Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 239, You don't understand swordsman's friendship

Chapter 239, You don't understand swordsman's friendship

"Mr. Huang, come here and stand behind me." Li Guo said lightly.

"Oh oh, monkey monkey monkey" Huang Zhongri trotted over quickly, no matter how dazed he was, he knew who was decent.

"Sir Huang, you are making me so sad. We have been friends for many years." Liu Heng looked at Huang Zhongri with regret. Like the dead.

This undisguised look made the local tyrant's scalp tingle, and he quickly hid behind Li Guo.

But Li Guo continued to squint his eyes and said.

"Boss Liu, you don't look like someone who treats friends kindly. After all, Heichai was silenced by you, didn't you?"

"Oh? You know that Heichai and I are friends." Liu Heng's eyes brightened slightly.

"It is precisely because of the death of this Heichai that I finally put my suspicions on you. I have investigated this Heichai, and many clues show that he is not just a gangster fighting like he saw, There is a rich man behind him." Li Guo pointed to the luxury Bentley outside and said: "And you, the owner of Lianxiang Building, the Golden Mile, have incredible wealth and a century-old inheritance. High-rise buildings have turned into luxurious office buildings, and only your century-old Lianxiang building can't fall down, what is it based on?"

"Of course it's because of your Liu Heng's connections. You Liu Heng can stand here, of course, because you have both hands and eyes, and the same is true for that black firewood. In this era of awakened people, stand firm as a powerless person, eat meat and drink soup." Li Guo said lightly: "It's a pity that this Heichai didn't enjoy much glory and wealth, but because he followed you But he missed Qingqing's life."

"No way, I have to get rid of him. After all, he knows about the matter between me and Jin Chengyi. This matter is too important." Liu Heng's expression seemed to be a little regretful, losing such a good pawn as Heichai .

Li Guo pondered for a moment and said.

"Actually, Pindao is a little curious, why did you kill that Korean?"

"Since Master Li has seen through the old man's situation, so what if the old man tells you everything?" Liu Heng said with a regretful expression, "This man is very greedy. I asked him to come to assist my plan, but I didn't expect , He actually wants to replace me, the old man, and carry out the plan by himself."


what's the plan?
Li Guo was a little puzzled.

However, Liu Heng didn't continue talking at this time, but instead asked: "It's your turn, Master Li, Liu doesn't say that he has hands and eyes, but where did you go in Kowloon, what did you do, who did you find? We all know how you spread the news under the surveillance of my network."

There are eyeliners everywhere, just like that sentence, rich people can really do whatever they want, even the elderly and children can become his eyes.

At this time, Li Guo said indifferently.

"Of course it's Sasaki Musashi."

"Sasaki Musashi" Liu Heng was very surprised by this name, as if he did not expect that the key to breaking the game was this Japanese swordsman.

"What good did you promise him?"

Liu Heng clicked his tongue and said, it must have cost a lot of resources to ask this powerful man to help.

"No, I just had a cup of tea with him."

Li Guo laughed.

"Master Li, why do you lie to the old man about this kind of thing?" Liu Heng seemed to have heard a great joke, and said, "Who is Sasaki Musashi? He was born into a wealthy family with a golden key in his mouth. As a strong man in the second echelon, in Japan, he can be regarded as a person who can make the place tremble three times by stomping his feet, and will help you with a cup of tea?"

Li Guo stared at Liu Heng for a while, then sneered.

"Boss Liu, you must have no friends."

I don't know if Li Guo got into his heart, the smile on Liu Heng's face disappeared more than half.

Li Guo continued to sprinkle salt on the wound with a smile: "I can only say that you don't understand friendship, let alone swordsman friendship."

When the blades clashed, they confirmed their eyes, they were the right person, it was not enough to entrust their lives to each other, but it was possible to invite each other as a close friend.

A sword is a friendship.

"I didn't expect it, it seems that I am still old." Liu Heng seemed to agree with Li Guo's statement, and said with emotion: "The years have taken away my body, my youth, and a lot of things that were originally me. Something. Friendship, yes, really nice."

