Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 107 Welcome to the Punk Group

Chapter 107 Welcome to the Punk Group

This is estimated to be the most unlucky day for the H city base ever.


Jiang Lin was wearing an explosive red punk outfit, her hair was all tucked into a beret, and she was wearing black sunglasses in the middle of the night. She hugged her shoulders and looked at the base with only sporadic lights. There was a kingly smile of contempt on the corners of her mouth.

Behind her, there are countless black shadows, which are the zombie squads she gathered.

Similarly, near Jiang Lin, there is a group of shadowy figures. There, Cecilia, who is dressed in punk black and blue, is wearing a green wig. Metal necklaces stay put.She was thinking about how she should fight if she rushed over later so that no one would discover her identity.

On the contrary, she wasn't worried that the zombies beside her would hit her like that.This feeling is very novel and wonderful, fighting side by side with former enemies or something.

On the other side of the main entrance, Jing Buhui is also dressed in punk attire. He is dressed in black and yellow. He has a very distinctive hat with a half circle of thorns in the front and a small metal chain hanging from the side. With that sharp appearance, whoever touches it will pierce it. .

He was watching the guards near the main entrance, as long as the guards were a little slack, that moment would be the best time for him to attack!
As if influenced by Jing Buhui's serious atmosphere, the zombies behind him all looked very vigilant and dared not move.

At the end, Diao Minghan and the zombie brother were together. Before the fight started, Diao Minghan was drinking blood from a blood bottle to restore his strength, while trying to communicate with the zombie brother.

Although the zombie brother can't speak, but fortunately, zombies have a special way of communication.then……

Diao Minghan: "Roar." What's your name?
Zombie boy: "Roar." I don't remember.

Diao Minghan: "Ho Ho." Why are you so tall?

Zombie boy: "Roar." I don't know.

Diao Minghan: "Roar." That woman's name is Jiang Lin, right?Is she really a zombie?
Zombie boy: "Roar." Don't you think it's not like it?
Diao Minghan: "Hoho, Hoho." It's not like that at all. If I hadn't seen her drinking blood and controlling zombies, I would have thought she was a more ordinary person.

Zombie brother: "Roar." But I think she is the one who resembles the zombie the most.

Diao Minghan: "Roar?" Huh?Why?
The zombie brother was silent for a long time: "Roar."

Diao Minghan showed a playful expression.

He said that Jiang Lin had done everything that no one else had done before.

Just when Diao Minghan wanted to ask the zombie brother something, there was a sudden shout from the side, and then he heard a mess of voices coming from the main entrance.

"It's Jing Buhui, that guy started to act." Diao Minghan quickly drank up the last few mouthfuls of blood in the blood bottle, threw the bottle aside, and looked at the zombie boy, "I also acted. Please stand by .”

"Ho Ho." Don't worry, there is no punk group, unity and love come first.

Diao Minghan staggered, and quickly straightened the crooked white cockscomb wig.

Unity and love?Why didn't I see it?In addition to cheating, that woman Jiang Lin is cheating her teammate's sense of sight!

Let's hope nothing weird happens again.

Thinking of this, Diao Minghan looked serious, pursed his lips covered in black lipstick, changed his accent and behavior, and rushed to the side door with the zombie.

At this time, in the H city base, the leaders of the two organizations were gathering with a few of their subordinates to chat.

After a while of conversations, Miao Zi really admired Yan Yan. Yan Yan didn't say anything about her nervousness, but still carried the attractive charm of a superior person.His speech and behavior are very polite and generous, which makes people feel good.

Of course, this is Yan Yan's performance outside.In front of close relatives, it is another face.

Yan Yan noticed Si Dao's gloomy face next to him...

(End of this chapter)

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