Chapter 14 Crowd
Jia Xu took Lu Bu's soldier talisman, took Yu Wencheng with him, and took over his army without any problems.

The whole of Luoyang finally returned to Liu Xie's hands.

After Lu Bu woke up from a coma and heard the news, he cursed shamelessly three times, vomited blood again and passed out

In the corridor outside the dormitory, several people are gathering at this moment, discussing something in a low voice.

"Do you know? Our Majesty is the reincarnation of a real dragon. I heard that His Majesty can still swallow clouds!" A young eunuch lowered his voice and said very seriously.

"I've also heard that our Majesty has a treasure that can conjure fire out of thin air!"

"It's nothing to you, I heard the prince said last time, Your Majesty still has the water of longevity!"

As soon as these words came out, several people fell silent in an instant, staring at the eunuch who spoke.

"Old Zhang, are you telling the truth? You don't dare to brag about this bullshit, what our brothers said is true!"

"That is, if you don't know what's new in the palace, don't talk, you don't need to make up immortal water to deceive people!"

"Do you believe it or not!" The eunuch who just spoke curled his lips: "I heard this from the prince himself!"

The more people talked, the more excited they became, and their voices became louder and louder.

"Ahem." A slight coughing sound appeared behind everyone without any warning.


Everyone's discussion stopped abruptly, and they all turned around with panicked faces.

"You little bastards know how to talk nonsense. If His Majesty hears this, let's see how to deal with you!"

Wang Lang's voice was still sharp, and he said arrogantly.

Although he is not much older than these eunuchs, it is only because he is the emperor's personal eunuch and has a relatively high status.

"I also ask the prince to forgive me." Everyone prostrated on the ground and said respectfully.

"Get up!" Wang Lang snorted softly, and glanced at the crowd: "Look at you who have never seen the world, and you still have longevity water, why don't you call it fairy water?"

Seeing that Wang Lang didn't look angry, the eunuch who spoke before hesitated for a moment, but still mustered up the courage to ask:
"Eunuch Wang, you little ones have never seen the world. If you are wrong, please don't hesitate to teach me!"

He just wanted Wang Lang to tell about the legendary water of longevity, otherwise, the people around him would really think they were bragging.

"You really want to know?" Wang Lang's eyes narrowed.

"I also ask the prince to enlighten me!" Everyone couldn't suppress the excitement on their faces, and they all spoke.

"Okay, let's let you little bastards see the world!"

Wang Lang enjoyed such courtship very much, and calmly took out a strange bottle from his sleeve.

Everyone looked up one after another, their eyes bright.

"Oh, is this the elixir of life? It really looks extraordinary!"

"Yeah, all of you looking at the bottle are all good things that you have never seen before!"

"It turns out that Lao Zhang didn't brag. There really is such a thing. Your Majesty is really a god!"

Everyone's discussion resumed, and all eyes were focused on the bottle in Wang Lang's hand and the dark liquid inside.

"Remember, it's called happy water! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Wang Lang shook it, and saw white bubbles popping out of it instantly: "Do you want to try it?"


Everyone was shocked, and said without thinking.

"I'll give you half a day, only one person can taste it!" Wang Lang put away the Coke very carefully, and smiled slightly: "Remember, the one with the highest price gets it!"


When Wang Lang left, these people had already become one
Hulao Pass.

Yuan Shao's eighteen princes gathered here.

Although there was a menacing attack during the assembly, no one was willing to actually send troops.

These guys are getting better and better one by one, they are all watching and calculating.

At this moment, somewhere in the alliance camp, several people gathered together.

One of the bearded black-faced men looked very upset.

"Brother, what do you think this Yuan Shu is? If you say you can deduct it, you can deduct it. If you can't even eat your stomach, what kind of fight is there?"

The black-faced man yelled at a middle-aged scribe, then turned around and fell silent.

"That's right, brother, I think what the third brother said is right!" Standing beside the black-faced man, stood a man who was more than eight feet long, with a face like a jujube, lips like fat, and an eight-inch long beard floating casually on his chest. forward.

"These eighteen princes are pretending to kill the country's thieves, but what are they actually doing?
It's been so long, I only know intrigue and scheming all day long, so I don't care if I don't join such an alliance! "

Seeing that the two brothers were like this, Liu Bei was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "The two brothers are right, since this is the case, it is better for us brothers to leave as soon as possible!"

Hearing what his elder brother said, Zhang Fei suddenly turned around and smiled: "This is my elder brother!"

After the three of them made an agreement, they were about to leave.

I saw a few people walking quickly not far away, the leader was not very tall, with thin eyes and long beard.

Before they came in front of the three of them, this person laughed loudly and said, "Brother Xuande, how are you doing recently?"

"Thank you, brother Mengde, for your concern, I'm fine!"

Liu Bei smiled slightly, and cupped his hands towards the visitor.

Guan Yu on the side also cupped his hands, only Zhang Fei snorted coldly and turned his head to look elsewhere.

"I've heard about you all!

No, I have prepared some things, I hope Brother Xuande will not be disgusted! "

As the visitor spoke, he turned around and pointed towards the back.

I saw several carriages coming slowly, which were filled with wine and meat.

"It's just some wine and meat, Brother Xuande, use it to reward the brothers!"

"Then thank you, Brother Meng De!" Liu Bei was not polite, and casually called Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to receive it.

Hearing that there was wine and meat, Liu Bei didn't need to speak at all, Zhang Fei laughed loudly, and rushed over at once.

At this moment, there was a commotion from the city gate.

"Emergency military report, get out of the way!"

A war horse galloped in, and the knight on it roared wildly.

As the knight passed by, Liu Bei and others frowned and looked in the direction where he disappeared.

"It looks like something may have happened to Luoyang again!"

An incomprehensible smile appeared on Cao Cao's face.

"The eighteen princes of the world are joining forces, Dong Zhuo is probably going to be scared away!" Liu Bei said with a light cough.

"Brother's words are wrong, he said he was a prince of the Eighteenth Route.

In my opinion, this is not as useful as eighteen pigs! "

"Third brother!" Liu Bei frowned, turned his head and scolded, "Don't be rude!"


Cao Cao laughed loudly when he heard this: "General Zhang's words are justified!
These people together, let alone beat Dong Zhuo.

It won't be long before they fight themselves! "

On the surface, Cao Cao seemed to be laughing at everyone.

But his eyes, intentionally or unintentionally, always look in the direction where the knight disappeared just now...

(End of this chapter)

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