King: You are invincible when you read the lines

Chapter 224 The Grip of the Ice Mark

Chapter 224 The Grip of the Ice Mark
Lin Mu opened a tyrant, and then cleaned the red area and then went to the blue area.

This wave of trees intends to catch Ma Chao.

Ma Chao's mechanism is different from other heroes. After being developed, sprinting is his standard configuration. Due to Ma Chao's passive skill Phantom Assault, the higher the speed of Ma Chao, the higher the damage. If Ma Chao can be killed in a short time When the speed reaches the maximum value, Ma Chao's damage can be extremely high, even higher than that of shooters in the same period.

So, how can Ma Chao's damage be made higher?In other words, how to make Ma Chao's movement speed the highest?When it comes to acceleration, one must think of that man—Sun Bin, and this is the prototype of the "horse core" system: "Ma Chao + Sun Bin" system.

In the 2020 KPL professional league, TS likes to use Ma Chao Sun Bin instead of the shooter to play the development road; and after Agudo went online, the AG Super Play Club used Agudo to match the Ma Chao lineup for the first time. This is the successor to the "Ma Chao + Sun Bin" lineup. The second Ma Chao system after the "system-"Aguduo + Ma Chao".

A Guduo’s ability has group acceleration to speed up Ma Chao instantly. Later, it was discovered that Zhou Yu’s ability to accelerate can also be adapted to Ma Chao, and choosing Zhou Yu can effectively improve the team’s propulsion ability in a lineup without shooters, which is equivalent to strengthening the lineup in disguise. Intensity of positional warfare.

But the lineup of "Ma Chao + Sun Bin + Agudo + Zhou Yu" is not only brittle as a whole, but also weak in team formation, so the last hero needs to make up a big front row to increase the fault tolerance rate of team battles, and it is most suitable for Sun Bin's tank side It is Bai Qi and Zhu Bajie, but Bai Qi is more stable than Zhu Bajie.

At this point, the "horse core" system has finally taken shape.

Although the "horse nuclear" system is quite mature, its shortcomings are also particularly obvious.

In fact, "horse core" can be understood as a system evolved from the two sides of the wild core. Although the problem of insufficient damage in the late stage of the two sides of the wild core can be solved by Ma Chao's burst damage, Ma Chao's damage is not as stable as that of the shooter.

As a single-core Ma Chao in the system, the main source of output is to strengthen the basic attack and the damage when closing the gun. Since it is not a directional skill, it will give the opponent reaction time, that is, relying on the flash displacement can avoid Ma Chao's closing the gun and stabbing; and At the end of the game, Ma Chao will be extremely weak when facing the shooter when the equipment is formed. If he does not kill him in a second in the team battle, he will probably be counter-killed directly.

As the core of the opposite system, Han Xin must focus on taking care of this Ma Chao, it is impossible to let him develop.Otherwise, our shooter, Gongsunli, would be as fragile as paper.

In the later stage, Ma Chao only needs to hit A Li with two shots, up to three shots, and Gongsun Li will be gone.But it was not easy for Ah Li to avoid Ma Chao's poking.

Ma Chao can make countless mistakes, but Ah Li can't. Once he makes a mistake, he is likely to be taken away by the opposite Ma Chao.

The same is true for Zhou Yu, although he is a little bit more fleshy than Ah Li, but it will be difficult to fight Ma Chao, especially Ma Chao who is driving sprinting.

Beating Ma Chao is like beating Guan Yu, the very important point is to break his horse's legs.

Reducing Ma Chao's movement speed can reduce Ma Chao's damage, and reducing the attack speed will make it difficult for Ma Chao to poke.

This is one of the reasons why Charlotte is good at playing Ma Chao.

As we all know, Ma Chao, as a T0 in the confrontation lane, is extremely strong in both laning and support. Facing Ma Chao, it is usually seen that Luna and Charlotte are used to line up with him. Among them, Luna and Ma Chao are fighting with each other. operation, while Charlotte is more "simple and rude".

The first thing we need to understand is that Ma Chao's gameplay is to insert the gun, pick up the gun, poke the gun, and close the gun.Inserting the gun will cause damage to the target, picking up the gun will increase the movement speed, and the subsequent enhanced basic attack is to poke the gun, which will move a small distance, hitting the enemy will restore life and reduce the CD of all skills for one second, with the big move By retracting the gun, you can achieve operations such as side poking, returning the carbine, etc., so when conditions permit, there will be unlimited poking under the gun, plus sprinting looks like a lot of guns, and the visual effect is extremely strong.

And at the heart of all this is speed.


So like Guan Yu, Ma Chao is very afraid of slowing down. Slowing down will not only reduce Ma Chao's damage, but also make it more difficult for Ma Chao to pick up a gun, affecting the output of combos.

