Chapter 263 Donate generously
Sure enough, Li Kaiyun was a little anxious.

"I said, Uncle Neng, did you do it on purpose, madam... She has long since ignored me, so you just do what I tell you. It's not certain whether you can do it or not."

After Wu Neng heard it, he went down knowingly.



Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling's special plane has already arrived at the first destination.

Yanzhou, one of the famous old districts.

It is also the focus of this donation, and its significance is self-evident.

Jiang Yuling's arrangements can be said to be very attentive. Anyone who knows a little about history knows the status of Yanzhou.

It is an absolute holy place!

In this special year, Yanzhou is shrouded in a sea of ​​red.

There was an air of celebration everywhere.

Even the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

When Ye Duan got off the plane, he received a grand welcome.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome."

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome."

Officials at all levels in Yanzhou greeted the arrival of the richest man in Shanghai with flowers and applause.

This made Ye Duan feel more face, and his mood was extremely comfortable.

This is all thanks to Jiang Yuling.

Yesterday afternoon, she had already said hello to this place and told the governor of Yanzhou that the new richest man in Modu was coming to donate.

Naturally, the local officials did not dare to neglect and looked forward to their arrival very much.

Firstly, Jiang Yuling had a special status.

Secondly, Ye Duan has become an Internet celebrity and a famous philanthropist in China.

The God of Wealth from Shanghai, of course, has to take good care of him.

This is a great thing for the pie in the sky!

Jiang Yuling's original intention was not to pay attention to ostentation, but to build momentum.

Only when the local government pays attention to it, can donations be completed better, and some people with ulterior motives can dispel the idea of ​​corrupt charity funds.

The more open and transparent this kind of thing is, the more powerful it is, the more fair and equitable the donation project can be guaranteed.

Otherwise, half of the 10 billion donations can be used for charity, which is already thankful.

It is not without reason why the reputation of the Red-Cross-Character Society is getting worse and worse...

"Mr. Ye, Miss Jiang, welcome to Yanzhou."

The local chief executive shook hands with Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling respectively.

Other officials also shook hands with the pair.

Ye Duan unintentionally glanced at the crowd, and suddenly found a tall and mighty man wearing sunglasses standing among a group of elementary school students.

Ye Duan subconsciously felt something was wrong.

The man was nearly 2 meters tall and stood like a pillar among the elementary school students.

It's too fucking eye-catching!
At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

Is he a guard?

No, real guards don't look so rude.

This man had a beard and his skin was as rough as the bottom of a frying pan. He looked like a savage who had just descended from the mountain. How could he look like a guard?
There is only one possibility left.

He came to find fault or to spy on himself.

People's sixth sense is sometimes very accurate.

Although this thing can't be seen or touched, it is often very accurate.

Ye Duan's judgment was not wrong.

This man is Jia Tiezhu, the killer sent by Li Kaiyun to monitor Ye Duan.

Because he was still unmarried in his 30s, he was given the nickname Jia Bachelor.

He had just completed another mission in Yulin, north of Yanzhou - to get rid of a coal mine boss.

After receiving the new order from his master, he galloped all the way to Yanzhou.

Jia Tiezhu felt that this mission was very simple, it was just to monitor Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling.

Uncle Neng repeatedly told himself to be careful, it was really unnecessary!
The richest man in the magic capital doesn't even have a bodyguard.

Jia Tiezhu could see it clearly.

Except for the flight attendants, only two people got off the plane.

The man is so handsome, it must be Ye Duan.The girl is so good-looking, she must be Jiang Yuling.

The two look handsome, and they are a good match when they walk together.

Especially this young lady of the Jiang family, with a watery face, if she can marry her back home and become a wife, hehe, I will definitely not sleep every day.

Jia Tiezhu stared straight at Jiang Yuling with both eyes, almost crying out.

I have been a bachelor for a long time, and I can't look at beautiful women.

easy to get sick...

Bachelor Jia only focused on looking at the beauties from Shanghai, and forgot to pretend to be himself.

Unknowingly, he stood among a group of elementary school students, and was immediately spotted by Ye Duan.

"Lingling, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's get in the car quickly."

"Okay Brother Duan."

Jiang Yuling Bingxue was smart and knew something was going to happen, so she and Ye Duan hurried into the commercial vehicle arranged by the local area.

After the two sat down.

The car departed from the airport and drove to the city.

"Brother Duan, did you find anything just now?"

"Lingling, we may be under surveillance."

Ye Duan expressed his intuition.

"Surveilled? Impossible?"

"I'm just guessing. It's better to be careful next time. Let's make a quick decision and get out of here as soon as possible."

"Well, I listen to your brother Duan."

Jiang Yuling felt uneasy, and subconsciously lay down in Ye Duan's arms.

For women, a man's chest is always the safest place.

The car soon arrived at the Yanzhou Hotel.

The local governor has prepared a welcome lunch here.

According to the plan, the two will also stay in this hotel tonight and leave by plane early tomorrow morning.

Under Jiang Yuling's signal, the lunch proceeded very quickly.

In the afternoon, in the large conference room of the hotel, a ceremony was held for the richest man in Shanghai to donate to the old district of Yanzhou.

Of course, he would not directly call Ye Duan the richest man in Shanghai.

Instead, they call him the entrepreneur of Shanghai, the chairman of the Shanghai Charity Federation, and the chairman of the Shanghai Youth Chamber of Commerce.

After the local people in Yanzhou knew that Ye Duan was coming to donate, they quickly submitted a lot of projects.

In addition to traditional projects such as schools, nursing homes, poverty alleviation, and bridge and road repairs.

There are also new projects such as donations for the construction of e-commerce industrial parks, online celebrity live broadcast bases, and intangible cultural heritage inheritance.

Jiang Yuling frowned after reading the information.

This is really taking Brother Duan as the God of Wealth!

Charity or not, all sorts of nonsensical projects have been proposed.

"Brother Duan, how much do you plan to donate in Yanzhou?"

Jiang Yuling wanted to know Ye Duan's hole cards so that she would know what to do.

Pass the items that should not be donated.

"Is 100 million enough?"

Ye Duan looked at Jiang Yuling's itinerary on the plane.

Already roughly figured out the next plan.

There are a total of six old districts to be helped this time, and the charity fund given by the system sister has nearly 600 billion left.

If it is not enough, I can make it up to 600 billion.

In this way, each old district is exactly 100 billion.

If I come out to do good deeds in the name of charity, I can't spend all my money on my little sister's money, right?

"Enough, definitely enough."

After hearing this, Jiang Yuling couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Brother Duan, brother Duan, you always donate 100 billion to 100 billion every time.

Want to scare your baby to death?

You are so forthright, no wonder so many beautiful women surround you.

She is so loving and charming!

Ye Duan didn't have the time to enjoy Miss Jiang's admiration, he just wanted to end it quickly and return to his room to rest.

Last night, I fell in love with Miss Conch.

It's time for a good rest.

(End of this chapter)

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