God Level Collection

Chapter 47 People, Always Be Willful Occasionally

Chapter 47

Wang Yuqing looked at Yunjin at a loss, and Yunjin glared at Fatty Qian, "Don't talk if you can't speak. Besides, if you know too much, you die quickly."

Fatty Qian quickly covered his mouth, but he still blinked at Wang Yuqing, which meant: I understand everything about you.
Yun Jin didn't want to talk to this fat man who was so excited, he stood up and said to Fatty Qian, "If it's all right, we'll leave."

Fatty Qian is obviously still misunderstood. He used to follow Yunjin to death, but this time he waved his hand very readily, "Okay, goodbye."

It's so refreshing that it doesn't look like him.

Walking on the road, Yun Jin said to Wang Yuqing, "Are you interested in awakened people?"

Wang Yuqing nodded vigorously, "Of course! I really look forward to having superpowers!"


"For example, luck!" Wang Yuqing beamed when she said this, "If my awakening ability is a lucky halo, then I will definitely not be as unlucky as I am now."

"Maybe you already have the ability to awaken." Yun Jin pointed to the silly girl, "Halo of bad luck."

Wang Yuqing's eyes were dull.A look of lovelessness.

Yun Jin smiled and said, "I'm just joking, you may also be a lucky halo."

Wang Yuqing came back to life immediately, and a smile appeared on her face.

Then Yun Jin said, "That's why you are not in more bad luck now."

Wang Yuqing:
Wang Yuqing looked at Yunjin and almost cried, "Are you a devil?"

"Haha." Yunjin felt that if she had the ability to collect negative energy, she would be a fortress.

After making a joke, Yunjin became serious, "The world of the awakened ones is not as good as you imagined. It's bloody."

"I don't believe it." Wang Yuqing shook her head, "Now is a society ruled by law, how could it be bloody."

"You're so naive." Yun Jin smiled wryly and shook her head.

After shaking his head, he was also stunned.In the past, he seemed to be the same as the silly girl, thinking that life is full of sunshine and life is all beautiful.

As a result, now...he has also changed.

In the past, even if Haitang wanted to kill him, he was unwilling to kill her.

When cooperating with Haitang before, he would not hold back anything, and he would trust everything.

In the past, he would think that he could not break the law or kill people.

now what.
Although he has not yet reached the level of trampling on the law at will and killing people casually, he seems to be much more indifferent
Yunjin couldn't help looking at the sky.

But no matter how it changes, he is still him, and he will not believe that the world is full of darkness.

Even in the dark, he has a heart for the light.

After figuring it out, Yunjin felt much more at ease, and the impact of the death of the man in black yesterday completely dissipated.

He said to Wang Yuqing, "Let's go, I'll treat you to ice cream."

The two went to a multinational chain restaurant called Golden Arches, but they looked familiar and bought a cone.The second half price is full of abuse of single dogs.

In a fit of rage, Yunjin bought four, two for each person.

Then the two of them had a cone in each hand, and walked while eating in the pedestrian street.

While eating, Wang Yuqing said, "I've never seen such a wealthy person like you. You actually eat two cones by yourself."

Yun Jin laughed.

As a human, you have to be self-willed once in a while, otherwise it would be boring.

While the two were chatting, a young girl suddenly came up to her face. She had long brown wavy hair, an oval face, and big eyes. She looked 15 or 6 years old, but she was already considered a little beauty.

Seeing Yun Jin, she was stunned for a moment, and then said pleasantly, "Doctor Yun, why are you here?"

Yun Jin was also taken aback for a moment, "Weimiao?"

"Enen." The cute and beautiful girl seemed to be carrying sunshine, she looked at Wang Yuqing, and then showed a suddenly realized expression, "Oh~ you are dating."

Yun Jin tapped her on the head, "I'm just thinking about it every day. My friend, let's talk about something."

Sticking out her tongue cutely.

Yun Jin handed her an uneaten ice cream, and then asked, "How are you doing? Have you taken your medicine on time?"

Wei Miao nodded, "Some of them take their medicine on time. The doctor can rest assured."

"That's good, remember to come for a review next month. Contact me if you need anything."

"Enen, yes, Doctor Yun." Wei Miao smiled cutely.Then he waved his hand and said, "That won't bother you, see you next month."

"See you next month."

After Weimiao left, Wang Yuqing said, "That little girl is so beautiful. She looks really sunny."

Yun Jin took a bite of the ice cream, "Yes."

"You just said to take medicine, but she is your patient?" Wang Yuqing asked curiously.

Yun Jin spread her hands, "No comment. I'm a professional psychologist."

"Cut." Wang Yuqing rolled her eyes at Yunjin.

In fact, Weimiao is indeed Yunjin's patient, and her illness is still very serious.

Wei Miao has suffered from severe paranoid schizophrenia since she was about 14 years old. She always fantasizes that she has a younger sister.

Moreover, this younger sister always abused her, bullied her, and even wanted to kill her at a later stage.

Wei Miao's parents are busy with business and are often away from home, which delays the illness. When they found out, it was already difficult to control.

They went to various hospitals in the city, and the doctors could only relieve the symptoms of this condition, and there was no way to treat it better.

There was no other way, they found Yunjin through someone else's introduction.

Under Yunjin's guidance and treatment, Weimiao's condition has gradually stabilized, and she has been symptom-free for more than half a year.But every month I will come to review and get medicine.

Seeing that Wei Miao's condition was under control, her parents continued to work everywhere and left her at home alone.After all, the medicine for schizophrenia and Yunjin's consultation fee are very expensive.

So in the past two months, Weimiao came to review by herself.

The treatment of paranoid schizophrenia requires the establishment of a bridge of trust between doctors and patients, so Wei Miao has always been particularly attached to Yun Jin, and Yun Jin also pays more attention to her because of the special situation of her family.

I met her today, and judging by her appearance and mood, she should have recovered quite well this month.

After all, schizophrenia is often accompanied by depression and mood changes.

And these were not seen in Weimiao.

Meeting Weimiao was just a small episode. The two sat down on a bench in the pedestrian street. Wang Yuqing asked, "Do you know that there is a riverside park nearby, which is a holy place for love?"

"Holy Land of Love?" Yun Jin gave her a strange look.

"Yes. I heard that there were a lot of confessions last night."

Yun Jin nodded, guessing that it was probably the park that Fatty Qian went to.

The silly girl continued, "But it doesn't seem to be a good thing. I heard that several people were caught cheating there last night."

"Cheating?" Yun Jin was a little interested.

God knows his hobby is gossip, and the more bloody the better.Otherwise, the fact that Fatty Qian wanted to be a father made him so excited?
 Update at 0:05 tonight.Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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