Chapter 309 Visitation
Ye Duan saw her crying like pear blossoms and rain.

Also unbearable.

Anyway, she is also Xue'er's mother, one of her own mother-in-law.

I can't just watch her cry.

"Auntie, don't cry. If someone finds out, they will think I molested you."

"Mr. Ye, I'm so confused. I really don't know what to do...I also want to see Xue'er and Xiangdong, but how shameless should I be to have the courage to meet them? How many fathers and daughters are there?" Poor! One has never married and raised her daughter alone.

One has lost her mother since she was a child, and has never experienced the love from her mother... But I, ruthlessly abandoned their father and daughter and lived with others... I am a bad woman, a bad mother, woo woo Ugh... I really don't have the face to meet them..."

Upright officials can hardly break housework.

Ye Duan was also worried.

He couldn't judge whether Zhong Manru was wrong.

She just wanted to fulfill Ding Xueer's entrustment and help the little fairy find her mother.

"Auntie, nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, some things can't be blamed on you at all, if you want to blame it, you can only blame good luck.

Why can't people who love each other be together?Why were the flesh and blood separated?Why don't you have the courage to let go of everything in the past and face a new life again?

If I were you, I would immediately go to Xue'er and tell her the ins and outs of the matter. "

"What if Xue'er is angry and refuses to forgive me?"

"Then you should find a way to make up for your mistakes, let Xue'er feel the mother's love, slowly unravel her knot, and pray for her forgiveness? Now Xue'er wants to see you, but you are avoiding her, don't you Do you want to continue to make Xueer unhappy?"

Ye Duan's words.

Zhong Manru was touched.

18 years ago, I became a coward and left behind my first love and daughter.

Now, I have to be a coward myself.

Are you ignoring your daughter?

Do not!
Must see Cher.

Whether she forgives herself or not.

From now on, we must fulfill our responsibilities as a mother.

Zhong Manru wiped away tears.

Cheer up.

"Mr. Ye, can you take me to see Xue'er?"

"Of course, at seven o'clock tonight, Subei Hotel, I'll treat you, and you pay the bill."

"Okay, it's a deal."

"A word is settled!"

Ye Duan finally persuaded Zhong Manru and facilitated her meeting with Xueer.


in the afternoon.

Ye Duan came to the crew of "Detective Chinatown 6" by car.

Ding Xueer and a group of actors are filming here.

Director Chen Sicheng heard that Ye Duan was coming.

He also ran out of the director's booth in a hurry.

"Boss Ye is here to welcome you from afar, and welcome you from afar."

"Director Chen, you're welcome. Is the movie going well?"

"Thanks to Boss Ye, the filming of "Detective Chinatown 6" went very smoothly. Not only did Modu Films provide sufficient funds, but the acting skills of the actors are also online.

Especially Ding Xue'er, as expected of you who trained her personally, her acting skills are beyond words.I want to use one sentence to evaluate: Kill all the old drama bones in seconds! "

When Chen Sicheng mentioned Ding Xueer, his eyes lit up.

Thumbs up thumbs up.

When Ye Duan heard this, he felt a little funny.

If you say that Little Fairy's acting skills have improved, it's about the same.

Let's say she can instantly kill old actors.

Is it too exaggerated?

She is an 18-year-old yellow-haired girl who can instantly kill old actors when she is new to filming?
This flattery is a bit too much.

Ye Duan smiled and said, "Really? This is Xue Er's second movie. Is her acting really that good?"

"Boss Ye, if you don't believe me, follow me."

Chen Sicheng took Ye Duan to the director's studio.

Ding Xueer just happened to be filming a scene.

From the director's studio, he could see clearly.

"Boss Ye, you can see for yourself how Xueer's acting skills are."

Chen Sicheng stood beside Ye Duan with his hands on his hips.

A confident look.

Ye Duan also wanted to see the strength of the little fairy.

I want to see how her acting skills will be after she has mastered the skills of "Duxiuer".

Chen Sicheng yelled "Action".

Ding Xueer and other actors took their positions, and the filming began.

Ye Duan was stunned immediately after seeing it.

Is this a little fairy?

Acting is so good.

Whether it's lines or body language, or the expression of emotions, and the processing of micro-expressions.

All very professional.

It fits perfectly with the identity of the character.

It's almost like acting in his true colors.

Little lady, you are great!
Ye Duan looked at Chen Sicheng and said, "Director Chen, Xueer's acting skills are indeed not bad."

"What do you mean okay? It's just too good, okay? Boss Ye, this time Xue'er can be the heroine of "Detective Chinatown 6", I'm fucking lucky, haha."


Ye Duan was speechless.

Director Chen really had a personality, he even scolded himself when he was happy.

Ding Xueer's scene has been filmed.

Ye Duan was completely restless.

System sister is awesome!

The little wife who just learned how to film, after getting the performance mastery of "Du Xiuer", she can really kill the old actors in seconds.

The performance just now was not too good.

It is impossible to imagine that this is the acting skill of a freshman at the Shanghai Academy of Drama.

If it continues to be photographed like this, it will be difficult for the little fairy not to be popular.

It's sure to be an instant hit!

Director Chen Sicheng got a big deal.

From the very beginning of the filming of "Detective Chinatown 6", Xueer already possessed the proficiency of "Duxiuer" in acting.

Poor brother Hanhan.

When his new movie "Your Youth" started filming, Cher didn't know how to act.

Only halfway through the filming did Cher's acting skills make a qualitative leap.

The front and back are judged like two people.

I don't know if he has noticed how to explain to the audience after the movie is released in the future.

Ye Duan is worrying about Han Han.

Ding Xueer came to the director's studio with a few jumps, and asked in surprise: "Uncle~ why are you here?"

I saw the heroine come in.

Everyone left with a sense of humor.

They dare not delay the boss to pick up girls.

Before Chen Sicheng left, he squeezed his eyes on purpose.

My mind is very bad.

Ye Duan also unscrupulously joked with his little wife: "Let me check and see if you have done anything wrong."

"Hate~ What bad things can I do here?"

"See if you're carrying me behind your back and being ambiguous with the actor."

"Not at all! Bad uncle, I was told, I won't have physical contact with male actors."

Ding Xue'er raised her soft fist and punched Ye Duan in the chest.

Then she snuggled into his arms and said shyly, "Uncle~ I've already belonged to you, what else do you have to worry about?"

"Because you look so good-looking, I don't even feel safe."

"Don't tease me uncle, you are the richest man in China now, and you are so handsome. Many girls on the Internet are @你呀, it must be because I don't feel safe, right?"

"Then let me give you a sense of security?"

As Ye Duan said, he kissed his little wife.

Ding Xueer grasped it with both hands, almost suffocating.

This feeling of being pampered by an uncle anytime, anywhere.

It's so comfortable...

After being mouthed by Ye Duan for a while.

Ding Xueer filmed two more scenes.

It's all done in one pass, the performance is perfect, and there is no flaw.

After shooting.

Ye Duan invited his wife to dinner: "Let's go, Xueer, I'll take you to dinner."

"Okay uncle, I'll go and change first."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No~ you scoundrel~~"

Ding Xueer blushed with anger.

The uncle is too unscrupulous, and he has to follow him to change clothes by himself. He must want to take the opportunity to make money for himself.

This guy is really bad...

(End of this chapter)

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