Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 173 On the Importance of Environment

Chapter 173 On the Importance of Environment

Hearing the servant's announcement of Li Shimin's arrival, a court lady had already opened the door, and after saluting, Li Shimin was welcome to enter.

Seeing Li Shimin coming in, Changsun Wugou was about to struggle to get up.But all he got in return for this movement was to lie down weakly, and then panted heavily.Li Shimin stepped forward, helped his elder Sun Wugou, and shouted to Sun Simiao: "Really, please, come and have a look."

Sun Simiao stepped forward, and first asked Li Shimin to caress the back of the eldest grandson Wugou.After the eldest grandson Wugou's breathing became stable, he asked the maid for half a cup of water, took out a pill, and signaled Li Shimin to take it with the water.

When everything is settled properly, let the eldest grandson Wugou lie flat.Sun Simiao clasped his fingers to Changsun Wugou's wrist, closed his eyes and listened to the pulse.Seeing Sun Simiao like this, the people around did not even dare to breathe fast, waiting for him to make a proper diagnosis.

After contemplating for a long time, Sun Simiao opened his eyes and let out a long breath.Then he walked up to Li Shimin and motioned to go outside to talk.Sun Simiao's action frightened Li Shimin. When he walked out, he looked at his eldest grandson Wugou reluctantly, his face full of sadness.It seemed that the moment he left the house, his eldest grandson Wugou was about to leave him.

Twirling his beard, smiling at Li Shimin's attitude as a little girl, Sun Simiao said, "Don't worry, it's not as far as you want." Hearing this assurance, Li Shimin looked good, turned his head and followed Sun Simiao out .

Outside the door, looking at the sky, Sun Simiao said: "Qi disease is a chronic disease. It is based on the deficiency of the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. Your Majesty must have heard these from the imperial doctors, so I won't go into details. More to say. Nowadays, Queen Guan's symptoms are mostly fever and shortness of breath, and most of them are treated with Qing Xuan method, and the old Taoist will write down the prescription later."

Hearing what Sun Simiao said so clearly, Li Shimin's face was filled with joy, thinking that this time he could completely get rid of his eldest grandson Wugou's persistent illness.Just as I was about to thank you, I heard Sun Simiao continue to say: "However, this kind of disease can only be recuperated, and it is impossible to get rid of the roots. Your Majesty still needs to be prepared. My ability as an old man is just to make the queen much better than now."

Although Li Shimin, who was splashed with cold water, was caught off guard, Sun Simiao was already doing better than those imperial doctors.Thinking of this, Li Shimin bowed respectfully to Sun Simiao and said, "This is already very good. Please trouble the old god."

Sun Simiao smiled and said: "I haven't removed the roots, so why bother? I will pay attention to the queen's chronic illness. If there are any good prescriptions, I will pass them on to Your Majesty at any time. For now, let's go and prescribe the decoction first." .”

After speaking, he walked into the hall and picked up a pen to write a prescription.

Seeing Li Shimin standing outside the door at this moment, Luo Yan stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, I have a few words, I don't know if I should say it or not." Thinking that Luo Yan was trying to comfort himself, Li Shimin said indifferently: " Don't worry about me. The affairs of Guanyin's maid will not delay the government."

Shaking his head, Luo Yan said: "This is not what I'm talking about. Your Majesty's words and deeds are naturally controlled by the admonishers and the servants, and it has nothing to do with me. I just want to ask why the empress is locked up because she is suffering from a gas disease." Doors and windows."

It was a little strange to ask this question, Li Shimin said casually: "Recently when the doors and windows were opened, the maidservant of Guanyin was panting more and more. I asked the imperial doctor and listened to his advice to close the doors and windows so that maidservant of Guanyin could feel better. Some."

"This is really absurd. Shortness of breath is nothing more than foreign matter entering the lungs. After taking care of the surroundings, opening the doors and windows will be more beneficial." Although he doesn't know the specific treatment methods for asthma, Luo Yan usually needs the environment that patients need. I still understand a little bit.After hearing what Li Shimin said, Luo Yan felt it was ridiculous.This is simply exacerbating the condition in disguise.

What Luo Yan said made Li Shimin a little confused.It happened that Sun Simiao finished writing the prescription, and when he heard what Luo Yan said, he said, "Why, little friend Luo also knows the art of distorting yellow?"

How could Luo Yan know it? Sun Simiao asked at this moment, and he could only say: "Where does the boy know the art of distorting the yellow, it is just the breath of the lung master. The doors and windows are locked all around, and the breathing in the palace is obviously turbid. The queen originally Suffering from qi disease, living in a bad place, it is strange to be able to recover."

"Then how do you think about it?" Sun Simiao asked with interest.

After sorting out his thoughts, Luo Yan summed up what he had observed, and said: "The dust in the flowers is a foreign matter, and if it enters the lungs with the wind, it will aggravate the coughing and asthma, so within a mile, remove all the flowers. Gao Zhugong The wall, a variety of vegetation, can block the wind and dust. Fresh pears are eaten in four seasons to clear away heat and nourish the lungs. As far as I know, there are only three things.”

Luo Yan said these words very simply.This is all information learned by later generations, and it is naturally quite confident to say it now.

Li Shimin turned his attention to Sun Simiao.The old fairy thought for a moment, and said to Li Shimin: "Xiaoyou Luo's words are worth three good prescriptions for me."

This was an incredible compliment. Li Shimin looked at Luo Yan with burning eyes, and when Luo Yan looked embarrassed, he asked Sun Simiao, "Is this true? Real man, it seems that this effect can be achieved without taking decoction?"

