Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 274, fighting for life

Chapter 274, fighting for life

Sometimes people don't force themselves, they really don't know how many brushes they have.

Today's Liu Shang is in the current state. He doesn't know that he has the fountain of life hanging on his body now, but he only thinks that it is because of his firm will that he can support him so far.

"It turns out that people's willpower can be so strong"

While Liu Shang was mentally exhausted, he also noticed the earthquake, but now he can't think about it so much, he can only instinctively drag his body to run, to catch the scorching sun that day.

Liu Shang also noticed the movement of the earthquake, subconsciously breathing with the rhythm of the earthquake.

After practicing this regular breathing method, Liu Shang suddenly felt that the scorching sun in the sky seemed not so scorching. Instead, it was like soaking in warm water. Muscle pain and mental pain were relieved.

This surprised Liu Shang, and hurried all the way, following this special breathing method all the way.

"Sure enough, God still gave me a chance."

I don't know how long he ran, after several days and nights, Liu Shang finally saw a place where there are people.

However, this place was all too familiar to him.

Taoyuan Village, a frontier tribe, takes fishing as their occupation.

Back to the original starting point, standing in front of the village blankly.

Taoyuan Village is like a paradise, whether it is the preaching of immortals or an earthquake, they will do what they do, maintaining the original and most simple heart.

Liu Shang, who has been chasing the 'sun', finally stopped in front of his house. Only this can stop him from chasing the 'sun'.

"Oh, isn't this Shang'er? Why is it like this?"

A middle-aged man carrying firewood looked at Liu Shang, who was covered in tatters and bloodstained on his bare feet, hurried over and pulled him.

He is Liu Shang's descendant, and like ordinary Taoyuan villagers, he makes a living by fishing and catching the sea. He works hard every day, accumulates spiritual stones, and supports his son to study at Trumen.
Liu Shang looked at the calluses on his father's hands and the clothes he hadn't changed for a long time, and suddenly an indescribable sadness gushed out of his heart.

He makes a living by fishing, chopping firewood and farming. He has no skills or ambitions, and his family is not famous, but it is such a pair of callused hands that support Liu Shang's education in Trumen .

Liu Shang has never looked at his father so carefully. He took the make-up exam for a year, and his father also paid for it for an extra year.
"He's back right now. Don't talk about it, just go back to the house and sit down."

Liu Shan hurriedly helped Liu Shang back to the cabin.

There are many exquisite organs in the room, which were made by Liu Shan himself. Although they are not at the level of a child, they are not bad among ordinary people.

Liu Shang also noticed that Liu Shan took half a month to make the small machine bird, and there was a spirit stone on top of the family's half-month harvest.

"Damn it, kid, get some medicine!"

"Oh baby, how did it become like this?"

At this time, a slightly fat middle-aged woman came out of the small wooden house. Looking at Liu Shang's appearance, she felt distressed, so she quickly took out the medicine and applied it to him.

"Father and mother." Liu Shang hesitated to speak.

"Son, stop talking, don't learn tricks if you don't like them." The middle-aged woman hurriedly said, thinking that the child didn't like tricks so she ran back.

Liu Shan also hurriedly said, if you don't want to learn tricks, you don't need to learn them.
"Father, mother, the child is stupid. Over the years, I have never been able to learn the tricks of the mechanism. I know that I am really not this kind of material." Liu Shang gritted his teeth, and he worked hard enough. are so difficult to obtain.

"Father also knows that you are not this kind of material, but dad wants you to live a better life." Liu Shan sighed: "We have forced you all these years, sorry."

Like every father who hopes his son will become a success, he has never considered whether his son is suitable for this path.


"I want to learn Kung Fu"

Liu Shang gritted his teeth and lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

However, Liu Shan said, "Okay."

Liu Shang was stunned. He said before that if he wanted to learn Kung Fu, he would inevitably be beaten.

But now how.
There are many emotions surging in the eyes of "Father" Liu Shang.

"I thought about it, son, dad supports you, isn't it just to learn kung fu." Liu Shan patted Liu Shang's shoulder with his calloused hands and said, "Anyway, our family doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, so you will learn kung fu in the future." I will support you even if you are old, anyway, if you learn martial arts, you are also a good hunter.”

Liu Shang's eyes were in a trance, as if he had a clear understanding.

It turns out that the most fundamental wish of a parent is not to hope that his son will be successful, but to hope that his son can live a better life and live a happier life.

At this time, Liu Shang felt that his heart was gradually rounding up.

Why learn martial arts, what is martial arts?

Wu to protect
With a mellow mind, Liu Shang feels that the breathing method he just learned is more effective, and his body muscles are agitating and trembling.

Just at this time, a voice erratically came to Liu Shang's ears: "Wuling is about to open, if you want to find the poor way, you have to cross the sea for thousands of miles, and look for the man named Ye Tong at the Huizhou Police Station in Guangdong."

Liu Shang's voice was very familiar, and he burst into ecstasy.

This is already approved
At this time, Liu Shang's eyes were firm, and he kowtowed three times to his parents.

"Father and mother, I will come back after my studies and honor my ancestors."

The wanderer is about to go, and the road to martial arts opens in front of his eyes.

Li Guo, hovering above Taoyuan Village, is quite satisfied with Liu Shang's xinxing performance, and his yearning for Wu, perseverance, and character are all considered good.

