Chapter 212 Birthday Dinner
In the sky above the stage, golden lighting illuminated the big words "Happy Birthday".

Ding Xueer's photo was displayed on the huge display screen.

The speakers all over Disneyland played the happy birthday song.

"Happy Birthday……"

The crowd below the stage sang along.

Soon, 18 candles were lit.

Ding Xueer's face was filled with a youthful smile, and her little heart was pounding with excitement.

"Make a wish."

Ye Duan stood beside the little fairy.

Handsome and handsome.

At first glance, it is her flower protector.

Ding Xueer glanced affectionately at her uncle.

Close your eyes and put your palms together.

Make a wish before the cake...

Ding Xueer was in front of the fantasy fairy tale castle in Disneyland under the witness of thousands of people.

I made a wish for my 18th birthday.

Then he opened his eyes and blew out the candle.

Shocking cheers immediately erupted at the scene.

"Ding Xueer, happy birthday!"

"Xue Er, happy birthday!"


Ding Xueer looked into the crowd and found many of her classmates.

He also hurriedly greeted them and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Today is your birthday, and your boyfriend invited our whole class to Disneyland."

"Yeah, your boyfriend is so generous!"

"Xue'er, you are so lucky. You have found a handsome and romantic boyfriend. We are almost envious of you."

"And he's so rich!"

"Ask him for me if he has an older brother or younger brother. I want to be a princess too."


Everyone praised Ye Duan all over the place.

Ding Xueer thanked her classmates.

Returning to the uncle, he said affectionately, "Thank you, uncle, I will never forget this day in my life!"

After speaking, he lay in the uncle's arms.

"Kiss one!"

"Kiss one!"

There was booing from the audience.

Ding Xueer raised her head shyly, and looked at the uncle bewilderedly.

Ye Duan held her face in his hands and kissed her small mouth without hesitation.


The crowd in the audience boiled again.

The staff helped cut the cake into small pieces and distributed them to the audience.

Someone almost fought for the cake...

The topic of Ding Xueer's birthday at Disneyland became a hot search again.

There may be girls celebrating their birthdays in this fairy tale world every day.

But at most, celebrate secretly with your boyfriend.

You can't even bring in a birthday cake.

And Ding Xueer celebrates her birthday.

There was a grand firework show.

Happy Birthday sang throughout Disneyland.

In front of tens of thousands of spectators, birthday candles were lit on a nine-story birthday cake.

In front of the fantasy fairy tale castle, a wish was made.

Tsk tsk tsk, such a romantic birthday is probably unprecedented.

Many girls are sour after seeing the hot search.

Some female stars couldn't help being envious.

Although they are very famous and not short of money, it is basically impossible to have such a birthday.

I can only envy and hate...

The two showed their affection.

Ye Duan embraces a princess.

He carried the little fairy off the stage and went into the car.

With one kick of the accelerator, the Lamborghini starts to drive fast.

Ding Xueer stretched out her head and kissed Ye Duan.

"Uncle, where are you going to take me?"

"Go to sea!"


Ding Xueer was speechless.

Just came down from the clouds.

Now the uncle is going to take himself into the sea again.

Is there any romance that he can't think of?

However, it's getting dark, why go to sea?
Ding Xueer tilted her head and asked, "Uncle, you don't mean to take me to dive to catch fish?"

"Catch fish? Haha, yes, yes, we are going to catch a big whitebait!"

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he also laughed out loud.

Ding Xueer looked at the uncle, confused again.

It's so exciting to dive to fish at such a late hour...


The two came to a yacht dock by the Huangpu River.

It was already dusk.

When the lanterns come on, both sides of the Huangpu River are bright.

"Wow! Uncle, look, this yacht is so big!"

Ding Xueer pointed to a large yacht on the shore.

Can't help watching it.

Ye Duan followed her words and said, "It's really not small, it's several times bigger than the yacht next to it."

"Yeah, and it has beautiful lines, like an alien spaceship."

"Little fairy, close your eyes and I'll catch you a fish."

"Fishing? Here? All right."

Ding Xueer obediently closed her eyes.

Ye Duan took her to the dock next to the yacht.

"Okay, you can open your eyes."

Ding Xueer opened her eyes.

Seeing that the uncle was empty-handed, he asked, "Uncle, where is the fish you caught?"

"No! Look!"

Ye Duan pointed to the words on the big yacht and said.

"The Cher..."

Only then did Ding Xueer see clearly the large characters on the yacht.

Is it?

"Uncle, is this yacht the fish you caught?"

"Clever! Haha, this fish is your fifth birthday present."


Ding Xueer wanted to cry again, and hugged the uncle tightly.

Which girl can stand such a surprise?

Such a big yacht is actually named after him?
In the future, there will be a yacht named Cher on the Huangpu River.

It's unbearable to think about it.

Ye Duan hugged the little fairy and was also very happy.

My thoughts were not in vain.

Change yacht Voice to yacht Cher.

As a birthday present for the little fairy.

It must be able to satisfy her woman's heart.

Women all over the world are the same, they like the sea and yachts more.

So the rich second generation also often use yachts to pick up girls.

Especially for some female anchors, basically every catch is accurate.

Ye Duan didn't intend to catch Ding Xue'er.

But in order to make the little fairy happy.

He can give her the most luxurious and expensive private yacht in China.

"Come on, I'll take you up there."

Ye Duan held the hand of the little fairy and came to the yacht.

Drivers and attendants are already on standby.

Standing on the deck shouted in unison: "Welcome boss!"

Ding Xueer was puzzled: "Uncle, why are there so many people?"

"Hey, this is a big guy with a length of more than 60 meters. It has 5 decks, so it is equipped with 12 crew members and 16 waiters. Otherwise, we would not be able to drive away at all, and we would not be able to touch the southeast, north, and south."

"So this is ah."

Ding Xueer looked dazed, but she looked quite cute.

At this time, the pilot and co-pilot came to Ye Duan and asked whether to set sail.

"Let's start the boat and take a circle on the Huangpu River first."

Ye Duan gave an order, and the crew took their positions.

The yacht Cher started slowly.

Ye Duan brought Ding Xueer to the open-air platform on the second deck.

A dining table and two dining chairs come into view.

Flowers are placed here and there, and candlesticks with lampshades.

Ye Duan and Ding Xueer sat on the dining chair.

There was only cutlery on the table, no food of any kind.

"Xue Er, how about we have your birthday dinner here today?"

(End of this chapter)

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