One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 18 20. Iron Cannon Pirate Ship

Chapter 18 20. Iron Cannon Pirate Ship

20. Iron Cannon Pirate Ship

"It seems that the Empress is going out to obtain supplies." Korok guessed after hearing that Lieutenant General Weasel did not meet Empress Hancock.

Although Daughter Island has a country, the production materials are always effective, so the empress Hancock has to go out to get the materials every once in a while.

Maybe this time Lieutenant General Weasel did not meet Empress Hancock.But a deeper guess is that in order to go out to obtain supplies, the empress detoured to kill Korok on Luskaina Island.

But in any case, this is already the best result for Kerlock, what is there to be dissatisfied with?


The warship sailed all the way, out of the calm zone, and headed for the Navy headquarters.Because it was a naval vessel along the way, Korok and Vice Admiral Weasel did not encounter any trouble, and arrived in calm weather.

However, Lieutenant General Weasel, who just arrived, has a mission, which defeats the plan of Korok and Lieutenant Weasel to get together.

So, after saying goodbye to Lieutenant General Weasel, Korok had no choice but to plan for himself next.

I am a man who plans to become a pirate, but now I have the status of a member of cp9, I don't know if it is good or not.

In addition, maybe I am no longer a member of CP9. After all, I have been away for three years. With Spandam's character, I may have been wanted.

Now that I am staying with Admiral Weasel, it may be that the Navy feels that I can be one of them.

It is probably because of this that I have not received a wanted warrant for myself.

But no matter what, cp9 will definitely not be able to go again.

So next, there are only two places for Korok to go.Join the navy, or get out of here and become a pirate.

The former is not dangerous, but it needs to obey the orders of the Navy Headquarters.The latter may be endlessly chased and killed as soon as they leave.And this pursuit may not only be the navy, but also other departments of the world government.

In this way, Korok needs to plan carefully.

His own strength does not reach the strength of a mid-level lieutenant general by using the enhanced fruit. Once he uses the power of the enhanced fruit, he can reach the top of the lieutenant general's strength.

There is a big gap in the strength of lieutenant generals, and here they are simply divided into ordinary lieutenant generals, middle lieutenant generals, and top lieutenant generals.

The basis of this strength will be an important basis for selection.

After thinking for a long time, Korok decided to leave immediately and become a pirate!
Just do it, Korok directly found a pirate ship in the small town of Marineford.

A fleet named Iron Cannon Pirate Ship.The captain is Baze, with a bounty of 8000 million Baileys, but in fact he has no combat power, relying only on the power of the cannon on the pirate ship.

At that time, everyone on the Iron Cannon Pirate Ship was still eating and drinking.As a result, when Korok jumped onto the Iron Cannon Pirate Ship, the captain of the Iron Cannon Pirate Ship, Baze, said proudly to Korok, "Boy, what are you doing here?"

"It's nothing, just use your head!" Kerlock said with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, did you hear that, this kid actually said he wants to use my head. You, go up and let him see how good we are." While speaking, Baze pointed to a pirate beside him.

"Boy, your uncle's name is John! Remember that I killed you.!" The man said to Ke Luke with a grim face, obviously very confident in killing Ke Luke.

"What's your name? I'm not interested!" Kerlock really didn't know what his confidence was.

With a kick of his toes, Korok was in front of John, and John didn't react at all.But the result was doomed, and Korok shot with one finger.

The finger shot hit the heart, and John fell to the ground.Until his death, John always had an arrogant and ferocious expression, which shows how fast Korok is.John died before he could react.

"Ah... dead, the deputy captain is dead!" Fearful voices erupted from time to time.

Originally, this was the deputy captain of the Iron Cannon pirate ship.

"Brother...forgive...forgive!" Seeing that Ke Luke easily killed the vice-captain whom he had to look up to, the crew members were frightened and kept saying things like forgive.

But Korok was even more disgusted when he heard it. These people flattered those they couldn't beat, but it was a different situation for their defeated opponents.

Therefore, Korok didn't want to talk anymore, and it was sad to stay with these people for a while.

Point the gun!

With two moves, Baze, the captain of the Iron Cannon pirate ship, died.


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(End of this chapter)

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