Chapter 218 Four consecutive extraordinary
With the acceleration bonus of Sun Bin's second skill, Lin Muzhen felt that his Ma Chao was simply too comfortable.After easily jumping over the tower to kill Charlotte, go directly from the opposite red zone.

The jungler on the opposite side is Zhao Yun, and our jungler Li Bai is still developing at this time.

This wave of trees first went back to the tower and ate a blood bag. He felt that there might be a wave of small team battles on the development road.

And Charlotte has been killed by him, and there are few people on the opposite side.Although Sun Bin has always been with Ma Chao, if he can rush over, he can still achieve the advantage in numbers, so as to fight more and less.

There is a teleportation array on the confrontation road, but Lin Shu doesn't want to use it.Firstly, if he teleports over there, he will have his vision on the other side.This idiot knows that he has to grasp the road of development, and the opponent must be very defensive.

Secondly, the teleportation array can only teleport one person at a time, Ma Chao passed through, but what about Sun Bin?walk over?Or wait for Ma Chao to finish teleporting before going there?
Then maybe everyone on the other side ran away, let alone cooperate to catch people.

So Lin Mu walked over with Sun Bin in this wave. Ma Chao's speed of turning the line was very fast, and with the acceleration of Sun Bin's second skill, the two of them came from the top road to the middle road in a short time.

Sun Bin opened another second skill, and the two quickly came to the bottom lane again.

It can be said that Sun Bin is perfect for cooperating with Ma Chao.If there is another Agudo, it will be the KPL lineup, Agudo's Ma Chao system, plus an auxiliary Sun Bin, Ma Chao will poke randomly.

With this kind of movement speed bonus, Ma Chao is like a pig raising pigs, and the stars are holding the moon.

When Sun Bin and Ma Chao were rushing down the road, he did not expose his vision, because the central line of troops had long been cleared, and Lin Mu also paid attention to his position so as not to expose his vision to the opposite defensive tower.

The teammates are ready to move, and the fight is already about to start.Ma Chao is not in such a hurry, he can enter the field behind to harvest, but Sun Bin's second skill is not only for Ma Chao to increase his movement speed, but also for his teammates.

After all, before the hero Ma Chao came out, he always came to fight the opponent's clumsy or high-explosive heroes. Later, the Ma Chao and Sun Bin system came into being.

Moreover, it is said that Sun Bin will strengthen the blood-raising ability of the second skill in the later stage. This hero is getting more and more fierce.

Because Sun Bin was going to raise blood for his teammates, Ma Chao had to go up together, otherwise he would not be able to get the acceleration of Sun Bin's second skill.

Our jungler Li Bai took the lead in using the river crab to make a big move, and then directly rushed into the crowd on the opposite side. The second skill made a circle, and then came a big one.

Master Li deserves to be called Gua Sha Master Li by the people. With one skill, he went in and saw three people opposite him directly under the pagoda. Niu Mo, Hou Yi and Angela were all inside.

The second skill drew a circle, and the three of them stood directly inside the circle. As long as they didn't touch the outermost layer of Li Bai's second skill circle, there would be no armor breaking.

Moreover, Li Bai's big move hits many people, and the damage will be greatly reduced.

As a result, with Li Bai's big move, Angela and Hou Yi on the opposite side lost a block of blood each, while the Bull Demon only lost half a block.

It's totally scraping.

Li Bai is a developmental jungler, and he still needs to have enough money to achieve good results.Moreover, too many people were hit by the big move just now, and the damage was also reduced.

Otherwise, since Li Bai adjusted the cooldown of the first skill in the early stage last time, it is not weak anymore.

Li Bai is disgusting because he can't be selected and there is a skill reset.

However, as soon as Li Bai reset his skills, a Zhao Yun suddenly jumped out from behind the bushes.

It can be clearly seen that Zhao Yun has been waiting for a long time.

Zhao Yun, who has red and blue buffs on his body, sticks to this big move, and then uses a skill to strengthen the basic attack.

Angela on the opposite side threw a first skill over, and Zhao Yun used a second skill to poke and poke, directly taking Li Bai's head.

Li Bai can be said to have suffered a blood loss. He originally consumed the opposite side without injury, but in the end he didn't consume much, and he was gone.

Daji, who was hiding in the river near our defensive tower, saw Zhao Yun who suddenly appeared, and immediately pressed the [-] skill.

It's just that the bull demon on the opposite side came up and took away part of the ultimate move, Zhao Yun was only knocked out of half of his health.