If it's just slowing down, there are actually many heroes who can restrain Ma Chao, and Charlotte is not alone. Another point is that attack speed, attack speed will directly affect the hero's basic attack. It is no exaggeration to say that Ma Chao's main damage Derived from the poke gun that strengthens basic attacks.

But facing Charlotte with the same level of operation, or even one level lower, Ma Chao seemed very powerless.

Charlotte's passive seven-star ray sword is Ma Chao's "nightmare". The seven-star ray sword has 7 levels of damage, and the seven-star ray sword Charlotte can shoot three shots, and Charlotte's passive trigger only needs to stack three layers of skill imprints. It is very simple to shoot three shots in an instant when the cd is enough. One hit is enough to make Ma Chao stunned. Two shots will make Ma Chao almost equal to a penalty. It will become a negative value, poking the gun is equal to slow motion, not to mention picking up the gun, closing the gun and other operations.

In contrast, Ma Chao has movement speed, Charlotte's first skill acceleration and second skill displacement, and when the cd is sufficient, it is faster than Ma Chao, Ma Chao has recovery, and Charlotte's second skill can also recover, even more than Ma Chao , come back frequently.

Charlotte is faster than Ma Chao on the clear line, and Charlotte may not be as fast as a sprinting Ma Chao when supporting Charlotte, but as long as he sticks to it, he can completely limit Ma Chao's support.

Therefore, when encountering Charlotte in the lane, Ma Chao players need to have a higher operating awareness than Charlotte: in the early stage, they can save their guns in the grass to grab the line and cooperate with sprinting to kill Charlotte to achieve a suppressive effect. After that, they can pass Poke the gun to avoid Charlotte's seven-star ray sword, or fake a shot to deceive Charlotte's seven-star ray sword, and seize the opportunity of Charlotte's freezing when she hits the seven-star ray sword to attack quickly.

So in general, in terms of the current skill mechanism, Charlotte is also a good choice for Ma Chao.

As for Arthur, who we chose against the road, this hero also has a unique advantage in playing Ma Chao.

Ma Chao can't beat Arthur for the second level.Arthur's second skill circles in about five seconds to clear the first wave of pawns, so the advantage of Ma Chao's early sprinting is actually not too obvious for Arthur, so you can fight more aggressively.

Really, Ma Chao relies on his skills to strengthen his basic attack. You Arthur silences him with a shield and he's done. Ma Chao relies on his movement speed to deal damage. You just use a shield to reduce his movement speed. Doesn't he want to cry?

If you are sprinting and chasing you, just run away with one skill, he can't beat you in seconds, you are passive, and you will still be a good guy after you come back.

But you still have to be careful not to fight with him, you will never be able to pull a Ma Chao, if you are far away, never chase him.Don't chase people behind their buttocks. They will throw their guns back later and turn around and poke you. Don't you feel bad?

Still pay attention to Ma Chao's support, he belongs to the kind of full map tour, if the position is close, you can run over with one skill, if the position is far away, you can take the line to demolish his tower. (However, Ma Chao, who is generally good at playing, will lead the line first and then support)
Lin Mu switched his perspective to the confrontation road and took a look. Ma Chao on the opposite side was quite good at playing, and used the pawn line to hit a penetrating damage to consume Arthur.

However, it is very difficult for Ma Chao to pull Arthur, so he can only use a range of damage when he pokes out to fight and consume.

As a hero, Arthur, the first level is fast, the second is fast, and the fourth level is fast, the line is high, and it also has battery life.Although it doesn't have any special features, but at level 11, it can completely make the heroes lose their special features.

After level 11 and the cold shrink has been fully stacked, basically every one can beat the opponent to the ground.The silence time is 1 second, and the opponent has at most 2 seconds of operation time.

This is not the most disgusting thing, the duration of a skill cd3 seconds is also 3 seconds.Even if the opponent has a resistance shoe, as long as the time card is good, the silence of 2 seconds can be played within 1.3 seconds.

So after Arthur's eleventh level, it will be much easier to play Ma Chao.But now this Ma Chao has also been manipulated by Arthur, and he doesn't know how to play.

If it's about being tough with Arthur, it's a bit hard to beat.

If he goes to other lanes to support, Arthur won't let Ma Chao clear the line, he just gets stuck in the front, and occasionally hides from Ma Chao's skills and pokes. It's also a blood loss.

Moreover, Ma Chao's teammates are not there at present, and Ma Chao can only face this Arthur alone.

The mid laner on the opposite side didn't realize this either, and was still held back by Zhou Yu, kept being burned by Zhou Yu, wasted, and couldn't pay off the line of troops.

