Enjoy life from Douluo

Chapter 138 Operations in the Battle Hall

Chapter 138 Operations in the Battle Hall

Zongmen's battle soul masters have reached tens of thousands, and there are more than 5 soul masters. This scale of soul masters has never been reached even by the most prosperous Clear Sky School.

With just these soul masters alone, the Lingtian Sect can properly become the top three sects, and even surpass the top three sects.

The key is that Lingtianzong still has four Limit Douluo. Although there are more Title Douluo in Wuhun Hall, the Limit Douluo only has her grandfather Qian Daoliu. The combat power of Limit Douluo is not ordinary Title Douluo and Super Douluo can compare.

One Limit Douluo can easily deal with three or four Title Douluo, so the peak fighting strength of Lingtian Sect is no less than that of Wuhundian, and even faintly above it, because the fighting strength of Yuntian and the girls are very strong, Coupled with Yuntian's perverted soul ability, it was completely born for war.

Once Yun Tian reaches Title Douluo, it is equivalent to more than 900 titles coming. Is it still necessary to fight?How about being ravaged properly?

At first, when Yun Tian told her about these things, she thought she had heard it wrong, but when she knew it was true, she could only mourn for the Hall of Spirits completely...

So Xue Ye's wishful thinking was completely in vain. It is typical to lose his wife and lose his army. If he knows the truth, will he vomit blood in anger?

As for favors, they don't even exist anymore. Xue Beng is about to die soon, and his bloodline will be completely cut off, leaving only a harmless and weak woman Xue Ke.

Speaking of Xue Ke, Qian Renxue even doubted whether Yuntian would also take her into the harem, if that was the case, it would be even more ridiculous.

At this moment, the guard at the gate of "Tower...tower..." came in, came to Xue Ye, and saluted him: "Report to Your Majesty, urgently report."

Xue Ye opened the secret report handed over by the guards, her face gradually became solemn, and then handed the secret report to Xue Qinghe.

After a while, Xue Ye saw that Xue Qinghe had finished reading the secret report, and he asked, "Qinghe, what do you think about this?"

Xue Qinghe complained in his heart: How else to look at it, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is purely looking for death, sending someone's head away from thousands of miles away...

"Father, I think there must be some misunderstanding." Xue Qinghe said quietly.

Xue Ye pondered for a long time, and said: "Qinghe, it's hard work for you to go again, find out what happened, and prevent the situation from getting worse."

Xue Qinghe heard that Xue Ye's will was following her heart, and it happened that she could see this Lingtian Sect with her own eyes.

"My son obeys the order..."


Wuhun Hall, Pope's Hall, Bibi Dong also received the secret report at this time, frowned slightly, looked at Ju Douluo below and asked: "Moon pass, hasn't Na'er come back yet?"

Ju Yueguan said respectfully: "To the Pope, the saint has not returned yet..."

"What the hell is this Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect doing? Why are you mobilizing so many sect disciples to this Lingtian City at once?"

Bibi Dong was puzzled, looked at Ju Douluo and said: "Yueguan, go to Lingtian City, see what the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School wants to do, and bring Na'er back to me, remember to guarantee Na'er Safety……"

"Yes, His Highness the Pope..."


The Lingtian Sect knew nothing about the actions of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, after Yun Tian separated from Qian Ren in Tiandou City, he has now appeared in Notting City.

He was a little tired and wanted to go back to the Zongmen to make some adjustments, and then set off to settle the affairs of the academy.

"Didi... Didi... Didi..."

"This sound is...an alarm from the satellite..." Yun Tian murmured.

After launching the satellite, Yuntian ordered a software called Lingtian Map, and this sound is the alarm sound from this software.

Once the alarm sounds, it means that Lingtian City or Lingtian Sect has been invaded, or it may be that a large number of soul masters are approaching it.

Yun Tian immediately turned on his phone and clicked on the Lingtian map. As expected, a large number of soul masters were approaching Lingtian City, and there were thousands of dense red dots on the map.

Yuntian didn't think much about it, and directly clicked on Lingtian Communication, and established a video connection with Yaoyue Lianxing.

After a while, a smoky picture appeared on Yuntian's mobile phone, Yuntian's eyes straightened and his mouth drooled.

At the same time, a charming and moving voice came from the phone.

"Master, what do you want me to do with Lian Xing, we are taking a bath...do you want to go together..." Yaoyue teased.

"Yes, master, let's come together..." Lian Xing echoed from the side.

Seeing this scene, Yuntian almost spit out nosebleeds, Yuntian closed his eyes, shook his head, "It's important..."

"There are a thousand soul masters approaching the Lingtian Sect. I suspect that they are plotting something wrong. You ask the disciples of the Battle Palace to catch them all. I will send you their locations on the mobile phone later..." Yuntian finished quickly, Before they could speak, they hung up the video.

"Huh...huh..." Yun Tian kept taking deep breaths to calm himself down.


There are tens of thousands of disciples in the battle hall of Lingtianzong, and most of the disciples in the battle hall are working in the patrol room. The sudden order made all the patrol rooms put on the highest security.

Yao Yue and Lian Xing, as the heads of the Lingtianzong Battle Hall and the highest commanders of the Battle Hall, have appeared in the battle preparation command room at this moment.

The two looked at the big screen on the wall and issued instructions from time to time, while more than 20 liaison officers sat behind them to convey their instructions to the sect disciples in each patrol room.


The sect disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School stopped a mile away from Lingtian City, and one of them held a map and assigned them this specific task.

Since Ning Fengzhi told them to act in a low-key manner, they also always carried out the order of the suzerain, so thousands of people entered Lingtian City from the gates on three sides of Lingtian City in batches and time-sharing.

Everything went so smoothly, there were no soldiers blocking the gate of the city, and no obstacles were encountered, thousands of people mixed into Lingtian City one after another.

It's just that they don't know that someone is watching their every move all the time out of sight of each of them.

The disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect who had infiltrated into Lingtian City did not gather together, and completed their tasks independently.


As night fell, there were basically no people on the streets of Lingtian City. Most of the people had their own jobs, and their lives were very regular from nine to five every day.

As midnight approached, the people in Lingtian City had already gone to sleep early, and the streets were empty.

In the battle preparation command room, the supreme commanders of the battle hall, Yaoyue and Lianxing, realized that the time had come. They looked at each other with a smile, and Yaoyue said: "All disciples start to act, remember to be careful, and don't disturb the people..."

All of a sudden, one car after another drove out of the underground parking lot of each patrol house.

 The second update today, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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