Chapter 16 Bad temper!

Royal Palace.

Outside Deyang Hall.

The mission headed by Yuan Hong was taken outside the hall.

After arriving here, except for the two guards behind Yuan Hong, everyone left at the same time.

There were only three people left with dazed faces, standing in place blankly.

"What... what does this mean?" Yuan Hong felt flustered and asked instinctively.

But then he realized that as an envoy of the coalition forces, he had to maintain his image no matter what.

So ever.

He coughed lightly, looked at the hall with his hands behind his back and said lightly:

"What's going on here? Is this how you greet the envoy?"


At this time, a slightly sharp voice came from the hall.

I saw Wang Lang trotting out all the way with his standard smile.

While running, he kept muttering: "Master Messenger, there are too many things going on in this palace, if there is a mistake, I hope to beg for forgiveness!"

"Hey! Isn't this Wang Gonggong!" Yuan Hong's face suddenly became ugly.

In the entire palace, he is most familiar with this Wang Lang.

Especially his unbeatable smile, almost every time Yuan Hong sees him, he wants to use his fist to reward this guy.

But it was because he was the emperor's personal eunuch.

Coupled with Yuan Shao's restraint, he didn't deliberately fight against the other party.

I didn't expect that today, it was this guy who came to receive me.

"Oh, hello..." Wang Lang stretched out his hand and patted Yuan Hong's shoulder with a smile: "It turns out that the envoy is Steward Yuan, and we are really destined!"

"take away!"

Yuan Hong frowned, and slapped Wang Lang's hand away in disgust:
"Does Your Majesty just ask the prince to welcome the envoy?
What I represent is the princes of the world, the pillar of the great Han today.

Isn't it inappropriate for His Majesty to let a person with an incomplete body receive him? "

A trace of sarcasm flashed in Yuan Hong's eyes.

There is no mercy in his mouth, he just wants to let everyone know that he is not someone who can be provoked by everyone now.

Even if this person is the emperor!
In Yuan Hong's eyes, the current emperor is no different from the previous one, it's just controlled by a different person.

Furthermore, which side of the princes in this world dare to provoke the coalition forces he represents?
"Steward Yuan... No, my lord, don't get angry!

It's not good for your body if you get angry!We are like-minded people, so why should we be like this? "

Yuan Hong's attitude didn't seem to have any influence on Wang Lang.

He was still smiling, with an unusually humble attitude.

"Who is on the same path as you!"

Yuan Hong's eyes were about to burst into flames, and the other party made it clear that they were mocking him.

What's even worse is that he saw that beating smile again.

"Wang Lang! If you don't give an explanation today.

This emissary can't guarantee what he will say when he returns.

If there is any trouble at that time, I hope you will not regret it! "

"Master Messenger, why do you have to do this? How about I take you to see His Majesty right now?"

The more humble Wang Lang's attitude was, the greater Yuan Hong's anger became.

He always felt that this Wang Lang was mocking him.

It was so before, and it is still so now!
Seeing that Yuan Hong was still staring at him fiercely.

Wang Lang also seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. After sighing lightly, he put on a very helpless expression.

"Okay... Since the messenger insists on this, then the villain should tell the truth!"

Speaking of this, Wang Lang sighed again, looking very embarrassed.

"Originally, His Majesty arranged for a general to come with hundreds of guards to welcome the envoy!
The villain is just an accompanying person, and is of no importance at all. "

"Where's that person?!" Yuan Hong's breathing became rapid.

Looking at Yuan Hong who was already on the verge of going berserk, Wang Lang's eyes became more playful.

"This... the villain thinks it's not easy to say!"

"Okay! You don't say you are the envoy and leave!" Yuan Hong flicked his sleeves and was about to leave.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Wang Lang stepped forward in two steps and grabbed the other party: "If you leave, how will the villain explain to His Majesty!"


"Okay, okay...the reason why this general didn't come is because he is not in a good mood!"

When he said this, Wang Lang just showed his representative smile again.

"What did you say?" Yuan Hong turned around slowly with staring eyes, his eyes flashed coldly: "I'm in a bad mood? I'm not in a good mood!"


"Hush..." Yuan Hong's angry voice had just uttered, but was stopped by Wang Lang's hand in an instant.

"Master Messenger, please don't talk nonsense!
Our general has a bad temper too!
If he gets angry, he likes to hit people.

What if your hand is broken, or your leg is gone, or your rib is broken, and you are really going to enter the palace..."

"To shut up!!"

Yuan Hong pushed away Wang Lang who was talking more and more vigorously, and said word by word with his eyes wide open:

"Wang Lang, listen up! No matter who you are talking about or what status he has, as long as he dares to appear in front of Lao Tzu, I will let him believe it like you do?!"

"Are you serious?"

When he said these words, Wang Lang's whole demeanor changed.

He lightly patted the dust on his body, no longer concealed the mockery in his expression, looked at Yuan Hong with disdain and said:
"It's still too late to take back your words!"


Yuan Hong spat fiercely: "You have no right to talk to me like that!"

At the same time as he said this, the two guards behind him stepped forward at the same time, drawing half of the long sword in their hands.

The blade of the sword shone brightly in the sun, revealing a cold killing intent.

"That's good!" A playful smile appeared on the corner of Wang Lang's mouth, and then he turned around and respectfully bowed towards the hall: "General Yuwen!"

As soon as the words fell, heavy footsteps came from the hall.

Under the shocked gazes of Yuan Hong and his guards, Yu Wencheng walked out with a cold expression and was covered in armor.

The gold-plated phoenix wings in his hand touched the ground slightly, and as he walked, a series of sparks burst out.

As he got closer and closer, Yuan Hong and the others felt as if there was a big mountain in front of them, slowly pressing towards him.

Especially the other party's eyes were piercingly cold.


Yuan Hong swallowed hard unconsciously.

"Master Messenger, the person you want to see has arrived.

The villain said beforehand that General Yuwen's temper is not very good, the envoy must take care of himself! "

Wang Lang laughed, turned around and left.

There is no need for him to do the rest.

Anyway, His Majesty has explained that as long as this guy does not die, it will be fine.

I just don't know how General Yuwen will take care of him.

"I really want to stay and take a look..." Wang Lang curled his lips and muttered in a low voice.


Just as he thought of this, he heard a shrill scream from behind him!
"I told you a long time ago that our general has a bad temper..."

Wang Lang quickened his pace and quickly disappeared here...

(End of this chapter)

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