Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 245, shaped like a shell

Chapter 245, shaped like a shell

There were endless sighs and deepness in Old Qinglong's tone.

Like Suzaku, he has a very high evaluation of the content in the math book.

To explain the Dao in a way that ordinary people can understand, those scientists can be said to have immeasurable merit.

"If you have these codes as your power, maybe in the future, Senior Sister Suzaku will be able to break out of this cage."

Li Guo listened silently, always feeling that he got some incredible information, for example, Suzaku was older than this old Qinglong or something.

"Senior still has a chance." Li Guo said honestly, middle school math books are not good, there are advanced math, there is always a rule that suits him, right?

However, at this time Qinglong shook his head and said.

"I can't, my primordial spirit has gradually entered the aging period, and it is not long in the world." Qinglong's eyes were very peaceful, as if death was just a trivial matter.

The expression of facing death so calmly touched Li Guo a little, as if he was a brave man who fell down on the road to beg.

What's strange is that Dabai on the side doesn't show much expression when facing his old friend who is about to die.

Li Guo was a little surprised, Dabai was so calm when facing death.

Due to the hook-up between Mountain and Sea Strange Beasts, although he couldn't chat on WeChat like he did with Yu Xi, he could still feel some emotions on Li Guo, so he said.

"Life is more than samsara. The death of one life represents the birth of another life. Yin and yang cycle, yin produces yang and extinguishes, yang produces yin and extinguishes. One fades and the other grows. This is the yin and yang reincarnation of life and death. Meow."

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched, if it wasn't for the last sentence he added, there would really be a hint of wisdom and foolish charm in it.

"That's right, death is just another beginning. Now the situation is fairly stable. If you don't use your strength, you may still be able to live for a long time." Qinglong smiled slightly: "It's not boring on weekdays."

Li Guo looked at the creations of the organs around him, and understood what Qinglong was busy with on weekdays.

In Jielu Mountain, inside the grass-wood house, there are some small organs around. Obviously, this senior Qinglong usually "doesn't do business", and likes to study and carve these small things.

It looks quite delicate and cute.

To use a more modern word to describe it. This brother Qinglong is a hardcore figure house.

Although it looks a little uninspiring, but as an intelligent creature, there are always some different pursuits, so it can be called an 'independent individual'.

Just like in the human world, although the aura is revived, not everyone is struggling for cultivation.
"I am lucky to meet Master Li today. Let's drink a cup of tea here before leaving. I am a little older, so you can call me Long Bo."

In fact, Li Guo wanted to call Uncle Long even more.

Long Bo clapped his hands.

Not long after, a man entered the house, dressed in palace attire, and brought tea into the house.

That's right, it's a person, a beautiful woman, about 17 years old, with long hair and shawls, and looks at least [-]% similar to the maiden form of Mistress Suzaku.

"this is"

Subconsciously, Li Guo thought it was a human being, but it was only for a moment.

After an instant, Li Guo recognized it as an 'automatic puppet'.

It is the same as Gongshu Ling, except that it has no concept of self, it is purely a soulless shell.

"This is an automatic puppet I made in my free time." Long Bo smiled slightly.

"This one looks exactly like the Mistress Suzaku, she...does she know?" Li Guo hesitated to speak, his mind was full of messy images unique to modern nerds.

However, Long Bo said in a calm tone.

"Of course she knows, if she can't pass 'the test', this puppet should be given to her as a gift."

"'That level'? Which level is it?" Li Guo felt as if there was key information.

"The road to the sky, the gateway to life and death, if you don't reach the eternal unity, you will eventually perish." Long Bo said with a faint smile: "Even if we live a long life, there will be a day of aging and perdition. The first thing to age is the body. When the body ages In the end, our primordial spirit will still exist and we will continue to practice, but when the primordial spirit returns to the primordial spirit, we must always have a body that suits us, and this automatic puppet is a body that imitates the 'shape' of Suzaku."

"If she can't pass that test in the future and can only exist in the state of primordial spirit, this automatic puppet with 'shape' can become her body."

"Shouldn't it be enough just to have 'shape'?"

Li Guo felt as if he had captured something.

"The automatic puppet still lacks 'truth' and 'reason'." Long Bo said with a smile: "It's a pity that it is not easy to talk about a body that can gather 'form', 'truth' and 'reason', let alone the existence of holy beasts like us. It’s good enough to have a “similar shape” to the body, and the automatic puppet body still has some advantages, such as being able to play different tricks.”

As he said that, Long Bo's hands bent and turned into a thermos cup with something like goji berries soaked in it.
The old Qinglong's body is also an automatic puppet, his body has already withered, and his soul has entered the automatic puppet.

"Could it be that these automatic puppets were created to carry the body?" Li Guo thought that Gongshuling was exactly the same as Princess Longji on the list of gods. Could it be that the purpose of Gongshuling was created to be Princess Longji? flesh?
Long Bo shook his head and said.

"Not necessarily, but it was invented in the first place to be used as a spare physical body."

In all likelihood, Gongshu Ling is Princess Longji's spare body.

Li Guo asked, he is really a noob in terms of soul and body.

"Can't we just seize the body or reincarnate with the memory?"

"Does seizing a house mean occupying a person's body at will?"


"Everyone's body is unique. When you are born from the mother's womb, this body belongs to this primordial spirit. This is the law of heaven and earth, an unchangeable rule." Long Bo said with a smile: "The strong want to It's not impossible to invade other people's bodies, but this body will collapse soon, because it doesn't match the primordial spirit, and ordinary physical strength can't bear too strong a primordial spirit."

Li Guo thought for a while, the principle is similar to organ transplantation.

Your body is rejecting the foreign object.

At this moment, Long Bo continued to speak.

"And for the powerful, it is not cost-effective. It takes a lot of energy to attach the soul to the body. No one will expend a lot of energy to occupy a body that will collapse at any time. If there is no In the case of the flesh, it is not impossible, it is not impossible to turn into a 'god', and it is not impossible to transform the spirit into flesh, in short, there are many more cost-effective ways than this, so there is no need to choose a bad one."

"Some people do decapitation, but no one does money-losing business." Li Guo was thoughtful.

"That's the reason." Uncle Long drank wolfberry tea slowly, and said, "If you see an automatic puppet that looks similar to that powerful man somewhere, then you should be more careful."

"Huh? Why be careful?"

Long Bo said in a long tone.

"The Almighty Primordial Spirit enters the 'shape' like body without any effort, and will not even be noticed by the surroundings, because theoretically it is his body itself."

(End of this chapter)

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