Ma Ke came up with a skill and hit a shuttle, but only hit a few bullets, and Zhao Yun still had almost one-third of his health.

The Bull Demon made a big move directly at Ma Ke and Daji, and Hou Yi also walked forward. Seeing that the Bull Demon made a big move, he directly shot a big move.

Angela aimed at Daji, threw a fireball with her second skill, and then started her big move, hitting two or three people.

It can be said that Ma Chao and Sun Bin arrived very timely.

Sun Bin immediately opened a second skill to raise blood for his teammates.

Seeing that a large portion of blood was sucked by Angela, Sun Bin recovered immediately after the end of his second skill, which can be said to be very timely.

When Lin Mu got Sun Bin's second skill to speed up, he used his big move to poke at Zhao Yun.

"Throw the gun, and activate the big recruit gun when you poke it out." The team battle was hearty, and Lin Mu didn't forget to teach the audience in the live broadcast room.

Lin Mu has been poking this Zhao Yun, his damage is too high now, he can't let him play the second set.And this wave must kill Zhao Yun and break his rhythm, otherwise the opponent will only make the advantage bigger and bigger.

"The damage of the big recruitment gun is very high, don't waste this."

I don't know why, although Lin Mu Ma Chao hasn't played a few rounds, he just absorbed some knowledge and skills given by the system, and his Ma Chao has become very silky, as if he has played hundreds of games.

"Zhao Yun's skill moves, so don't rush to poke this shot."

Lin Mu controlled the cooldown of Zhao Yun's skills very precisely. Zhao Yun really wanted to run through the wall with one skill, but Lin Mu also poked through it, and then took away one skill after another.

Because a skill pierced through and was thrown into the defensive tower, Lin Mu broke his gun at the moment. He walked and looked at the situation of his teammates.

The combination of Bull Demon with Angela and Hou Yi's big moves is indeed a wave of control, and our side is also thanks to Sun Bin's second skill, which raised a lot of blood.And there is also a big move of silence, which makes the opponent stagnate for a while.

Marco fired a skill, and most of the shots were shot at the bull demon on the opposite side, with a lot of marks stacked.

Angela threw a skill over, but only hit Sun Bin, and didn't lose much blood.

It's just that the opposite side protected Hou Yi too well, completely blocking Hou Yi's body and taking the damage for him.

But Lin Shu felt that it was unnecessary, and now Hou Yi's damage was not high, and it was still very brittle.

Marco slapped the shuttle again, and made little marks on both Angela and the Bull Demon.

Ma Ke directly switched to his big move, like a god descending from the earth, and even Lin Shu was a little envious of this wave.

Lin Mu has just come here, and wants to cooperate with Marco to make a wave of harvest.And the most important thing about this wave is that his sprint is good.

Daji also waited until the cooldown of her ult was over, and when she went up, she just had a two-three-one meal, and it didn't matter who was hit, anyway, it must be the opposite side.

Just when Lin Mu thought that this wave of Marco's damage was going to explode, as soon as Marco's ultimate move was turned, he was controlled by Angela's second skill on the opposite side.

The sluggish Marco just clicked a dizziness, but it was too late.Angela added another one skill, Hou Yi flattened A, and directly beat Marco into a cripple.

Lin Mu knew that he had to stand up now.Ma Ke, whose damage is not bad, has been crippled, and there is Daji, whose skills are still cooling down, and Sun Bin, who is an assistant.

Marco took advantage of the lack of control on the other side at this time, and immediately ran back with the second skill.

Daji and Sun Bin can also be said to be very loyal, and went directly to pick them up.

As soon as Lin Shu sprinted away, he stepped forward directly to poke him.

Originally thought that Marco was about to be rescued, but Hou Yi flashed forward and took two ahs, accepting Marco Polo's head.

Lin Mu was poking the bloody bull demon at first, but when he saw Hou Yi flashing up to collect the blood, he yelled, "How dare you!"

Sun Bin activated a second skill, and then threw a first skill bomb on Hou Yi, which is what he can do with displacement.

This Hou Yi was even bolder than Lin Mu imagined, he did not plan to leave after taking away a head, taking advantage of Daji's lack of skills at this time, he frantically attacked normally.

Lin Mu took away the Bull Demon with a single penetration, and at the same time let this penetration hit Angela at the side.

Afterwards, the flashing golden horse rushed directly towards Angela.

It's just that Lin Mu is playing psychological warfare in order to deceive his skills.

