Chapter 214 Happy Day

So far, the six birthday surprises that Ye Duan gave to Little Fairy have all been fulfilled.

Ding Xueer enjoyed wave after wave of surprises.

At this moment, he is snuggling tightly in the arms of the uncle.

Trying to calm the restless mood.

But things backfired, the more I thought about it, the more excited I became...

The whole magic city is also crazy.

The message "Ding Xueer, happy birthday" is displayed everywhere.

Everyone is talking about Ding Xueer's birthday.

This topic caused a carnival across the Internet.

As long as they are smartphone users, almost everyone knows Ding Xueer's name.

Ding Xueer has become a well-known princess.

That's right, the princess!
Only a princess deserves so many surprises.

Ding Xueer finally couldn't control her emotions.

Holding the uncle in his arms, he burst into tears.

"Woooooo...I'm so happy Dad, thank you, thank you, thank you, it's not enough to say it ten thousand times..."

The little fairy was completely moved by the birthday surprise that the uncle prepared for her.

Which girl can stand such indiscriminate bombardment?

Any surprise is enough to capture the heart of any girl.

Not to mention six?

A real princess in the world might not be able to enjoy this treatment.

Ding Xueer was crying like pear blossoms and raining, and she couldn't wait to repay her uncle's favor...

Ye Duan ran around all day yesterday.

Prepare a birthday surprise for the little fairy.

In fact, he had already started planning before that.

All six birthday presents are special.

The first surprise was to invite director Zhang Yimou to tailor a new movie for Little Fairy.

Together with "Detective Chinatown 6" directed by Chen Sicheng, the total investment is expected to exceed 10 billion.

The second is to set up the Ding Xueer Scholarship at the Shanghai Academy of Drama, which is also 10 billion.

The third is to transfer all the equity of the company in Jinhai’s hometown to the name of Little Fairy’s father Ding Xiangdong, with a value of more than 10 billion yuan.

The fourth is to let the little fairy become the hostess of Disneyland. The total investment of this park is as high as more than 300 billion.

The fifth is to name the Voice yacht Cher, and the purchase of this submarine cost 6000 million euros.

The sixth surprise is to buy all the outdoor advertising screens in Shanghai, as well as the light show on the Bund, and find 52013 drones for drone flight performances.

For Little Fairy's 18th birthday, Ye Duan can be said to have invested regardless of cost.

Can love be measured by money?

Isn't a cute girl like Little Fairy more fragrant than a long string of numbers on a bank card when she is held in her arms and pampered as a baby?

Money can be punched to the card in a steady stream.

This is the only little fairy on the whole earth.

If he hadn't been knocked down by the little fairy, he might still be a worker in the devil's capital now.

Ye Duan thought very clearly.

For the rest of my life, I will pamper the little fairy like a child.

Besides these six surprises, Ye Duan also has an invisible gift to give to the little fairy.

But you can't give it to her until bedtime.

Ding Xueer was dazzled by six surprises.

Plus a few glasses of red wine.

The melon seeds in the head are also dizzy.

I couldn't stand still, and I just stuck to the uncle and couldn't get off.

Ye Duan carried her to the open living room on the third floor.

Sit down on the soft sofa.

The little fairy rested her head on the uncle's arms.

The two of them listened to the music played from the speakers and quietly enjoyed the sweet night time.

"Xue'er, I didn't give you any presents for your birthday this time, you won't blame me, will you?"

"So many surprises are more precious than any gift, how can I blame you, uncle?"

"But I didn't give you jewelry, I didn't give you a bag, and I didn't give you a sports car and a mansion."

"Didn't you give me a lot before, I don't need sports cars and mansions."

Ding Xue'er walked on the uncle with both hands, and continued: "Uncle, I know your heart for me, I am not a fool, I know how precious these surprises are, even if I will be your slave for the rest of my life, I will not be able to repay you." One in ten thousand."

"Then make me a slave for two, three, ten thousand lives, haha."

Ye Duan couldn't help kissing the fragrant little fairy.

The ruddy little face looks more and more beautiful.

I really want to take a bite.

Definitely plump, juicy and delicious.

Such a simple-minded little girl must be loved and loved, and she must not be changed.

Ye Duan thought very clearly.

The little fairy cannot be separated from the big environment of the campus.

Once she enters the society, it may be difficult to maintain this student atmosphere in her body.

So you can't give her a sports car mansion.

Just let her live in the dormitory.

When not filming, let her get along with her classmates day and night.

Once you move to live off-campus, you will not be able to get the influence of the pure land of the campus.

This edification may not be seen or felt.

However, students and non-students are two different identities, which can be easily distinguished once contacted.

Ye Duan wanted the little fairy to continue to maintain her pure and innocent aura.

This is the most attractive thing about her.

The most precious thing!
Ding Xueer lay in the uncle's arms, groggy and trying to fall asleep.

Ye Duan called the driver: "Drive the yacht out of the Huangpu River to the designated sea area, tell the small yacht to let them set off together."

"Good boss."

Half an hour later, the yacht Xue Er appeared in a quiet sea off the coast.

I saw a bright moon hanging in the sky.

The sea is calm and the moonlight is like water, shining brightly.

Ye Duan's phone rang.

The driver called: "Boss, the yacht has already berthed. Do you have any instructions?"

"You go back on a small yacht, and come here at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to stand by."

"Yes, boss."

After getting the order.

All the people on the yacht returned to another small yacht.

Only Ye Duan and Ding Xueer are left on the Xueer.

"Xue'er wake up soon, it's time to take a bath."

Ye Duan carried the little fairy to the main cabin and put her on the big soft bed.

It is comparable to a luxury suite in a five-star hotel.

All kinds of facilities are available.

Ding Xueer opened her eyes and looked around.

Asked curiously: "Father, where are we? Is it a hotel?"

"Hey, we're still on the yacht."

"On a yacht? No way?"

Ding Xueer got off the bed and ran to the window.

Looking around, it really is an endless sea.

The city in the distance is brightly lit.

"Wow! Dad~ Are we going to spend the night at sea?"

"Yes, are you surprised, are you surprised, do you like it?"

"It's a surprise, it's a surprise, I like it so much~"

Ding Xueer jumped into the uncle's arms.

The girl's romantic heart has been satisfied like never before.

To be able to leave my first love on such a luxurious yacht in the spotless sea.

I'm afraid I will never forget it for the rest of my life, right?

Ye Duan also smiled happily.

It's really pure here.

After buying the Voice yacht, I have never slept on it.

And the little fairy is the first time.

It just so happened that it was also the first time for the little fairy.

This is very memorable.

"Let's go take a shower together."


Ding Xueer nodded shyly.

Ye Duan hugged the princess and took the little fairy to the bathroom.

The round smart bathtub is already filled with hot water.

The temperature is just right too.

(End of this chapter)

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