The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 178 The Devil Is In The World

Chapter 178 The Devil Is In The World

"Him?" Deng Chao was deeply impressed by this actor who has risen rapidly in recent years. He has watched several works starring him. There is no doubt about his acting skills. Even Deng Chao sometimes has to admire him. acting talent.

"Cheng Feng is indeed a talented actor, but I have seen some of his works. It stands to reason that he seems to have never played a villain in the true sense. Can he do it?" Duan Yihong does not deny Cheng Feng's excellence, but What if he is not good at portraying villains.

Cao Baoping nodded when he heard the words, this was also a point of his concern, but when he thought of the works played by Cheng Feng, he felt that the performance might not be good, and then said: "He is also kind enough to help, he and Lao Wang are filming in the same crew now, so it is Take time out of your busy schedule.

In this way, I will contact them at this meeting, and you will be responsible for your own role in the past two days, old Duan, so that's the deal. "

Now that the director has spoken, the two leading actors don't say much, just cooperate fully.

Two days later...

When Cheng Feng expressed his willingness to help with a guest appearance, Wang Yanhui hurriedly contacted Cao Baoping, and after confirming with him there.

Cheng Feng said hello to the crew, and immediately flew to Yunnan by plane.

Cao Baoping personally picked him up at the airport. He planned to clean up Cheng Feng and shoot in a few days.

Cheng Feng counted the time and found that there was limited time left for him, and he was busy returning to the Longmen crew, so he politely refused.

He also explained that the filming schedule of the movie he is shooting now is relatively tight.

Cao Baoping is not hypocritical. Originally, Wang Yanhui was a cameo with no pay, and so was Cheng Feng, who undertook the promised filming for Wang Yanhui.

People are kind enough to help, and the only thing I can do is to cooperate with all my strength.

Early the next morning, Deng Chao, Duan Yihong and some other actors stopped in a narrow hut.

A special seat for prisoners in the house, the camera is aimed at the prisoner's seat, has been prepared.

The actor playing the policeman is already in place, sitting opposite the prisoner's table. The scene layout is simple, just like the place where ordinary prisoners confess their crimes, without any other fancy atmosphere.

Seeing that everyone was getting ready, Cao Baoping said to Cheng Feng beside him: "Cheng Feng, I told you the trick last night. If you are not ready, it doesn't matter if you shoot again later."

"Okay, director, I'm ready."

Look at Cheng Feng again, wearing a yellow prison uniform, walked to the prisoner's seat alone, and sat down.

After stretching, a system notification sounded in my head: "The character is possessed!"

Then he nodded to director Cao Baoping.

Cao Baoping understood and shouted: "Start!"

Snapped!There was a crisp sound of the clapperboard, and the filming officially started.

In the lens screen, the angle of view of the lens is slightly shifted, which seems unprofessional.

This was specifically requested by the director. This scene is the video of the police interrogation. It is not shot with a professional camera method, but with the interrogation video as the standard, which is more realistic. This shooting method is often used in documentaries.

I saw that Cheng Feng's limbs were relaxed at this time, his face was loose, and his expression was a little listless.

"It was... when I lost money, they just, just, found me.

They told me, if!If I get the money back, they give me [-]%. "

Cheng Feng lowered his head slightly, as if recalling: "Uh... hiss... Then, I agreed. When I arrived in Su'an, I would call Adao and say that I am here.

It's... Ah Dao, after hearing this, he came to find me. "

Cheng Feng leaned back against the seat, wearing handcuffs, talking like a chatter, with a local Yunnan dialect accent.

At this moment, Cheng Feng's tone of speech was not as smooth as the other actors, but a bit stuttering. The whole person was indifferent and indifferent, which made people feel that this person was indifferent and careless at this moment.

With exhausted eyes and a resigned indifference, Cheng Feng continued: "I didn't expect to bring Xing Xiaofeng and... this... this Chen Bijue.

Then we arrived at the villa.

I just followed the house to look for it, look for it!Find!Find!After searching for a long time, I didn't find it.

As soon as I went upstairs, I saw a naked woman lying on the ground. "

Cheng Feng moved his body, shook his head, and said indifferently: "Hey! This Xin Xiaofeng!
Kill this woman!
Really, really dead! "

Speaking of this, Cheng Feng's eyes showed doubts and inexplicable excitement, together with a little childlike surprise.

For a moment, everyone present, at this moment, the hairs stand on end, just how indifferent this person is to life.

"This woman, that old man, old woman, shouting and screaming.

Alas... there is no other way, just kill them all. "

"Who made it?" the police interrogated.



"After that...we still want to go, go, go, we can't go.

It happened to be one, and there was one on the side of the wall, a wooden square.

I just smashed it to death with it. "

"Who did it?" the policeman asked.

"It's me too." Cheng Feng paused and sighed: "Oh... Actually, none of them can do it, they dare not do it.

Later, when we got to the reservoir, I said...

I don't care who helped whom with this thing now, but you all have to listen to me in the future.

Do what I ask you to do, otherwise, if I am so busy, I will, I will not help in vain.

If you are disobedient, then I will, don't blame me for being cruel.

At that time, they were horrified into that, they were so stupid.

To attack me, I think, this, these bastards, their hands are not soft at all!
The few of them must feel that Lao Tzu was killed by him. "

The interrogating policeman asked, "Did you not find them later?"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed!

He sneered, just a smile, a smug smile, without too many words, this smile reminded me of a sentence: Devils are in the world!

Without going into too much detail, it's enough to make your heart tremble and your spine chill.

"Hehe, don't look for it!" Cheng Feng continued with a smile, "I figured it out later, don't you think so?
Killed a whole family, right?
It must be a big event, it's good to die, this matter has happened!

Surely no one will come to me,..."

After a pause, Cheng Feng raised his chin and asked.

"You said, didn't you!"


Cheng Feng's dialect accent, the kind of stuttering in daily speech that is different from the lines, and a slight stutter, made people feel scalp tingling and goosebumps all over the floor.

It is very similar, in real life, the narration of the criminal's confession of the case.

Director Cao Baoping sighed in his heart that among the young generation born in the 1s, Cheng Feng is undoubtedly the No. [-]. His acting skills that are fake and real, and his relaxed performance are enough to aspire to the Central Plains.

Some of the other staff at the scene felt that they had just watched a real police interrogation process in a legal column.

(End of this chapter)

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