

Probably because of repeated stimulations and all the experiences, he slowly began to transform from a naive, naive, young otaku college student.

Although he still retains some moral bottom lines, he already possesses the image of some strong men in this world.

Excessive kindness, kindness, and innocence are all discarded!

In this world where the strong are respected, if you want not to be bullied, you want to control your own destiny.We must strengthen ourselves!
With a slight smile, Wu Zhi turned his head and cut off the neck of the soldier who wanted to sneak up on him with his sword. The temperament on his body finally changed slightly like a metamorphosis.

A day later, Commander Feite returned to the camp with [-] prisoners.

According to incomplete statistics, in this ambush battle, more than [-] enemy troops were wiped out, and more than [-] were captured. There were still nearly a thousand Jiajie soldiers who fled in the chaos.The casualties on De Klein's side were only five hundred.

General Jerio greatly praised Commander Feite, and then pressed the four thousand disarmed prisoners to the main city of Jiajie Kingdom!

"Master of the Jiajie Kingdom, listen carefully. I am General Jerry! Your Majesty is merciful and has decided to give you a chance. If you bow your head and surrender now, Your Majesty will grant you the title of Duke and confer you the title of Duke of Jiajie. And all the noble titles in the city constant!"

Jerio yelled loudly, and then waved his hands. The soldiers tied with ropes and kneeling behind the hundred captives in the first row swung down their swords in unison, beheading the hundred captives on the spot. !
"From now on, every 10 minutes, I will kill a hundred captives! There are four thousand captives in total. If you don't respond after killing them, it will be regarded as resistance! At that time, I, De Klein, will suppress the army. Once Break through this city wall and vent your anger by massacring the city!"

After a pause, General Jerio sneered and said, "This is an order from His Majesty King De Klein, please think twice, the Lord of Jiajie Kingdom!"

General Jerio's words were transmitted with special magic equipment, ensuring that the people above the city gate could hear them clearly.After saying these words, it was obvious that there were some minor riots above the city gate, but they were quickly suppressed.

Seeing this scene, General Jerio sneered and sat firmly on the high platform.

Another 10 minutes later, another hundred prisoners were pushed to the front of the formation.This time, these captives already knew their fate and resisted desperately, but only two soldiers pressed them one by one, and all resistance became futile.

Following an order, the snow-white knife light turned bloody, and a hundred good heads were chopped off.Some knives were a little blunt, and if they didn't cut off once, they added it again.The scene was so bloody and brutal that it was simply unbearable to look directly at.

"Isn't this too cruel? In this way, if the Jiajie Kingdom refuses to surrender and wants to fight to the death, under the threat of slaughtering the city, both soldiers and civilians will use all their strength. You won't be stingy with your strength anymore, will you?"

Wu Zhi was standing with the noble children accompanying the army this time, when he heard someone exclaim in surprise, he turned his head and saw that it was Aliwang, the son of the Minister of Military Affairs.No wonder there is such insight.

After laughing, Wu Zhi said, "If you think so, you're wrong. General Jerio's scheming is indeed remarkable."

Upon hearing this, Aliwang smiled when he saw Wu Zhi: "Oh. Can Earl Vijay give me some advice?"

Wu Zhi smiled: "I can't talk about advice, it's just a little personal opinion."

He pointed in the direction of the city: "Right now, this city is isolated and helpless. It is only a matter of time before or after the city is broken. The common people in the city may not know this, but the nobles must know it."

"If the general said: directly slaughter the city after breaking the city, then everyone in the city will indeed work together. But what the general said is that if you surrender, you can be exonerated. But this one will make people in the city It's starting to split."

"Subject to stubbornness, sooner or later it's just a dead end. But next to this dead end, if a life suddenly appears, then everyone must want to squeeze on this road. Even if they don't, they will definitely watch from the sidelines. It's not as strong anymore."

"Also, even if the leader of the Jiajie Kingdom is unwilling to surrender, the nobles in the city don't necessarily think so."

As he said that, Wu Zhi sighed: "The general's words have the effect of instigating rebellion, dividing, threatening, and alienating. It is indeed a wonderful move."

A group of nobles looked at each other, and then Aliwang smiled and said: "Then according to what the Earl said, will this city be destroyed without attack?"

Wu Zhi smiled: "I didn't say that. It depends on how many selfish nobles there are in the city. In addition, even if they don't open the city and surrender, when my follow-up reinforcements from De Klein arrive, the city will , It won’t last long. The general’s words can also make the nobles and monarchs in the city suspicious of each other during this period.”

Aliwang nodded, complimented a few words, and then said: "In the opinion of the Earl, this battle should be over soon. This time, everyone will fight with the army and be regarded as comrades-in-arms. So I am going to After we go back, we will hold a small celebration reception, I wonder if the Earl is interested?"

The corner of Wu Zhi's mouth curled up in a mocking angle.After all, it is a corrupt nobleman. Before the war is over, he has already begun to think about the future fun.