"The heart is not bad, and I have explained to my family." Li Guo looked at Liu Shang's figure and smiled lightly: "Not bad."

"You want to accept him as an apprentice?" the system asked.

"Well, for the time being, let's teach him some basic breathing methods, such as 'Cultivating Immortals' and Wuling's basic breathing methods, and then teach him some good exercises in the future."

Li Guo didn't intend to teach him the 'Bajiu Xuangong', the main reason is that the Bajiu Xuangong consumes too much resources, if it's not a great opportunity like Ye Feng, the imitation of the Kowloon God Fire Cover has the 'leader's life', don't go fixed.

Anyway, cultivating immortality and Taoism emphasizes gradual progress, no matter how bad he is at cultivating immortality, he can continue to practice, and it will not be slow to change skills even after reaching the golden core stage.

Immortal Cultivation, a kind of Zhongzhengping and non-attribute cultivation method, is really suitable for getting started.

After making up his mind, Li Guo continued to preach the Taoist scriptures, and after the preaching was over, he returned to the Chumen Palace in Chu City.

At this time, Yang Zongjia was looking at Li Guo with a complicated expression, not knowing what expression to use to face him, it was really like facing a fairy god or demon.
However, after all, he is the clan of Wuling, and he is in charge of the people's livelihood in Wuling. At this time, his expression returned to normal as much as possible, and said.

"Really, we have decided, and we intend to 'reopen' as you said, but at the beginning, we hope to use you as the medium to make transactions"

"Well, that's reasonable."

Li Guo nodded. He really needed a medium when the initial cooperation was opened, and he was happy to be the 'middleman'.

At this time, Yang Zong's family took out a piece of rice paper, handed it to Li Guo and said.

"This is what we want."

Li Guo looked at what was written on the rice paper
'Insulated thread'

'Undeformable metal'

'Metal that can ignite'

'A thermally conductive thread'

'A metal that is hard to melt and can withstand high heat without deforming'

'Metals with high corrosion resistance'

Rows of densely written lists were listed in front of Li Guo, which made Li Guo slightly taken aback.

Yang Zongjia explained: "These are the requirements of our 'Trumen' master craftsmen. They have a lot of unconstrained ideas and need these materials, but my Wuling materials are always limited, so we are thinking, maybe There will be such materials outside the open sea, so I will write the characteristics."

"I see."

Li Guo suddenly nodded. The limitations of Wuling were exposed after all. Due to the characteristics of the island, minerals are also very rare. Here, wooden mechanisms are the mainstream, and only a few precious bearing materials are made of metal. .

Without all kinds of metal materials, it is impossible to make some things, and the ideas of those geniuses can only be imagined.

Now knowing that there is an open sea, he rekindles his hope and pins his hope of obtaining precious metals on the open sea.

Li Guo just smiled and said.

"No problem, Pindao will help you take a look."

"Well." Yang Zongjia paused, and said with a dazed expression: "I hope that as you said, we can trade far and near, exchange what we need, and achieve common prosperity. Everyone gets what they need, and the people of Wuling can maintain a stable life."

After explaining to Yang Zong's family for a while, Shen-zin Zi's figure appeared in front of him.

Compared with usual, the image of Shen-zin Zi is closer to the gods, perhaps because of absorbing the power of incense and fire, the whole body is illusory, divine and radiant.

Seeing this, Yang Zong's family was in awe, so they had to leave first.

At this moment, Shen-zin Zi said.

"I will take Yan Zhu to the coast first, and let him investigate human affairs first. If it is really as you said, peaceful and stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, then we will decide to completely open it up. If it is still the same as the Qing Dynasty a hundred years ago, open it up." It’s out of the question.”

Li Guo has absolute confidence in this point. There is no such thing as great wealth per capita, but peace and harmony, ample food and clothing are real.

"Well, if you have any difficulties at that time, you can ask Yan Zhu to find Ye Tong from the Guangdong Huizhou investigation team, and report to 'Xianyue Zhenren' and she will help you." Li Guo smiled, and then confessed Can you take Liu Shang with you when you take it to China mainland?

Shen-zinko nodded, it was just a matter of effort for him.

After explaining some affairs, Shen-zin Zi handed over a small green shell to Li Guo.

"This is one of my shells, which is connected with my main body. I recite my name in my heart. After one breath, as long as you are still in this world, you can be teleported to Wuling Island. There are seven days after use. You can’t use it for the second time, so I hope you can use it carefully.” Shen-zinko paused and said, “If you encounter life and death difficulties, you can use this thing to escape.”

Li Guo's heart warmed, what the Wuling Immortal did was really meaningful.

This is almost a life-saving thing. Yimu Xiandun cannot be used in combat state, but this shell can be used.

It seems that Shen-zin Zi rewarded Shen-zin Zi for the previous act of "making the wish".

Li Guo nodded.

"Thank you."

"It doesn't matter." Shen-zin Zi shook his head and said, "Actually, you came here and gave me some advice. Being trapped in this small world, neither I nor the people of Wuling will benefit me. I'm stuck in this golden elixir. It’s been hundreds of years, and it’s time to understand now.”

"Struggling for life is the main theme of life's progress."

Shen-zin Zi said leisurely, with a deep expression.
(End of this chapter)

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