Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 335 Is Luo Yan Short of Money?

Chapter 335 Is Luo Yan Short of Money?
The scribe didn't lose his inch in the praise of everyone.Instead, after rejecting the invitation, he went back to the case and carefully read the above text.

Although the servant was a little curious about what the scribes did, after all, the other party was an acquaintance of Luo Yan, and he was just reading, so he didn't touch the paper, so he didn't stop him, and allowed him to read the content on the paper repeatedly.

Seeing the strange behavior of the scribes, people no longer doubted the authenticity of the words in their hearts.

It took almost two minutes for the guy from the east to arrive.When he squeezed into the crowd out of breath, he immediately called out, "Where is it? Where is Cheng Guogong's handwriting?"

As if amused by the guy's monkey-like face, everyone laughed: "The ones on the table are just fine."

When the guy approached, the scribe also stopped watching, nodded towards the guy and the surrounding crowd, and then left in a path that people gave way to.

Compared with the casualness of this shopkeeper and that scribe, the guy is much more cautious.He took out a piece of paper from his pocket, put the piece of paper in front of the writing, and stared at it several times carefully from beginning to end.After a long time, the guy put away the piece of paper, cupped his hands towards the shopkeeper, and said, "Shopkeeper Dong, my boss told me before I came here that if it is the authentic work of Duke Cheng, I hope shopkeeper Dong can get it." To sell him face, give him this painting."

It stands to reason that this little shopkeeper cannot refuse the request of a fourth-rank servant.But even though things are here for him, it doesn't mean they belong to him.Shopkeeper Dong gave a wry smile: "I want to sell this face to your proprietor, but I haven't received this item yet. At most, I won't participate in the subsequent bidding. Others, you still think about what to do." Tell the group of people around you well."

The guy looked at the group of people around him, many of them were regular customers of their store, and all of them were not short of money.Even in terms of power, the proprietor of his own family has to carry shoes for the masters behind others.

So the shopkeeper's wry smile became the guy and he looked at each other wry smile.

The crowd of onlookers didn't care about the emotions of these two people, and shouted: "Whether you two want it or not, we will bid." Then they all shouted at the servant: "Xiao Langjun, what do you want? The price, just say it."

All of a sudden, the lively bidding scene began.

Not to mention the tortuous process in which the steward of Li Daozong's family, the king of Rencheng, spent more than 1000 pens before buying this calligraphy.But it is said that the scribe just now stood in front of the calligraphy for a long time, returned to Kong Yingda's mansion, and immediately began to write silently in the study.

But just before the buddy came, the scribe had been reciting Luo Yan's article, and when he left, it was time to memorize the whole article verbatim.

Even if you can't get the original work of this kind of strange writing, you should share it with your boss and friends as soon as possible.

"The Dao has no size, and it is not taught today. ... That is why there are no books in the previous world, but the Dao is enlightened. There are few books in the middle ages, but the Dao is clear. There are many books in the next world, but the Dao is dead. If the heart is like, the book is like soil, and the branches and leaves come from the fruit instead of coming out. If you are in the soil, you are not satisfied with the books, but you are giving up the seeds and looking for the branches and leaves in the soil."

When Kong Yingda returned home after working in Guozixue for a day, he happened to hear his guests reciting these words to each other in the courtyard.

Although there were so many people talking, Kong Yingda was already very surprised after hearing only this sentence.Among my guests, there are indeed many great talents, but there are only a few who can say such words.

Who is it?
Clapping her hands in admiration, Kong Yingda walked into the group of guests and said with a smile: "There are so many books on the next world and the Dao is dead. It's not just who wrote this kind of article, it should be clear tonight. But, just this sentence, It makes my heart itchy for the old man, I don't know if there is a full text, so that I can have a quick look."

Although Kong Yingda is extremely stubborn in his political views, he is open-minded and open-minded in daily life, especially when talking about literature.Numerous guests have long been familiar with the host's temperament, and they also laughed at the moment: "Just this one sentence, I will make my host explain everything, and if I get a glimpse of the whole picture, I will linger in that drunken land for ten and a half months."

"Wouldn't it be nice to have such a good thing." Kong Yingda laughed.

While joking, someone handed the article written silently by the scribe to Kong Yingda.Although the handwriting is not as famous as Luo Yan's, but this person's temperament is also free and easy, following the example of the two kings, the handwriting is also elegant.

Kong Yingda has a hobby in his life, that is, when he reads an article handed down from generation to generation, he can't help but read the elegant words again. However, it would be good if Kong Yingda can have a dozen or so articles a year for the articles of the current generation.And among the dozen or so chapters, only a few meaningful sentences were selected and recited. If it is a long passage, it is rare to see it once in a few years.

But today Kong Yingda just glanced at the words on the paper, and immediately shouted: "I can't help it, bring the wine." Then, regardless of the person who went to get the wine, she opened her mouth and read from the first sentence.

After that, it was even more eloquent, like a river and sea pouring down.

"The ancients learned things after nine years, learned people after 20 years, and learned heaven after 30 years..."

Eloquently, after reading the words, only Kong Yingda's extremely pure and elegant words echoed in the entire courtyard. Even the guests who came back from fetching wine were deeply attracted by the wonderful voice and content.