It seemed that he was heading towards Angela, but Ma Chao suddenly turned his head and went back to poke Houyi.

This Angela was quite frightened, and immediately ran back to the defense tower in a flash.

Houyi was the only one left, and Lin Mu didn't know how dare Houyi was so crazy!

Daji was stunned with the second skill, and then the first skill, Hou Yi still had one blood block left.

However, Hou Yi didn't intend to retreat anymore. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't leave. He could only continue to play output to see if he could replace another one.

However, Ma Chao came up with a shot and immediately vaporized him.

I have to say that sprinting is really cool.

Lin Mu was just about to take a look at the situation on the field, and when he wanted to see what he was going to do next, he saw a fireball flying towards him.

Lin Mu didn't have time to react at all. He had just killed Hou Yi, subconsciously, he already thought that this wave of team battles was over, and he couldn't help but relax, forgetting about Angela who was frightened and flashed.

Angela, who was less than half alive, probably ate a blood bag under the tower, and then came back from the grass.

Squat down to Ma Chao in the grass, directly use the second skill, and then immediately start the big move!

Lin Mu didn't react at all, but fortunately, Sun Bin immediately activated the second skill to raise blood, and Angela's second skill didn't hit exactly right, but was a little bit off.

But it can't be blamed on Angela's lack of accuracy, it's because Lin Mu moves the left-hand roulette when he has nothing to do, which makes Ma Chao shake his head.

This is Lin Mu's own little skill, which not only allows people to free up time to observe the situation on the other side, and judge whether the situation should be played at this time, but also sometimes can deceive the other side's skills.

"The skills are ready." Sun Bin signaled to Lin Mu that his interference had been cleared up.

And Lin Mu's big move is already done.This wave of team battles has indeed been fought for too long, and Lin Mu has already used his second ultimate move.

Ma Chao, who originally had more than two-thirds of his blood volume, was hit by Angela's second skill to less than one-third.

I have to say that Angela's damage is too high.

However, one set was not killed, and it was Ma Chao's turn to fight back.

The second skill threw a shot at the bottom of his feet, and then the other skill threw a shot at Angela.

She retracted the gun while poking it out, and Angela ran directly down the tower.

Lin Mu felt as if he still had to jump over the tower. Angela didn't lose much blood, so she ate a blood pack to restore her blood volume.

Fortunately, Sun Bin's interference is over, even if he changes with Angela in this wave, he will kill her by force!
Even though the damage of the gun was fully charged, Angela escaped to the defense tower.

The main reason is that Lin Shu poked to the side and avoided Angela's second skill stun, which gave Angela a chance to sneak into the defense tower.

Sun Bin immediately turned on the interference, Lin Mu aimed at Angela and poked it out, then threw the second skill at Angela's feet, picked it up and poked it, and then immediately ran in the direction of the opposite second tower, while turning his head to aim at the first skill.


As Lin Mu's voice fell, a skill passed through Angela impartially, directly penetrated, and took away Angela's head.

The system's glory broadcast shows that Ma Chao's four consecutive extraordinary!
Lin Mu couldn't help being a little complacent, he hadn't played it a few times before, it was rare to play it once, and he actually carried it like this!

"The piercing damage is very high, you can slow down and hit it accurately. And pay attention to aiming while running outside the tower, otherwise the wave will be killed by the tower."

At this time, Lin Mu could hardly see the blood bar, only a little red, making everyone sure that he was still alive.

However, when Lin Muzheng was teaching the audience in the live broadcast room, a Charlotte suddenly appeared and stabbed him to death.


If Lin Mu is not mistaken, this Charlotte came from the second flash.

"Ahem, I tricked Charlotte with a flash, it's not a loss!"

This wave of team battles has been going on for too long, and Charlotte seems to have cleared the middle route of the wave, and then saw the horse overtaking the tower when going down to support.

A five-level Ma Chao with four consecutive transcendences gave him a great sense of oppression.He was afraid that Ma Chao would run away just now, so he flashed up directly.

Just after the fourth consecutive Chaofan was killed, Charlotte could actually kill Ma Chao without flashing.It seems to be a loss, but it is actually a blood profit!
The money for killing Ma Chao is richer than a wave of troops.

Taking advantage of Ma Chao's death, Lin Mu answered the questions on the barrage.

"Adjust the attack direction? There are two ways to adjust the attack direction. The direction wheel axis is facing the attack target. After the second slide releases the first and second skills, the default attack skill release position."

This tree completely expressed the knowledge passed on to him by the system.

(End of this chapter)

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