Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 442 Did Team Leader Jiang Really Do Something?

Chapter 442 Did Team Leader Jiang Really Do Something?
It has to be said that becoming a superior is an extremely convenient thing.

Jiang Lin only needs to lean in the back seat of the car, eat snacks, and occasionally help drive away the zombies that appear on the road in front of the car.

Others, such as looking for Gu Leng, collecting favorite supplies, etc., can be handed over to your subordinates with peace of mind.

There were some bumps in the car, which made Jiang Lin want to commit an old problem. When her eyelids were really twitching, she decided to follow her heart and take a nap.

"Hey, the team leader is asleep."

The other team members in the car immediately began to communicate.

"He is really a big-hearted team leader, but even if this kind of strong person falls asleep, if there is any disturbance, he will wake up in the next second, right?"

Fu Jiuye sighed as he drove the car. It's good for his team leader to fall asleep like this. If he was quarreled, he would definitely be unhappy. No one is unlucky, and I don't want him to be unlucky...

"By the way, do you think this team leader is a bit strange?"

"Eh? You think so too?"

"I think so too!" Even Fu Jiuye's nephew said with a kick.

"Before I saw a lot of corpses of team members on the road, they were all pursued by those who refused to accept the team leader. At first glance, I might think that the team leader might have encountered a zombie attack, but I always feel... I always feel that something is not right. Right."

As they talked, the eyes of this group of people fell on Fu Jiuye who was driving.

This is the only one who came back with the leader.They really wanted to hear what happened back then.

"Hey, why don't you just stare at the road outside and watch out for incoming zombies? What are you doing staring at me? I chased after me later, and by then all the others were dead." Fu Jiuye waved weakly. Waving, "Anyway, listen to my advice, everyone will be a team member in the future, and this girl who likes to mess around is the team leader of our team, I hope you don't do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise, you must Terrible things are going to happen.”

Uncle said so... Did the team leader really do something...

The crowd fell silent.This team leader seems to be very dangerous.

"In short, just do your duty with due diligence," Fu Jiuye changed the subject, "Hey, I saw Captain Gu's team."

As soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions became subtle.

—— "Who is going to wake up the team leader?"


Gu Leng stopped at a teahouse and discussed with his subordinates about eliminating zombies.

But what I didn't expect was that the zombies all left after a while without them being eliminated.

This made Gu Leng secretly wonder and puzzled, and then guessed the purpose of the zombies with his men, but at this moment, the sound of parking suddenly came from outside.Soon, there was news from one of his subordinates that a group of people drove over.

Forget about the others, but Gu Leng cared about Jiang Lin very much. He put down what he was doing and went out to pick up people. But when he came out, he found that there seemed to be some trouble outside.This group of team members is pushing and shoving who is going to wake up the team leader.

"What are you doing?" Ignoring the surprised gazes of the people around, Gu Leng stepped forward and pulled Jiang Lin up who was lying in the back seat, and said in a deep voice, "Hey, get up, you can't take a nap at this time."

Jiang Lin blocked the light in front of her eyes with her other hand, and slowly opened one eye. The anger disappeared in a flash, and she said softly, "It's you."

Gu Leng let go of her hand and pointed to the nearby teahouse: "It's me, do you want some tea?"

Jiang Lin got out of the car expressionlessly, stretched her waist, and rubbed her sore neck, "Is there a Dahongpao?"

Soon, several people entered the teahouse, and Gu Leng asked his subordinates to brew a Dahongpao and give a cup to everyone in Jiang Lin's group.

"Why did you bring these people here?" Gu Leng swept the rest of the people, "Where are the others?"

"Heaven." Jiang Lin gave a dark smile, and then smiled more gently, "Just kidding, they went back to the base first, I heard that the army of zombies is going to the base, I guess the base is in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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