Fortunately, the opposite jungler came over to help clear the line, which freed Huo Wu.

Zhou Yu, after clearing the center line, immediately turned to the side to clear the line, pressing towers, pushing towers, Huo Wu couldn't keep up, and when she came to the side, the wave was almost over.

If he continued to clear the line, Huo Wu couldn't keep up, and there was an assistant to help him clear the line faster than Zhou Yu.A Zhou Yu who knows how to run operations is Huo Wu's nightmare.

Although Huo Wu has combat effectiveness at the second level, Zhou Yu is not afraid here. I know the movement of the opposite Huo Wu and what the opposite Huo Wu wants to do. With Huowu Kong 1, Huo Wu with a skill of [-] has no energy to do, and the damage is not enough to kill.

This is even more so after level [-]. Push Kong Huowu's first skill, followed by a big stun, is passively triggered. This set is half blood, and Huo Wu has no energy to amplify.

After Zhou Yu cleared the line, he went directly to the bottom lane to help A Li expand his advantage.

Seeing this, Huo Wu also switched to the bottom lane to help, and a small team battle might break out between the two sides.

Huo Wu on the opposite side went to help in the bottom lane, so Ma Chao and Tachibana Ukyo, the jungler on the opposite side, were the only two on the top lane at most.

Just now when the orange was clearing the line in the middle, there were only blue buffs and no red, and the shooter was in the bottom lane again, so I am sure that the red zone of this orange has not been cleared yet.

"Brothers, try not to cross all three displacements when running the map, at least one displacement should be left to deal with emergencies.

And look at the small map every 2-3 seconds. Although Han Xin is very mobile, he is still afraid of being double-teamed.Frequently looking at the small map can keep abreast of the enemy's movements, determine a safe escape route before the enemy forms an encirclement circle, and avoid displacement skills jumping on the enemy's face. "

During the time when Lin Mu was jumping around, he told the audience in the live broadcast room what Han Xin should pay attention to when switching lines and running maps, which can be regarded as some tips.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Mu quietly touched the grass on the confrontation road, ready to catch a wave of Ma Chao.

A+1+3 can instantly hit three knock-up effects, making it impossible for the enemy to fight back in a short period of time.
Make reasonable use of passives to play A3 before each battle, and then enter the field to maximize the control effect.

To catch Ma Chao, you just can't let him run.Ma Chao wanted to kill the two of them, which was definitely impossible.But Ma Chao's super high mobility is likely to make him run away.

And the jungler on the opposite side is brushing the red zone, and he is Tachibana Ukyo, so the jungler's speed is very fast.

Therefore, Han Xin and Arthur must fight quickly, otherwise if Ma Chao is not captured, the skills will be handed in again, and the situation will become very bad when they meet Tachibana Ukyo who is holding a red and blue bully.

"Initiate an attack."

On the opposite side, Ma Chao faced Arthur's card line, and used the damage of the big recruit gun to clear out the two soldiers.Ma Chao has no big moves, which is good news for Han Xin.

The forest has already started to be empty, one click, two clicks and three clicks, like the countdown to the death of Ma Chao on the opposite side.

"Initiate an attack." Lin Mu sent another message. The one just now was an early warning to forcefully kill Ma Chao, but this time it was also an order for formal action.

Han Xin aimed his first skill at Ma Chao, picked up his first skill and picked up a flat A, and then immediately activated his big move.

Lin Mu Hanxin's control had just ended, and Arthur came up with a skill and shot directly.

Ma Chao was directly charged, and the gun stored on his body had already failed, so he quickly threw a gun under his feet. When he wanted to poke it out, Han Xin'er skill went up to sweep, and Arthur made a big move, directly killing Ma Chao. Sent away.

I have to say that this combo is really disgusting. Ma Chao had two shots in total, one shot was timed out and failed, and the other shot was too hard to poke out, and then it was killed.

The most outrageous thing is that Lin Mu looked at the equipment. After Arthur finished the shoes, he made a meteorite. After looking at his small pieces, it seemed that he didn't intend to make a black cut first, and wanted to go directly to an ice mark. grip.

The Ice Mark Grip itself is a piece of equipment that Ma Chao often produces, in order to be used for pulling and increase a little frankness.

But Ma Chao was also very afraid of the deceleration of this equipment, Arthur directly made ice marks, and Lin Mu said that Ma Chao on the opposite side had no experience.

Ma Chao woke up from a nightmare, opened the bed and saw that it was full of ice marks.

After Han Xin finished catching people, he slipped away, Ma Chao disappeared almost instantly, and Juzi on the opposite side couldn't come to support him in time.

(End of this chapter)

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