But Wu Zhi still nodded: "Of course, I'm naturally going to the banquet on time."

After solving the moat before, Wu Zhi found these nobles and paid a lot of money to buy the enemy's ears in the fortress before.

To put it bluntly, it is to use money to buy military merits from these nobles.

The price Wu Zhi offered was very high, and many nobles were moved, so they made a deal with him.This Aliwang is one of them.Therefore, they are a little familiar with each other.

There are six third-class military exploits bought from these nobles.Including the time the king promised to the nobles, and then Wu Zhi filling the moat was another third-class military exploit, adding up to eight third-class military exploits.

Then, the strategy of "besieging the city and fighting for aid" was proposed, which was a second-class military exploit.Although Commander Fett ambushed the imperial reinforcements, under the care of General Jerio, it was counted as a second-class military exploit.

In addition, the first-class military exploit that General Jerio promised to apply to His Majesty.All of them add up to one first-class work, two second-class work and eight third-class work!
It is extremely rare in the entire history of Wanguolin to gain so many military exploits in one battle, let alone De Klein.Generally speaking, it is possible for those who can obtain so many military exploits to be leading generals and the like.As for Wu Zhi's situation, it's simply unbelievable!

Of course, in the eyes of others, Wu Zhi's raging military exploits are due to his obsession with "fiefdom".This point has long been spread in De Klein's aristocratic circle.All the nobles knew that this newly promoted earl seemed to be very obsessed with the fiefdom.

But what they don't know is that the real meaning of these military exploits to him is game currency!
According to De Klein's military merit exchange rules, these military exploits can eventually be exchanged for two third-class merits, one second-class merit and two first-class merits.

Five hundred for third-class merit, one thousand for second-class merit, and three thousand for first-class merit.

It adds up to [-] game coins!It can be said that the harvest is not cheap!

Sure enough, when the seventh batch of captives were pushed to the gate and beheaded, the gate of the city finally opened wide, and then the lord of Jiajie Kingdom appeared on the city wall with a disheartened face.After murmuring for a long time, he finally uttered those two shameful words.


However, General Jerio was not careless. He first sent soldiers into the city, occupied the city wall, then disarmed the city, and finally entered the city with all the soldiers!

What happened next had nothing to do with Wu Zhi.General Jerio was busy taking over the city, while the nobles who accompanied the army wandered around the city with nothing to do, appreciating the exotic customs triumphantly as victors.

Wu Zhi was too lazy to care about those people's bragging rights. He expected that General Jerio would take over and rectify the whole city in a few days, so he directly found an inn and opened a room to take a bath.

Speaking of which, he has been with the army for almost half a month, either traveling in a carriage or staying in the barracks all the time. He cleans himself entirely with the magic item "Body Cleansing Spirit" commonly used by inland nobles.Although it can also keep the body clean, it always feels inferior to cleaning with water.

Wu Zhi still likes the feeling of hot water rolling over his body, taking away dirt and tiredness.

Instruct the shop assistant to boil hot water.It took Wu Zhi a full hour to take a refreshing hot bath, and finally walked out with a white towel wrapped around his reddened skin, thought for a while, and walked to the table , took out the "twin flower" that was in contact with Tai Long.

Just as she was about to pluck a petal, light footsteps came from outside the door, followed by a knock on the door.

Wu Zhi put the twin flowers into the ring, and then opened the door.

I saw a pretty girl standing outside the door, dressed in white clothes like snow, tightly sticking to the skin, outlining exquisite curves.The skin is fair and shiny, and the most important thing is to have a pair of bright and big eyes, as if you can blink water out of it with a light blink.

"you are?"

A blush suddenly appeared on the girl's cheeks, and she spoke very fast: "Guest. I don't know if you need it. As long as I have a gold coin, I can accompany you for a day. You can do whatever you want."

Wu Zhi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and stepped aside to open the door: "Come in."

The girl blushed again, then walked into the room cautiously, sat on the chair, and rubbed the corner of her clothes nervously.

Wu Zhi closed the door, smiled slightly, and walked to the girl.

The girl moved her body uneasily, but finally stopped still.

Wu Zhi stretched out his hand and placed it on the girl's white and tender cheeks. The tentacles were soft, as if stroking the most expensive silk, so close that one could even see the delicate and lovely features on the cheek.

The girl lowered her eyelids anxiously, her body trembled slightly, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

"How could a cute girl like you come out and do this?"

Wu Zhi asked softly, his palm had already slipped onto the girl's shoulder.

"Because uh!"

The girl raised her head slightly and was about to speak, but Wu Zhi's hand suddenly grabbed her slender neck and squeezed it lightly.

With a soft click, the lovely girl's eyes were filled with doubt and unwillingness, and she died.

".A cute girl like you can be a killer!"

Wu Zhi smiled coldly, then turned his head to look at the top of the beam: "Come out. The assassins of the Assassin's Guild still use such a despicable trick of seduction?"

(End of this chapter)

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