Pirates Never Work Overtime

Chapter 282 Take the initiative to deliver it to your door?

Chapter 282 Take the initiative to deliver it to your door?
"Hey, hey, Xiong Er, aren't you a bit too much, and you brought you the high-quality nectar from Nine Snake Island all the way to me, and you're just doing this to me?" Gnar said, using his chubby The hands kept rubbing Xiong Er Plush's head.

The two knew each other when they were in Paradise. Ever since he learned that this little guy had saved the life of that bastard Moores, Gnar spent a lot of money collecting jars of honey from all over the world and brought them to Malinvan. Give this little guy more.

Because of this, this person and Xiong quickly became good friends, so Xiong Er was very dissatisfied with Gnar for taking so long to come to the New World to play with him, and felt that Gnar did not regard himself as a friend at all.

However, when he heard "Nectar of Nine Snake Island", a pair of bear eyes lit up suddenly, and his hands couldn't help but turned around and hugged Gnar's thick thighs and shook them.

"Hey, hey, Xiong Er, please be gentle with me, you don't understand how strong you are, and if you hold me like this, my leg will break."

While shouting loudly, he quickly motioned to Spandam behind him to bring over the honey he had prepared earlier, and if Xiong Er continued to hug him like this, he would really break his leg.

Xiong Er skillfully opened the honey jar while walking with his round buttocks twisted, and said naively as he walked: "Moers has been waiting for you in the office for a long time, but it seems that he is not in a good mood, although I don't know why. What, but Gnar, you better be careful!"

"What are you talking about, that guy is in a bad mood today, it can't be because of me! Is Mr. Green Bull here?"

"Hmm! I seemed to be there when I came out. Brother Lvniu has been basking in the sun with Moers during the day recently, and returned to the office to drink tea and chat in the afternoon, so this meeting should still be drinking tea and chatting together!"

"It's good that the green bull is here, it's good that it's here, I don't believe that Moles can beat me in front of outsiders, you say it's Lu Qi, as long as that bastard Moles has a little idea of ​​doing something later Just take me away quickly, and you must not let that guy beat me up again." Thinking of the furious appearance of Moers when he asked for money in the phone bug, Gnar couldn't help shivering, and even walked forward The pace slowed down a bit.

Moers, who was lying in an office chair with his eyes closed and thinking about life, was suddenly awakened by the sudden knock on the door, and subconsciously wanted to slash at him.

If the door kicker's voice hadn't come in time, the cherry blossoms floating around him wouldn't have slowly fallen until they disappeared.

"Hey hey hey! You guys are not going to draw your knife and cut me off as soon as you meet! Isn't it just a little dividend? It's a big deal. I'm here this time to talk about dividends with you."

When Gnar saw Moores drawing his knife, he was about to run back in an instant. He just moved a step and found a smiling green bull not far away. Worried about being beaten.

"Mr. Green Bull, how is your life in the navy recently? Is it more interesting than your seclusion in your hometown? You see, I'm right! How can you see so many interesting people and scenery if you don't come out for a walk?" Na Err looked at the green bull with a smile on his face. If he hadn't kept glancing at Moores from the corner of his eyes, he might have seemed more sincere.

"It was a very good trip. I think I will write all this into my biography in many years, and maybe someday there will be many readers following it!" As he spoke, he slowly stood up from the sofa, Go in the direction outside the door.

While walking out, he also picked up Xiong Er, who was deeply immersed in savoring the fragrance of Nine Snake Island's nectar. When passing by Lu Qi, he frowned thoughtfully. It was the first time he had seen such a murderous person. arrive.

If Kaido's murderous aura represented tyranny, and Mers' murderous aura was the essence, then Lu Qi only felt a kind of chaos and disorder, without any special characteristics.

It seems that it is simply because of killing too many people that these murderous aura, resentment, and death aura unconsciously gather on him. You must know that this is not a good phenomenon.

Seeing the green bull walking out with Xiong Er, Lu Qi and Spandam also walked out very sensiblely, and took the door of the office with them, and Moores and Gnar were left in the room immediately. .

boom! boom! boom!
Not long after, Spandam, who was standing at the door, saw that the violent collisions in the room had stopped, and couldn't help but want to push the door in to see what happened.

"If I were you, I would just stand here quietly, no matter what happens in the house, it has nothing to do with us."

"You bastard, if the admiral accidentally kills Commander Gnar, you will be fully responsible, Lu Qi."

Seeing Lu Qi's indifferent face and ignoring his intentions, Spandam also let go of his hand that wanted to push the door open, but in the end he still had a resentful expression on his face, and chose to stand obediently at the door and watch the door just like Lu Qi.

As for Lu Niu and Xiong Er, they got off work early and went out for a stroll.


"Tell me! What are you planning to do when you come to the New World this time? Don't tell me what it is to inspect the situation of the major franchise countries. Just use that to deceive your partners!"

I saw Moores smoking a cigarette, looking at Gnar, who was sitting on the sofa with a swollen face, and asked angrily.

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Ouch, it hurts me to death, you bastard, can't you be gentle, I can't go out to meet people with this handsome face that is so popular among thousands of girls, if this group of beauties of my My confidant knows, but I don’t know how long I will be sad!"

"Shut up! As long as you still have a confidante, besides Kato, that stupid blind woman, can anyone else take a fancy to you in this life?"

"You bastard, ouch..."

The two quarreled for a long time, but in the end it was Moers who straightened his face and ended their chat with a serious face.

"Tell me! What are you going to do in the new world? If you need my help, just tell me!"

Moers didn't believe that this guy would simply come to the G1 fortress to beat him up. If there was no important matter, this guy wouldn't come!
"You guys are so boring, I can't keep watching how my old friends are doing in the new world? The money has not been paid, and the ban has not been lifted."

Gnar is indeed an old hermaphrodite, and he sprinkled salt on Moers' wound when he opened his mouth, but he found that Moers' face was getting worse and worse, and he even clenched his fists again.

He quickly restrained himself a bit, pretending to be serious and said, of course, it would be more natural if he could restrain the raised corners of his mouth.

"Give your navy's flag to that fellow Tezolo's entertainment city, and by the way, lend me that little guy Xiong Er for a while, you don't want me to be beaten to death for no reason along the way!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Moers with a pitiful face. If this is a beautiful woman, it would definitely be called pity for me.

"Understood, I will order someone to do it later, is there anything else?"

"Then there is your dividend. I will give you your share later. Hurry up and pay off your pitiful debt! I am ashamed of you. As an admiral, I can't even repair it Fei can't escape."

"You guy..."

(End of this chapter)

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