Love apartment under one person

Chapter 500 Hu Yifei: This girl is completely hopeless!

Chapter 500 Hu Yifei: This girl is completely hopeless!

"Dali, I have no problem with you saying that Zhang Wei has a black shopping personality, but what the hell is your Meng Lang's white?" Chen Meijia's question attracted other people to nod in agreement.

Seeing this, the little girl smiled and said, "At the invitation of Chen Duo, I did a comprehensive personality and behavior analysis for Lawyer Zhang, and the final conclusion is that the reason why Lawyer Zhang sends coupons to everyone every day is to see Seeing that everyone spends money but I don’t spend a penny, there is a high probability that it is because... maybe he thinks that this can narrow the gap between rich and poor~”

"Damn it! Zhang Wei can do it!"

Hu Yifei suddenly realized: "It turns out that Zhang Wei encourages others to buy things every day, but he never buys them himself. He keeps grabbing coupons and sending them to us, make some people poor first?!"

Zhuge Dali shook his head lightly: "Although the color of shopping can show some personality traits, it can't represent the whole of a person. It's like Lawyer Zhang saves a lot on himself and spends a lot of money on the orphanage. Don't worry too much."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and then Fu Rong raised her eyes to look at Meng, "Dali, since Lawyer Zhang's black shopping personality is to make everyone poor first, isn't our brother-in-law's white shopping personality just the opposite of him? "

"That's right~"

The little girl smiled triumphantly, and excitedly stretched out her fingers and tugged at the face of the man beside her: "Don't look at this guy who doesn't usually pay attention, in fact, he does a lot of things behind his back! Everyone should know... because of a certain inconvenience In relation to the disclosed legal source of income, Meng Lang is actually very rich."

Hu Yifei was stunned: "We all know that Boss Meng is rich? Don't you mean, Dali, that... having money represents a white shopping personality?"

"Of course not!"

The little girl raised her hands in front of her chest, and made a big "X" with Feng Baobao, who was understanding by her side.

"Meng Lang's shopping personality is indeed the opposite of that of Lawyer Zhang, so Lawyer Zhang has always tried his best to save money, while Meng Lang is always trying his best to spend money!"

"Thinking of ways... to spend money?" Fu Rong suddenly felt that her brain was not enough, "Then what is the difference between him and the rich version of the red shopping personality?"

"The difference is huge! Anyone who has a little understanding of light colors will know that after mixing the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, the final result is white.

In the same way, Meng Langbai's shopping personality also contains all other shopping personality traits. He is full of passion and can set clear goals, good at weighing but wise and decisive, not afraid of failure but advocating freedom...

Not only that, don't you see it?Almost every time he spends money, he will consider other people. Even if he occasionally buys some luxury goods, it is mostly for work needs! "

"It's over!"

Hu Yifei was stuffed with the bald flashing dog food, turned her head and patted the back of Fu Rong's hand earnestly: "Go back and tell your boyfriend that his sister is completely hopeless~ Pack up and prepare to pass the door." Dowry."

Zhuge Dali saw that his sister-in-law actually showed a deeply appreciative expression to the devil's ridicule, and at the same time, he was not to be outdone.

"What I said just now is not only about beauty in the eye of the beholder, but the white shopping personality has another meaning!
Sister Yifei, you are a major in economics. Do you think it is more beneficial to society if one person saves money from a national perspective?Or is it better for society to spend the money? "

"Of course it was spent!"

Seeing someone mention her major, Hu Yifei immediately entered the teaching state.

"Consumption represents the market's demand for products, and the demand will stimulate production efficiency. The increase in production efficiency will naturally lead to an increase in income. After the increase in income, it will be invested in consumption... This will form a virtuous circle.

Therefore, economics believes that under the condition of not exceeding a certain limit, every consumption is a benign stimulus to the market, which can improve the economic level of the whole society and increase tax revenue. That's why the country has introduced so many policies to promote consumption upgrades! "

Speaking of this, Hu Yifei suddenly seemed to understand something, and there was a little more approval in the eyes of Meng Lang.

"Dali, I understand what you mean! You're saying that the reason why Meng Lang spends money lavishly and doesn't care is not only that he is rich, but also because he knows that every time he spends money, it will benefit the country!
Zhang Wei asked others to spend money and didn't spend it himself because he wanted to make some people poor first; while Meng Lang spent money lavishly and often gave everyone bonuses to spend money... in order to make everyone richer? "

Hu Yifei's analysis made everyone suddenly enlightened, and they all looked at Meng Lang with admiration, while the latter had a calm expression on his face, as if his sister was not praising him.

Only the little girl who knows a lot about a certain man's sullen personality saw his hidden embarrassment, and leaned close to the man's ear and bit his earlobe gently: "In front of so many people boasting You, are you happy this time? Didn’t you see that everyone’s drinks are almost finished? Don’t be dazed, and make another one.”


Meng, who was in a beautiful mood, turned into the counter, and with Feng Baobao's silent cooperation, he quickly mixed drinks. It happened that a few strange customers turned around at the street corner, and the little girl also got up to say hello...

In this way, accompanied by the coming and going guests and the acquaintances who came to chat from time to time, the time came to 05:30 in the afternoon, and the first day of working life of the "family of three" came to an end.

Turning off the alarm, Meng Lang packed up all kinds of materials and utensils in an orderly manner, and carefully packed the few unsold fruits that were about to expire to avoid waste.

"Hmm~ I really look like the head of the family~" Zhuge Dali praised with a smile, "If you retire in the future, it seems good for the family to open a small shop like this~"

Feng Baobao also compared his thumbs: "Let's be in charge, it seems hard to get!"

After locking the door, Meng Lang turned around, and the scene in front of him made him slightly stunned——

Two girls in lovely green dresses just stood there arm in arm, the fiery red sunset reflected behind the two of them, outlining a holy golden border for the already pretty and charming them, which was extremely glamorous.

The evening in November was already a bit cold, but the smiles of Zhuge Dali and Feng Baobao made Meng Lang feel endless warmth in the late autumn breeze.

Slightly inhaling, smelling the faint sweet fragrance blowing from the two girls, he felt exhausted all over his body after a busy day.

Unknowingly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and meng lang took two quick steps to the girls' side, gently holding their little hands one by one.

"Come on, let's go home."


(End of this chapter)

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