Chapter 363 Mission
This trip to the United States, there are several tasks to be completed.

First, go to the United Nations Headquarters to receive the award, representing the charity community in Daxia, and take home the trophy of the Ambassador of Love.

The second is to remove Lingling's danger, take her back to China, and persuade her to accept 6% of the group company's shares.

Third, help the little wife win the Oscar and get the first statuette in her life.

Fourth, defeat the trust group, settle the personal grievances with them, and let them be convinced that they lost, and never dare to revenge themselves.

Fifth, go deep into the tiger's den and try every means to obtain the artificial intelligence microprocessor and development technology of Luoma Company.


Ye Duan was very confused.

This is his first time in the United States, and he doesn't know anyone in the United States.

Apart from money, he has almost no resources at his disposal.

Can these tasks be completed?

Ye Duan is very confident!

Because he knows that America is a money society.

The phrase "the rich is the master" is simply the truth in the United States.

As long as you have money, you can buy everything you want.

Daxia people are more reserved, and sometimes they are too embarrassed to talk about money, so they can only sneak around in private.

Americans are completely different.

They will talk about money aboveboard.

To put it simply, everything in the United States is clearly marked with a price.

As long as you give enough money, you can get the results you want.

In the United States, if you have money, you can explore the seabed or travel to space.

You can even pursue immortality.

There is a report that a super-rich American has had his heart replaced 6 times in his life in order to live longer.

As a result of chasing money, America is also a violent society.

People can legally own guns.

Other countries quarrel or fight if they disagree.

In the United States, a disagreement means shooting each other with guns.

The sound of gunfire is endless every day.

According to reports, once in two or three days, there were more than 400 gun battles in the United States, resulting in the death of more than 100 people.

It would be unthinkable in other countries.

In the United States, this is normal operation!

Ye Duan's confidence to complete the task came from here.

Whether it's money or violence.

We are not afraid!
If you can rely on money and complete the task calmly, it is of course the best choice.

After all, Daxia people love peace by nature.

If not, then come hard.

As long as they are willing to spend money, there are as many desperadoes as mercenaries and killers in the United States.

Life and death are bearish, if you don't agree, just do it!
Ye Duan decided to do a big job in the United States to enjoy the madness and excitement of American society.

Ten hours passed.

The Gulfstream G700 business jet came to the skies over New York.

This is the largest city in the United States.

This is heaven and hell.

The legendary journey of Ye Duan and Ding Xueer begins...

"Uncle, I've finally arrived in the country of America, I'm about to be tortured to death by you~"

Ding Xueer lay on the window.

Looking at the super metropolis under his feet, he kept complaining.

Ye Duan pinched her face, and said angrily: "Cut, some people are duplicity, they are good-looking when they get cheap!"

"I don't have it anymore, you were the one who bullied me~"

The little fairy pouted.

He looked aggrieved.

Ye Duan was also affectionate in his heart, he hugged his little wife in his arms, and gently stroked the place where he pinched just now.

"Hey, baby, it's uncle's mistake. From today until I return to China, I won't bully you even once, okay?"

"Ah? Not good! Not even once, it won't work..."

"Then do you want me to bully you, or do you not want me to bully you?"

Ye Duan knew the name so well.

Deliberately teasing the little wife to speak her mind.

Ding Xueer really took the bait, she lowered her head and said shyly, "Uncle Scoundrel ~ Of course it's... I want to..."

"Then you are not allowed to say that I bully you again."

"I know, uncle, in fact, I... like being bullied by you..."

The little fairy was even more embarrassed.

He buried his head in Ye Duan's arms, and he didn't have the face to face anyone.

"Passengers, please fasten your seat belts, the plane is about to land at New York International Airport."

There was an announcement on the radio.

Ye Duan carefully checked the seat belt of the little wife again.

Ding Xueer held his hand tightly.

Soon, the plane vibrated slightly.

Then landed smoothly on the runway.

Huo Liqiang and others got off the plane first.

Members of the Blade Security Team and mercenaries are already at the airport.