Kong Yingda, an old man in his 50s, recited a thousand-word article in one breath without panting.After reading the last sentence, "You can't be the ultimate, don't talk about learning", Kong Yingda shouted again: "Come on wine."

The guest who came back from fetching the wine came back to his senses, brought over a set of wine utensils and fine wine, and poured it for Kong Yingda.

"Good words, good articles. My Confucianism has been silent for so many years, and I have always attacked each other in the pattern of classics and biography. Today's article, although I learned from Confucius and Mencius, has new changes. Hahaha, it is worthy of my Confucian family Xiang Sheng, with such a talent, he should be a teaching assistant of Guozixue."

What Xiang Sheng was talking about was the Qing Dynasty scribe who copied the article.Kong Yingda knew the handwriting of all the guests in the whole house, so he could tell who wrote it at a glance.

"It's a student of Zhesha. If it's written by a student, I don't want to be humble. It's just that this article is just memorized when I saw someone selling Cheng Guogong's handwriting at the market. " Xiang Sheng smiled wryly, and went forward to explain to Kong Yingda.

"What? Jinzhi?" Kong Yingda was surprised at first, but soon relieved: "I don't want him to live in seclusion at home, but he has made such progress. But, are you sure it was written by Luo Yan?" Regarding this point, Kong Yingda still Choose carefully.

Xiang Sheng smiled: "The master also knows the origin of the student. He had been looking at Cheng Guogong's handwriting every day for the previous year. How could he admit his mistakes? If the student hadn't been shy in his pocket, he would definitely have such a good article in his pocket. In desperation, I can only memorize it and write it down, so that my master can appreciate it."

"Well done. Hahaha." Kong Yingda laughed when he heard the words: "Boy Luo's handwriting, with my old man's face, it is not easy to want. Only this kind of article, if you can't see it immediately, then It's a pity. Xiang Sheng, you have such eyesight, which shows that you are not low in talent and learning. After a while, I will recommend you to the official department."

Although Xiang Sheng loves learning, it is also the pursuit of scholars to embark on an official career. He was also happy to hear Kong Yingda's promise, and thanked Kong Yingda repeatedly.

It was night, Kong Yingda wrote the paperwork for asking for leave, and asked his servants to send it to Guozixue early the next morning.Then, a feast began in the Confucian Mansion.

Although it is a joke to indulge in drunkenness for ten and a half months, it is true if you meet a good article and drink it.When Kong Yingda woke up again, the old man shook his slightly sore head, washed up, and then someone sent him to Luo Yan's house.

Kong Yingda nodded in satisfaction, seeing that there were still plains hanging on the door of the Duke's mansion.Luo Yan did not lie when he said that he should keep his filial piety.But yesterday's manuscript appeared very strangely, Kong Yingda wanted to ask if Luo Yan was short of money again recently.

A gentleman has the meaning of making money. If Luo Yan, an old friend's favorite disciple, lives in such a difficult situation that he wants to sell calligraphy and paintings, it would be unreasonable.

The front of the door was cleaned quite clean, stepped on the steps to the door, patted it, and in the blink of an eye, the door opened a crack.Seeing the old man in front of him, Menzi hurriedly invited him into the mansion.

According to Luo Yan's habit, he was studying in the study at this time.Hearing that Kong Yingda had come, although he had some doubts in his heart, he didn't slack off on his feet and hurried to the living room.

As soon as he entered the door and saw Kong Yingda standing there admiring the calligraphy and painting, Luo Yan hurriedly walked over to him and bowed to him: "Master has been waiting for a long time. I have been staying at home for a long time, and I am a little lazy. Please forgive me." Luo Yan smiled and said, "I am so envious of you being so idle."

Knowing that Kong Yingda was teasing him, Luo Yan smiled and asked Kong Yingda to sit down.

"I don't know why Master came here?" Luo Yan asked curiously.

"Jinzhi, tell me honestly, is your family struggling recently? Lack of money and goods, even if you ask someone to come to my house and tell me, why should such a good article be left in the hands of a group of arty people? It's really a pity. "On the one hand, Kong Yingda blames Luo Yan, but on the other hand, he regrets the article.Although I said that I did a good job in front of the guests, it is still a pity that I can't see the original manuscript after all.

Luo Yan was baffled by Kong Yingda's words, fearing that Kong Yingda was overwhelmed, he hastily explained: "What is the master saying, although I am at home during this period of time, I still have food. Although I can't be extravagant, I can't Lack of money as the master said."

"Then why did your handwriting end up in the market?" Kong Yingda asked back.But then he said very happily: "But it's okay, if it wasn't like this, how would I know that your talents and studies have improved." After finishing speaking, he looked at Luo Yan with great satisfaction and laughed.

But Luo Yan was at a loss at the moment.

 Thank you Qing Tian Hate Hai Yi Gu Hong, Xi Xi, book friend********, Shan Qingying, Tian Xin Luo Yu for their rewards.This chapter is free, as an apology that there was no third update yesterday, and also as a thank you to the guardian of the law.I'm a bit busy this Monday morning, and I've coded one chapter so far, and updated three chapters at 07:30, 08:30, and [-]:[-] in the evening.Then there is another chapter at eleven o'clock, as compensation.

(End of this chapter)

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