Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 205, Heroes and Criminals

Chapter 205, Heroes and Criminals
"They are too reckless." Li Guo shook his head.

"We can't help it. Most of our police officers are ordinary people, half-baked warriors, and the investigation team is limited. Even if there are supernumerary capable people, they are limited. There are so many demons and ghosts under our control." The old policeman While smoking a cigarette, he also said: "Besides, whether it is a member of our investigation team or a member of the non-staff investigation team, our primary guideline for the execution of tasks is to minimize the impact, not to affect, keep the movement small, and try not to disturb other people. People's lives, so the efficiency is really much worse than theirs."

"But these superheroes are different. They don't have a less-infected, less-influenced, less-moving program. How fierce they are, what damage they have caused, and entrepreneurs behind them who support them to compensate. What can we do? ?”

Li Guo finally understood.

The police kept a low profile and silently arrested the criminals and brought them to justice. The public did not respond at all, and continued to eat and drink. They did not know that the criminal living in the next room had been arrested, nor did they know that their own safety hazards had been eliminated. , I don’t know how much the police, who are moving forward with heavy burdens, paid in order to arrest criminals.

So much so that they don't know that someone has done so much for them.

I only know that those superheroes who are dressed in gaudy clothes and fly to the sky have captured a criminal in an extremely exaggerated way, which has attracted a lot of cheers and admiration.

They 'chivalrous' in a way that everyone can see, so everyone thinks they did it.

At this time, the old policeman said from another angle.

"How should I put it, to a certain extent, these superheroes have indeed solved a lot of urgent needs. Sometimes, our official organization is too bloated and has too many processes, and we often miss the prime time to catch criminals, but these Superheroes can quickly go out and fix things.”

"This is also the contradiction between a large part of superheroes and the official. We think they are not disciplined enough, and they think we are too disciplined."

When Li Guo was chatting with the old policeman, they talked about the recent case of "evil haunting".

When talking about the case of the demons, the old policeman panicked: "I have to say, for the case of the monsters, I really relied on these superheroes. Once these monsters were going to make trouble in People's Square, Fortunately, a superhero was there to kill the monster."

"The monster can be killed?" Li Guo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is the corpse now?"

"According to the confessions of the people and superheroes at that time, after the monster was killed, it turned into a pool of pus and smoke and disappeared."

Li Guo thought about it quietly, and the old policeman took a sip of wolfberry water and said: "At this time, I still felt that the existence of groups like superheroes seemed to be really meaningful, at least they saved a lot of lives in danger, isn't it?"

Just as Li Guo was thinking, people from the Yiqi League came to lead them.

In an instant, swords were on the verge of breaking out in the situation.

The person who came was a man wearing a fox mask. He raised his hands and feet in an imposing manner. He didn't use a voice-changing device. It sounded like an ordinary young man's voice.

"Thank you for taking care of the 'Grey Giant'. We, the 'One Qi League', will bear all the consequences caused by his actions."

This man is full of self-confidence in every gesture and gesture, and there is a stretch around his waist. If he takes off his mask, he must be a handsome and handsome man.

The Yiqi League is a 'vigilante'.

Some 'superheroes' who follow the Three No's principle.

No rules, no principles, no constraints.

In Li Guo's view, there is only one role model for a superhero, and that is Batman.

Batman has a morbid "don't kill" principle in his heart. This principle of not killing is considered by many people to be a kind of Madonna. In fact, in another understanding, this principle is the layer that Batman has set for himself. 'Bottom line'.

Regardless of whether this bottom line is reasonable or not, if you restrain yourself within the bottom line, you will not become the same person as a super criminal.

There is often only a thin line between superheroes and super criminals-and these vigilantes in strange costumes seem to understand this truth.

And what they choose is not to set a principle for themselves like Batman, but to put a mask on themselves, and a cape that looks very ridiculous
"I hope you will abide by the laws and regulations in the future." The old policeman stepped forward and said, "The city is not your place outside the law."

"Well, I will try my best to restrain my members, this time I am really sorry, it is my responsibility, I did not restrain the 'Grey Giant'"

The young man who looked like the leader of the Yiqi League bowed slightly and apologized.

It seems that the posture is very low.

This scene even frightened the old police officers around and didn't know what to say, and this gesture was too full.

People can't help but think in their hearts, maybe this is a hero
The people passing by were stunned for a moment, and then said loudly.

"It's 'Tian Dao Xia'! Quick! Take a photo!"

"Oh my God, I was able to face the Heavenly Swordsman directly, come and see if I'm dreaming."