At this time, Liu Heng said with some regret.

"It's a pity that friendship is still not worth the years and benefits after all. It's really fragile..."

"Just like Jin Chengyi." Liu Heng took out the jade beads that never left his body and played with them in his hands, and said lightly: "Because of the so-called greed, he actually betrayed me, because of his greed, there is a big loophole in the game I set up. .So, only by becoming a true ruler can you not be betrayed and hold everything firmly in your hands."

"The ruler." Li Guo narrowed his eyes, wanting to hear what Liu Heng would say next.

"Actually, it's not wrong for the old man to spread the news that a secret treasure will be released." Liu Heng smiled, as if he had everything under control.

It was this old man who spread the word "Heshibi" was born.

"You mean, is there really a secret treasure born?" Li Guo asked doubtfully.

"Of course, but this secret treasure is not a 'born' secret treasure." Liu Heng proudly said: "It's a secret treasure refined by the old man."

Li Guo narrowed his eyes and said.

"The secret treasure you refined."

At this moment, Liu Heng groaned lightly.

"The spiritual meridian of the Nine Dragons is trapped on the island. I can't bear the circling meridians of the Nine Dragons to destroy the world and be wiped out with dust, so I want to refine it into a treasure of the human way and help the old man to improve his cultivation to a higher level."

Liu Heng didn't hide it completely.

He neither concealed his identity as a cultivator, nor his purpose.

Huang Rizhong on the side was trembling when he heard that the dragon veins and earth spirits were refined into treasures for his own use. If you think about it with your brain, you know it's a big deal.
Li Guo pondered.

"Wait a minute, you said that if a place is blessed with luck and wishes, the weather will be smooth, and now you want to take away the spirit dragon veins of this place."

"Of course it's the other way around." Liu Heng said with a smile on his face, without any change in his expression.

"This is your hometown." Huang Rizhong said in disbelief.

"I love my hometown, and I love this land very much." Liu Heng put his hands on his back, and said lightly: "But this old man loves his own life even more. The years have taken away too much from this old man. A thousand or ten thousand deaths have nothing to do with this old man."

Huang Zhongri's expression was dull, he couldn't imagine that the person in front of him would be so cold-blooded.

Is he really his old friend?Or was it at this time that he finally showed his cold-blooded true colors.

"The old man gave everything to refine this human treasure."

Liu Heng said with regret.

"Originally, I wanted to use the name of Heshibi to attract the powerful people in the world and disturb the muddy water here. At that time, the old man will take the opportunity to refine this treasure of humanity, and then take the sacrificial alchemy away without anyone noticing. , even if there are some natural and man-made disasters here, others will only regard it as the disturbance of the spiritual power of the powerful awakener."

"Tsk, you are really bold. If you refine heavy treasures in front of the world's heroes and powerhouses, you won't be afraid of accidentally overturning the car and making wedding dresses for others?" Li Guo sneered.

Awakened and powerful fighters may not know what a secret treasure is, but no matter what kind of treasure it is, the mysterious and spiritual energy it exudes can attract the strong.

When Chongbao is born, people won't care if you are He's Bi or not, they will grab it first.

"At that time, the old man will naturally have a way to deceive the heroes of the world." Liu Heng smiled and said: "Besides, the old man is not fighting alone. Next, I will introduce this one to you."

While speaking, the door was broken open.

A tall maid in a red cheongsam walked in from the outside.

Gorgeous red makeup, explosive body, pure and charming face, wearing a red cheongsam is quite eye-catching, Huang Zhongri, who was still worried about his life before, suddenly straightened his eyes.

She has been acting as a waiter of Lianxiang Building and Liu Heng's maid.

Liu Heng said calmly.

"Introduce yourself."

Just when Huang Zhongri was attracted to fantasies, a voice thicker than ordinary men came out from the throat of this charming woman.

"You can call me 'Four Wasted Star Lord'."

"You can also call me 'Yuan Hong'."

(End of this chapter)

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