Standing guard with submachine guns.

Then, Ye Duan led Ding Xueer off the plane.

Saw heavily armed security personnel.

The little fairy was also taken aback.

"Uncle~ It's scary, is America really as chaotic as the legend says?"

"I heard it was messy, but don't worry, we have so many people protecting us, it must be safe."

Ye Duan's voice just fell.

There were several abnormal noises on the nearby runway.


It was gunshots.

"Boss, sister-in-law, get in the car quickly."

Huo Liqiang and others immediately surrounded Ye Duan and Ding Xueer, and got into a bulletproof car.

Director Han Han got into another car.

Security personnel also acted immediately.

First, the defensive circle was narrowed.

Then boarded several commercial vehicles.

Guarding the bulletproof car from front to back, they left the airport quickly.

"Captain Huo, quickly send someone to investigate, what happened just now?"

"Yes, boss."

Huo Liqiang, who was sitting in the front row, immediately made several phone calls and arranged for someone to investigate.

Ye Duan hugged his little wife tightly.

I was very angry.

As soon as I got off the plane, I got off my horse.

It must be the work of the trust group.

These people are too arrogant in their territory!
Be sure to give them some color to see.

Looking at the shivering little wife in her arms.

Ye Duan quickly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, Xueer, we'll be at the hotel soon."

Ding Xueer was so frightened that she didn't say a word, and tightly held onto Ye Duan's hand.

At this time, Huo Liqiang's cell phone received several messages.

Quickly reported: "Boss, the investigation has been clear. It was our people who shot just now, and their target was William Scrun."

"Dung beetle? Didn't he fly back to America a long time ago? Why did he do it now?"

Ye Duan remembered that he had given the order to get rid of Scrum.

But why did he attack him here and now?
Huo Liqiang immediately explained: "Boss doesn't know something. Scrum didn't buy a ticket in advance. He took a connecting flight. It took nearly 30 hours to get to the United States. We took your private jet, which only took a dozen I arrived in New York in an hour, so the two planes arrived almost at the same time. You told me to kill Scrum as soon as he got off the plane, which scared you and my sister-in-law."

It turned out to be the case.

After working for a long time, it turned out that my own people were performing the task.

Only then did Ye Duan feel more at ease, and asked Huo Liqiang, "How is that dung beetle doing now?"

"Our people have already killed that guy."

"Okay, we must do a good job in the aftermath, and don't be caught by others."

"Boss, please rest assured that the assassination mission is carried out by a mercenary organization, and our Sharp Blade Security Team will never be found out."

After Huo Liqiang finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to Ye Duan: "Boss, this is another task you asked me to perform, and I just finished it."

Ye Duan took the phone and looked at it.

It is a small video of a commercial building exploding and catching fire.

"Is this the headquarters of the Trust Group?"

"That's right, you ordered that the moment you set foot on the land of the United States, you will hear an explosion at the headquarters of the Trust Group. I sent someone to install a remote-controlled bomb on the first floor of the headquarters of the Trust Group. The plane exploded, and this is the video just recorded."

"Good job!"

After listening to Huo Liqiang's report.

Ye Duan is very satisfied.

Now that I have come to the United States, I have to do some crazy things.

This is in line with the temperament of New York, a violent city.

The ancients said: When you go to the country, do as the Romans do.

When you arrive in the United States, you must follow the American way of thinking.

In China, a safe and happy country, one must not do things that violate the law and discipline.

Because everyone is right.

But if you continue to do this when you arrive in the United States, you will suffer a lot.

Because speaking the truth here is playing the piano to the cow!

The trust group has repeatedly attacked themselves, almost hurt Miaofei, and is planning to kidnap Lingling.

If you are kind to them after arriving in the United States.

It is the benevolence of women!

You will suffer a lot!
The ancients also said: Use the way of others to treat the body of others.

To deal with the trust group, it is necessary to strike harder.

They beat them to their knees and begged for mercy, convinced.

Only in this way can they be completely honest.

Don't dare to make trouble for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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