"After this village, there will be no such shop"

"Why do you policemen treat Tiandaoxia so fiercely? He is a superhero, a superhero who maintains peace in our city. How can you treat him like this?"

On this day, Daoxia is like a superhero in a movie. When it appears, there are all kinds of fangirls and fans who want to take pictures, but the policemen who hold their guns at each other become the targets of the masses.

"It seems that their popularity is really high."

Li Guo never expected that the popularity of superheroes in this place would be so high, basically no different from the ones in the movie.

It can be seen how popular they are.

"Who doesn't yearn for heroes?" The old policeman beside him smiled helplessly, "He's still such a free hero."

"This is the Taoist priest who reported our 'gray giant' to the police station." Shanleike stared at Li Guo unkindly, his eyes full of hostility.

Li Guo ignored the Shanlei's unkindness, and clapped his hands with a calm face.

"Pindao has long heard that there is an extraterrestrial demon here, so he came here to investigate on behalf of the headquarters of the investigation team in Guangzhou."

Li Guo felt the hostility visible to the naked eye falling on him.

"Are you an official?"


Everyone's eyes softened a little, but not much, and said: "That's the non-staff members, tsk, the officials actually let the non-staff personnel come to negotiate with us, it seems that they are still a little self-aware, knowing that sending official people will only make trouble. reaction."

"It won't work right now, who told him to report Gray Giant to the police station." Shanleike was still on the sidelines, looking quite upset.

At this moment, as the leader, Tian Dao Xia suppressed his hand and reprimanded him.

"Okay, this matter is indeed that the gray giant did something wrong. If he does something wrong, he will stand at attention and be beaten. It is what he deserves to report him to the police station. If it weren't for the fact that the defense forces in our city are inferior, I really I want him to go in and squat for ten or eight days."

Under the scolding of Tian Dao Xia, the two-meter-tall gray man became pitiful, weak and aggrieved, and dared not speak.

After reprimanding the gray giant, the Heavenly Swordsman came to Li Guo, cupped his hands and said, "Since the Taoist priest came to our city to help eliminate and investigate those monsters, it is my duty to exchange information."

"Can he really help us eliminate that monster?" In the team, a girl in tights who looked like a cat asked coquettishly.

Doubts about strength, rejection of official facilitators
In the end, someone recognized Li Guo.

"Everyone, don't doubt it. For the Daoist in front of me, I believe he has enough strength." An old man with a rather rickety figure said: "I think this is the 20th place on the list of 'Heavenly Sword' Li Zhenren." .”

Li Guo laughed.

"It's the poor way."

Fortunately, the old man recognized it, otherwise Li Guo would have had to register himself.

Self-registration number has nothing to say.

Sure enough, when the name came out, everyone was shocked.

"A person on the ground list?"

The master of the local list may not represent the strength of the strength, but it definitely represents the official recognition.

This day Daoxia was also stunned for a moment, then cupped his hands and said: "It turns out that he is a top player in the local rankings, but we have neglected him."

"It's okay."

Li Guo held his head up and held his chest high, Mingren didn't pretend to be intimidating, and the title of master of the local list was still very intimidating. For example, Shanleike, who was beeping crazily just now, would not say more.

Then, Tian Dao Xia began to talk about the characteristics of the night demon.

First, this demon is very cunning and commits crimes randomly. It will appear in the small house of a happy family of three, in gloomy and gloomy alleys, and even in squares, without caring about the number of people.

Second, the demons are not strong, but they are elusive, and ordinary people have no way to deal with them.

Third, the appearance of the demon is probably a mass of red flesh with tentacles, a huge mouth, and sharp teeth. It looks like a mass of moving flesh has grown terrifying organs.

Afterwards, Li Guo also knew some features that could not be photographed by photographic equipment.

Basically, it has exactly the same characteristics as the flesh and blood demons raging in northern Europe.

"The information you have on this demon is much better than the official ones." Li Guo was even a little surprised that the Heavenly Swordsman actually figured out some of the demon's weaknesses, ability characteristics, physical characteristics, and even murderous characteristics. Come.

At this time, Tiandaoxia was not in a hurry, and smiled lightly.

"That's the beauty of our 'superhero' organization."

"Because of the superiority of the organization's internal structure, we will always arrive 'one step faster' than the official personnel, and we can solve problems 'one step faster'."

After saying this, Tian Dao Xia stretched out his hand towards Li Guo and said with a smile.

"Master Li, why don't you join us in the 'One Qi League'? With us, your strength and talent will play the greatest role."

(End of this chapter)

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