God Level Collection

Chapter 32 Goodbye Sloppy Uncle

Chapter 32 Goodbye Sloppy Uncle
"Um." Yun Jin thought for a while, "Forget about the money. I'm a psychiatrist, so you're fine."

"No, no. Give as much as you want."

"It's really not necessary"

The two chatted for a while, then Zhou Yang suddenly took out a wad of money from his pocket, threw it on Yunjin's table and ran away.

When he ran to the door, he turned his head and said to Yun Jin, "Doctor Yun, I don't know how much is appropriate. This is 1000 yuan. I hope you don't think it's too little. Wait for me to send you fresh vegetables."

Things have come to this, Yun Jin can only accept, he reminded, "You just lost your super power, you may feel unwell, remember to rest."

"Okay, doctor, I will definitely come to my house for dinner when I have time. Thank you so much."

Yun Jin nodded, indicating that she heard it.

After Zhou Yang left, Yun Jin put the money on the table into the drawer, he was not a hypocritical person, since he gave all the money, he would accept it.It's not easy for the other party, so wait until you buy something later and then return him.

Sitting back at the table, Yunjin started his own experiment again. He snapped his fingers, and another bomb appeared in front of him out of thin air. With a thought, the bomb materialized in mid-air, and fell to his body under the action of gravity. hands.

Yun Jin put the bomb on the side of the desk, and the bomb seemed to have a suction cup, and it was directly attached to the table, and then the countdown sounded.


Yun Jin tugged on the bomb, sucking it tightly, then he stood a little further away and said silently, "Detonate."

"Peng!" With a muffled sound, the desk shook three times, and the side was scorched black.

Of course, he adjusted the power of 0.1TNT, and he is not stupid, he still has to buy it if it blows up.

Yun Jin rubbed her chin, thinking.

After testing, he found that when he acquired this ability, he would automatically get 10 bombs. If he did not use these stored bombs, after 10 hours, the 11th bomb would appear and the countdown would begin.

And once used, the bomb spawns a spare bomb every 10 hours.Until the 10 bombs are full, the 11th bomb will appear in front of you again.

He's used 2 now, so for 30 hours, he won't have a bomb in front of him.

With a thought in Yun Jin's mind, a physical bomb appeared in his hand again, and when he threw it, the bomb drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and then exploded with a sound of "Peng!"

Turned into an entity, even if it is not placed, it can be detonated.

Yun Jin has a certain understanding of the whole ability, and then he plans to do the last experiment.

With a flick of his right hand, it suddenly turned into a black wing, and a feather fell down, turning into a blood crow.

With a thought in Yun Jin's mind, a bomb appeared on Blood Crow's back.

The blood crow held the weight of the bomb steadily, and then flew out of the clinic.

Yun Jin walked out of the clinic, leaned against the door, closed her eyes, and switched to the perspective of the blood crow.He commanded the blood crow to turn over and fly, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, and flew around the entire building.Then in the air, "Boom!" It exploded!

Yun Jin's eyes went dark, and then he opened his eyes. At the place of the explosion, the blood crow had turned back into a feather, and it was slowly falling down.

But Yun Jin knew that the experiment was a success.The combination of the two awakening abilities actually exerted an effect of 1+1>2.

Just when he was happy, there was a yell from upstairs, "You are demolishing the building downstairs! There is no end to it!"

"Sorry, sorry." After Yun Jin apologized, she returned to the clinic in embarrassment, took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, took out the last cigarette from it, lit it, and continued to analyze.

With such a hole card, his ability to protect himself has at least been enhanced a lot.The power of one bomb may not be enough to see, but 10 or 11 bombs.Two kilograms of TNT explosives have exceeded the power of tank shells.

After smoking, Yun Jin closed the clinic and planned to go outside to buy cigarettes.

After leaving the community, the small supermarket that Yunjin often went to was closed. He asked passers-by, followed the direction pointed by passers-by, walked more than 600 meters, and found a small shop.

Entering the shop, the shop owner was reading a book with his back to Yun Jin.

"Boss, buy cigarettes." Yun Jin greeted.

"En." The boss agreed dully, and turned around. He was wearing a dirty suit, messy hair, unshaven, an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and a book in his hands. of.

He looked up at Yunjin, "What cigarettes do you want?"

Yun Jin froze in place, isn't this the sloppy uncle who knocked down the giant beast that day?
Maybe Yun Jin didn't speak for a long time, the sloppy uncle raised his head and glanced at him, "Do you want more cigarettes?"

"Oh, yes, yes." Yunjin was awakened by the sloppy uncle's words, and took out 100 yuan from his pocket, "A pair of Taishan in a blue box."

The sloppy uncle took the money, took out the cigarettes from the drawer, packed them in a plastic bag, and handed them to Yunjin along with 15 yuan in change.

Yun Jin took it and was stunned for a moment, "85?"

"En. No money." When the sloppy uncle spoke, his cigarette flickered, with a cynical attitude.After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and continued to read the book.

Yun Jin felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward.He put the money in his pocket and turned to go out.

Just as he stepped out of the store with one foot, the low voice of the sloppy uncle came from behind, "By the way, you know me?"

Yun Jin turned her head, the sloppy uncle was still casually reading the book, without even raising his head.As if just asking casually.

Yun Jin smiled and shook her head, "No."

"En." The sloppy uncle nodded, "Welcome to visit next time."

Yun Jin smiled and went out.

He walked back with a relaxed pace, as if nothing happened.It wasn't until he returned to the clinic that he quickly closed the door from the inside, and then sat heavily on the sofa.

It took a full 10 minutes before he wiped the cold sweat off his face, poured himself a glass of water, and drank it all in one gulp.

too terrifying.This was the only thought in Yun Jin's mind.

He had never been so nervous, even when he was attacked by Haitang for the first time, he was very calm and calm, but facing that sloppy uncle, he seemed to be facing a lazy dragon.

Even though the sloppy uncle didn't take any action or say any threatening words, he felt that as long as there was something wrong, the sloppy uncle only needed a moment to knock him down.

His psionic energy, which had been active all along, was suppressed so that he dared not move it.

It was the first time he had encountered that feeling of looking up at a high mountain.

In just 2 minutes, his back was wet. He felt that he had far underestimated the strength of the sloppy uncle. Maybe the sloppy uncle was much stronger than he imagined.

So the question came to him, who are they?

Just when Yunjin was thinking wildly, "Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door of the clinic
 Let's recommend it today to see how it is.Hope to make the cut.


(End of this chapter)

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