Sun Simiao also looked at Luo Yan, and said: "Your Majesty, don't be suspicious. Everyone knows that flowers have powder, but it causes coughing and wheezing. The old man has seen it before, but he didn't think of it. The previous dynasty was three years old, Jinzhou There was a man who was addicted to growing flowers. Every time the flowers bloomed, he would have an attack of shortness of breath. He searched for a doctor and finally found me. At the beginning, I used the treatment of heat and asthma, but no one thought it would have any effect. Later, the man became seriously ill , No one took care of the flowers and plants in the house, and they died one by one. The disease was cured without medicine. It was a legend for a while."

"The next year, this person bought flowers and plants again. Who would have thought that he would be seriously ill again when the flowers bloomed. Someone in the family thought that he had offended the God of Flowers, so they sent all the plants and trees in the house to the temple in the city. His illness was cured again without medicine. I heard After talking about this matter, I couldn't figure it out, but when I heard Luo Xiaoyou say it today, my heart suddenly became clear." Nodding to Luo Yan, Sun Simiao said with emotion.

"As for eating more pears, it's also a good idea. Pears are sweet in nature and slightly cold, and they're just suffering from the heat. But don't eat too much in winter."

Seeing that Sun Simiao also affirmed Luo Yan's method, Li Shimin was overjoyed.First let the guards eradicate all the flowers outside the palace, and then order that no flowers can be grown in the harem.Then someone opened the door and window.Although Changsun Wugou still breathed a little when he heard it, it was obviously much better than before.

Seeing the effect in a blink of an eye, Li Shimin patted Luo Yan happily and said, "I will remember your credit."

After dealing with the eldest grandson Wugou's matter, Li Shimin kept Sun Simiao and Luo Yan for a meal before being sent back home by the guards.

While Sun Simiao was resting, Luo Yan went to Lu Deming's home.

Fortunately, Lu Deming went to Guozixue in the morning, and he didn't have to teach Li Chengqian, so he was enjoying the coolness in his room at the moment.After hearing Luo Yan's voice, the old master was also very happy.I haven't seen him for three months. Although Luo Yan sent letters from time to time, it was far from seeing him in person.

After Luo Yan saluted, Lu Deming asked, "I'm here in Chang'an, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty called urgently, so I came here. It was already late in the city last night, so I didn't dare to disturb the teacher. I saw Your Majesty this morning, so I came to see the teacher." After carefully reporting his itinerary to Lu Deming, Luo Yan stopped talking , Waiting for Lu Deming to speak.

"Yeah. You really have intentions. I've heard about the Lantian incident. Although the methods were a bit drastic, but the intentions were good, and the results were good. In the future, if you do things less aggressively, I will feel more at ease as a teacher." Although Luo Yan was also criticized, the overall evaluation was quite high.

Treating Luo Yan as his own, Lu Deming naturally paid close attention to his future.Now Luo Yan is not low in intelligence, and his background is also strong, but even if his methods are too tough, Lu Deming is still afraid that he will be too strong and easy to break.

"Teacher, don't worry, this disciple knows. What happened in Lantian was quite an accident. According to the disciple's plan, at most it was just to let those gentry lose some money. Who would have thought that before the plan was halfway through, they would provoke a civil uprising. There is no other way, the disciple can only resort to thunder." Faced with the criticism, Luo Yan knew that Lu Deming was doing it for his own benefit, so he patiently explained.

"Well. In the future, if you encounter such a possible incident, it is better not to take risks yourself. I heard that you are facing thousands of rioting people alone. I am worried. No matter how powerful you are, you will still suffer in the end when you meet rioters. Never do such things again in the future." Lu Deming warned.

"I'm sorry, my disciple. I came here today to tell my teacher something. Daoist Sun Simiao came to Beijing, and he is at my home right now. I want to ask him to take the teacher's pulse and see how his body is recuperating. I don't know what the teacher thinks?" Luo Yan couldn't just invite Sun Simiao here without authorization, that would be too impolite.

"You have a heart. Since it is Sun Zhenren who came here, it is always good to meet him. Think about it, it has been many years since the Daye period. It is just a good time to catch up with him." Luo Yan did not expect that his teacher and Sun Simiao still have friendship .But think about it, the two are about the same age, and when Sun Simiao met Yang Guang, Lu Deming was Dr. Guozi.I think the two met at that time.

Seeing that Lu Deming did not object, Luo Yan said: "Renren Sun is resting at the moment. The disciple will go over to watch first. If he wakes up, the disciple will invite him to come over. Recently, the real person has to go to the palace to see the queen in the morning. Today's news is released." Going out, I'm afraid the door of the disciple's house will be blocked soon. If it's not earlier, I'm afraid it will be difficult to go out in the future."

Thinking of Sun Simiao's popularity, Luo Yan was very glad that he had invited this fairy to his home.

Seeing Luo Yan's beaming face, Lu Deming said with a smile: "Okay, you can go. I also ordered my servants to prepare some wine and food. It's not good for old people to meet each other. It's really not beautiful."

Hearing what the old master said, Luo Yan turned around and went back to his home, waiting for Sun Simiao to wake up.

 Thank you Dr. Xi'an for your reward, and thank you for your recommendation tickets.Then, how about recommending "Strategy of Powerful Officials"?The writing is good but the Virgo author spends three or four hours pondering the words if there is a disagreement, I am also drunk.Although I am very unhappy with his speed of returning 10,000+ words in two months, the content is very good, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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