The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 99 The Face of War

Chapter 99 The Face of War

"Rush, rush, rush!!! Come up to me quickly."

"Support our vanguard, and we must not let the sand ninjas seize the advantage."

Konoha and Sand Ninja's second wave of troops are rushing forward, and their targets are the vanguard of the two sides fighting on the mound.

"Guanyue, hurry up, Sand Ninja is the defensive side. According to the current speed, Sand Ninja must be the first to rush over. If our vanguard is defeated by Sand Ninja, we will face more Sand Ninja. Then we'll be in trouble."

It was Otome who spoke, her face turned slightly pale from the slaughterhouse-like scene of the vanguard...
However, his mind was still as clear as ever, and he quickly analyzed the somewhat dire situation, and made a reasonable but not very good prediction.

There were setbacks in the plan from the very beginning. First, because of the confusion of the rookies, the speed of progress slowed down for a while, and the reaction speed of the sand ninjas was fast enough. An opportunity to take advantage of.

All in all, if the status quo is maintained, the vanguard of the Konoha side is expected to be completely wiped out, and the second wave of troops will be severely tested.

"Sand Ninja's defensive measures are quite in place!"

"Hai Laozang, Sha Yin's wise general? Sure enough, his reputation is well-deserved."

"Hey, hey, isn't it natural! The three of us were peeping into the women's bathroom when he was famous!"

"That's your interest, it has nothing to do with me."

"Well, don't say such heartless words, okay..."

In the center of the Konoha Ninja Army, Orochimaru and Jiraiya chatted easily, listening to the two complaining with a bitter face, the topic seemed to be distorted without knowing it, and the tragic scene of the vanguard did not make them feel at all. Moved, even Zilai, there is no look of compassion on his face.

Death on the battlefield is nothing more than a normal thing.

"Guanyue, it looks like I'm going to work hard today!"

Sheng Shu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the more he moved forward, the more he could feel the solemn and tragic atmosphere, and he suddenly felt heavy pressure on his shoulders.

Of course, he is not the only one like this, basically all the newcomers have the same expression, even though many of them have been to the Land of Rain, they are all mixed in the logistics force, and it is the first time to face the battlefield like this.

The confrontation between the two armies, the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people, is completely different from the battle of at most a dozen people, and the impact shakes the minds of the newcomers.

"Hurry up, one more person in the vanguard survives, the greater our chances of surviving the second wave of sand ninja troops."

"Run fast and you will live, run slow and you will die."

The Chunin were very anxious, wishing they could have two more legs and run faster, and it was obvious that Otome was not the only one in this predicament.

"Ahhhh! I'm on it first... Leg strengthening, open it for me."

The extremely tense atmosphere made Guanyue unable to keep calm, and the trousers on his legs suddenly tightened. Guanyue, who was already at the forefront, suddenly turned on a rocket booster, and he was more than ten meters away. And galloping up the small mound at an astonishing speed, the figure that rushed away was as fast as a bolt of lightning.

"Good guy, hurry up."

"Come on, kid."

Seeing this scene, the Chunin who led the team cheered loudly. The previous suspicion and distrust of Guanyue being promoted to Chunin at such a young age has disappeared, and my heart is full of surprises. Even if it is only one more person, the vanguard It's good to have a little more time.

You must know that the vanguard troops of both sides are now inextricably killed. Whoever can get the supplement first may break the deadlock and wipe out the other side, even if there is only one reinforcement, and the tender green vest on Guanyue's body gives people even greater confidence. confidence.

The previous contempt and suspicion dissipated, replaced by strong expectations.

After all, being able to become a Chunin at such a young age is either due to bad luck or hard skills. Just looking at the lightning speed, it is impossible to be a guy who was promoted by luck. As a Chunin, their vision is still some······

The knife works great!

After Shuo Mao gave it to him yesterday, when he returned to the place where he lived, he was not willing to let go, and put it next to his pillow when he slept at night.

Now that chakra is injected into the knife, the smooth feeling like a fish in water is completely different from the previous knife, and the consumption of chakra has also been reduced a lot. Of course, this is not on his heart. It really makes people What makes me happy is the sense of flexibility and ease like using my arms and fingers.

"It's so good, this feeling... White Lightning Strike."

The short knife thrust out sharply, piercing Sand Shinobi's neck, and blood spewed out, like a faucet bursting, the only difference was that what spewed out was blood.

The ninjas on both sides of the war were not short-sighted, so they naturally noticed Guanyue's approach.

"It's the enemy!"


Konoha's spirit suddenly lifted, and the sand ninjas looked gloomy, and they desperately sent out their hands to meet Guanyue, hoping to stop him...
However, a face-to-face meeting will determine the outcome.

Although Guanyue was also cut by the opponent's wind blade, the skin and flesh on the right arm rolled up, leaving a wound about one centimeter deep, and the blood oozing out stained the sleeve red, but the black long sleeve did not look conspicuous .

"Trash, it was actually killed by the opponent with one move."

"Useless things."

The remaining sand ninjas couldn't hold back, and sprayed their dead comrades wildly. It was a time of life and death, and they were counting on their comrades to stop the enemy's reinforcements. lost.

It's really unacceptable. He himself will die when he dies, but if the balance between the enemy and the enemy that has already started to collapse is accelerated, it will be unbearable. Therefore, even if he is already dead, he is still mad at being caught. Spit.

"There is still a chance, everyone, don't be discouraged, the guy from Konoha's right hand has also been abolished, we just need to hold on for another ten seconds, ten seconds..."

Shouting Sand Shinobu suddenly lost his voice, the field of vision in front of him tilted and rolled, his dilated pupils saw the silvery-white knife light passing by, and the crimson blood fountain rushed to the sky...

"Quick, nice job, kid!"

"Brothers, work harder and kill these turbans!"

This time it was the ninja from Konoha's side who shouted, and the cheers resounded all around. Guanyue increased his movement speed to the limit, and the short knife wrapped in electric light continued to light up like the fangs of the god of death, depriving the sand ninjas of their lives. .

The price was that Guan Yue had a dozen wounds on his body, and the most severe one almost cut off his right kidney, which made him break out in a cold sweat. He was not sure if losing some internal organs would regenerate, he said To be honest, he didn't want to make such an attempt.

The price paid was not light, and the results obtained were naturally high. The first wave of the Sand Ninja Army was completely wiped out, and eleven people from Konoha's side survived. Although all of them were injured, they still had the strength to fight again. There are 12 people including watching the moon.

"Shuriken, shuriken, throw them all out!"

(End of this chapter)

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