Chapter 334 Attacked
Just when Ye Duan and his apprentice were on vacation.

Qin Miaofei who is far away in the magic capital.

Just finished working overtime and came home from the company.

Sitting on the sofa.

No lights on.

All you can think about is Ye Duan.

This man is always so worrying.

But there is no news.

It can be seen that he is really sincere to himself.

I spent so much money to buy the courtyard house rented by my grandfather and give it to myself.

What a considerate and generous man.

However, when I miss him, I can't see him.

If only he could be by my side now...

Qin Miaofei curled up into a ball as she thought about it.

At this moment, the door of the bathroom suddenly opened.

Two black shadows flashed past.

Qin Miaofei was so frightened that she just wanted to call out loudly.

A hard object was pressed against her temple.

"Don't call!"

The black shadow issued a low order.

Qin Miaofei was so frightened that she slumped on the sofa and dared not move.

Trembling, he asked, "You... who are you?"

"Miss Qin, it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that you are ours tonight, haha."

"You...what do you want to do?"

At this time.

A gangster turned on a flashlight.

A strong light shone on Qin Miaofei.

I saw that her beautiful little face was already pale, and there were still two teardrops hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Hands clasped knees trembling.

The gangster saw that she was very frightened.

He also relaxed his vigilance.

A gangster pointed a gun at Qin Miaofei.

Another gangster sat beside her.

"Miss Qin, we know that you are a lady of everyone and have never been wronged. We didn't dare to offend you, but Ye Duan offended someone. We have no choice but to bully you. Please don't be angry, we also take Money works."

The gangster with the gun also laughed and said, "Yes, Miss Qin, we don't even dare to think about a beautiful woman like you, and we don't even have the chance to kneel and lick. Tonight I can only wrong you, haha."

Qin Miaofei understood what they meant.

I'm afraid I will lose my innocence tonight.

Tears are also streaming down.

Ye Duan, Ye Duan, who have you offended?

Where are you now?

Qin Miaofei's heart was all hopeless.

He shouted angrily: "You two bastards, even if I die, I won't take advantage of you!"

"Don't worry, Ms. Qin, we won't let you die. The employer has ordered us to find some happiness in you. Just make that boy Ye Duan sick."

The gangster sitting on the sofa squinted.

Ready to attack Qin Miaofei.

"Don't come here, you bastard!"

Taking advantage of her unpreparedness, Qin Miaofei kicked the gangster in the vitals.

The gangster sitting on the sofa let out an "ouch".

Crouching on the ground in pain.

The gunman put away his pistol and came forward aggressively.

"You stinky bitch, don't toast or eat fine wine."

Seeing that Qin Miaofei was about to suffer.

At this moment, several black shadows flashed past.

The headlights in the living room came on.

The two criminals have been subdued to the ground.

"Take them away!"

After the leading man in black issued the order, he turned to Qin Miaofei and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Qin, I surprised you."

Qin Miaofei still didn't recover, and asked nervously, "Who are you?"

"Miss Qin, we were sent by Mr. Ye to protect you. The gangster had a wooden warehouse just now. We were afraid of hurting you, so we didn't come out to rescue you immediately. Please rest assured that everything is fine now, our people I will always be there to protect you."

"Thank you, you go down first."

Qin Miaofei's mind went blank.

Grievance and helplessness welled up in my heart.

Lying on the sofa and crying...

Ye Duan didn't sleep well that night.

Woke up several times.

I always feel uneasy.

Apprentice He Shiping slept soundly.

Early in the morning.

Ye Duan got up.

Get ready to head outside on the deck for some fresh air.

As a result, he just walked out of the bedroom.

Then I saw a person waiting outside the door.

"Captain Huo, why are you here?"

This person is none other than Huo Liqiang, the captain of the Sharp Blade Security Team.

"Report to the boss, the subordinates are not effective, please punish the boss."

"What happened? Come, come, come and tell."

Ye Duan pulled Huo Liqiang to the terrace.

"Captain Huo, what's going on?"

"Boss, Miss Qin... was attacked last night."

"What?! What happened to Miao Fei? Is she okay? Is she hurt?"

Ye Duan was also taken aback when he heard this.

No wonder he didn't sleep well at night.

It turned out that something happened to Miao Fei.

Huo Liqiang quickly replied: "Boss, please don't worry, Miss Qin is not injured, and she is fine now."

"Captain Huo, what's going on, tell me clearly!"

Ye Duan was a little angry.

I was also very anxious in my heart.

Miao Fei was attacked unexpectedly.

He NND, who is tired of living?

Huo Liqiang reported the situation truthfully.

"Report to the boss, two gangsters sneaked into Miss Qin's house last night, planning to plot against Miss Qin. Members of our sharp blade security team found them immediately, but because the gangsters had a wooden warehouse in their hands, they were afraid of hurting Miss Qin, so They didn't attack immediately. Later, the gangsters were about to attack Miss Qin, and our people subdued them by watching the time."

"What? The gangster actually has a wooden warehouse? Is Miao Fei okay?"

Ye Duan was even more worried when he heard that the gangster had a gun.

It seems that this matter is not as simple as ordinary burglary.

It must be deliberate.

Huo Liqiang immediately replied: "Yes boss, the gangster did take the gun, but he didn't load the bullet. Don't worry, boss, Miss Qin was just frightened, and the two gangsters didn't even touch her fingers."

"What do the gangsters say? Who sent them?"

"These two gangsters have received professional training, and their mouths are very tight. At first, they were unwilling to confess. Later, I had one of them castrated, and the other confessed, saying that they were hired by an American."


Ye Duan's heart tightened.

Could it be related to Li Kaijing?

Aunt Zhong said that Li Kaijing had an illegal transaction with a consortium in the United States.

Could it be that the Americans knew about Li Kaijing's fate.

To revenge yourself on purpose?

But why did they choose to attack Miao Fei?

Ye Duan was a little confused.

Huo Liqiang nodded and said: "Yes, boss, the gangsters said that it was a task issued by an American to let them plot against Ms. Qin, so as to disgust you."

"What kind of Americans are they? Has the investigation been clear?"

"Reporting Boss, according to the current situation, I think the man behind the scenes may be the American who was beaten in Kyoto last time.

There are three reasons: first, last time we beat up the American, he might think of revenge.Second, this American wants to buy the house rented by Miss Qin's grandfather, so it is possible to find out Miss Qin's personal information.

Third, the criminals confessed that the Americans who hired them were doing business in Kyoto, and the mobile phone numbers that gave them orders were also from Kyoto. "

"That Mr. William who was beaten?"

Ye Duan remembered.

When I bought a courtyard house in Kyoto a few days ago, I did beat up a white-skinned American.

Will this guy hold grudges so much that he hires people to go to the devil's capital to commit murder?

Something always feels wrong.

Ye Duan was a little suspicious, but couldn't find any more clues.

Then arrange for Huo Liqiang to say: "Captain Huo, do a careful investigation, and you must find the real mastermind behind the scenes. In addition, you must send more people to protect my family."

"Don't worry, boss, I have recruited a group of newly retired special forces, and I will definitely protect the safety of Miss Qin and the others."

"Also, Lingling went to America alone, did you send someone there?"

Ye Duan thought of Jiang Yuling.

She is now in a tiger's den.

It's really worrying.

(End of this chapter)

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