The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 84 Movement in the Shadows

Chapter 84 Movement in the Shadows
Jia Tengduan felt a little pain in his heart, it was almost the same as what he thought, this matter is easy to say, but it is the most difficult thing to do in practice.

Generally speaking, when a junin leads a team, the middle and lower ninjas under him are all cannon fodder that can be discarded. After all, the value of a junin is far more than a group of middle and lower ninjas.

But this is only generally speaking, it is aimed at those existences who lack potential and are basically hopeless to break through the top ninja in the future. Of course, these people account for [-]% of the middle and lower ninja sequences. Very cheap, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is cannon fodder.

However, gifted youths like Guanyue and Shengshu, who have a good family background and extraordinary aptitude, need to lead a team of jounin to take good care of them. If something goes wrong with the genius under him, the leader of the team will also eat and die with him.

"Remember, the safety of the two of them is the most important. If necessary, you can give up the mission, give up other people around you, and even give up your own life. Of course, this is the worst case, all in all, the two of them are important."

The third generation stared at Duan with a serious expression.

"I understand, don't worry, I will bring them back intact, even at the cost of my life." Kato Duan nodded solemnly.


Three generations waved their hands.

Kato Duan slightly bowed his head in salute, and backed out.

In the corridor, I passed by the blond boy, and I couldn't help but look back.


"The vitality comparable to the first generation of Hokage is really surprising... Or is this the power of the Uzumaki clan?"

In the dark secret room, there was an oil lamp on the table, and the big candle was quietly emitting light. It danced gently with the breathing of the figure behind the table, and the long shadow on the wall also swayed.

Danzo crossed his hands on the table, rested his chin on his hands, lowered his head, and stared at the report spread out in front of him by the dim candlelight.

Since he got the report six days ago, he has read it more than 20 times, and every time he feels an uncontrollable tremor in his heart.

He is a disciple of the second generation of Hokage, but he is of the same generation as Sarutobi. He has also witnessed the legendary power of the first generation of Hokage. In this report, he seemed to see a tender young plant with the shadow of the first generation, struggling to grow up, toddling on the road of the first generation of Hokage to dominate the world.

"The future is limitless... Bloodline, bloodline, a good background is really enviable."

Danzo sighed softly, and there was undisguised envy in his eyes. He didn't have a strong bloodline, but was selected as a disciple by the second generation because of his extraordinary talent. Has reached middle age.

A long enough life course has allowed him to see the superiority of blood successors. The presence or absence of blood successors has almost become a sign to distinguish between strong and weak. At the same level, blood successors are bound to be stronger than non-blood successors. This is already a public opinion , There are too few ninjas who can break this consensus.

"How is the result?"

Danzo raised his eyelids and looked at the ninja who appeared suddenly and half-kneeled in front of the table.

"The subordinate is incompetent. Uzumaki Kanyue has been staying with Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. There are too many masters hiding in the dark to guard. The subordinate tried several times, but could not get close."

The subordinate lowered his head deeply.


Danzo frowned, his lips were tightly pursed, and the cross-shaped scars on his chin twisted slightly, highlighting his restless mood.

Root has been established for a short time. After failing to compete with Sarutobi for Hokage, Danzo calmed down and began to focus on cultivating his own power. He did not agree with Sarutobi's naive and gentle strategy. Konoha does not need to be weak, but Hokage's authority is something he can't fight.

All he could do was gather like-minded people, mainly those in the village who advocated martial arts, and set up a 'root' organization.

Sarutobi turned a blind eye to this, pretending that the power does not exist, it is good to gather the members of the martial arts faction in one place like this, so as to avoid troubles in two or three days, and with the constraints of the organization, it can be calmed down a little , He is confident that he can suppress Danzo's ambition with his own wrist.

If it weren't for this, even though Danzo's methods are as good as the sky, there is no way to use Anbu, the old hen, to hatch his egg.

Everyone who enters the "root" basically has the same philosophy as Danzo, using force to frighten the nations and restore the glory of the first generation of Hokage, instead of the gentle strategy that the third generation is now pursuing, it is the same concept , in order to attract many elites to join.

In order to strengthen the 'root', Danzo tried his best to promote the idea of ​​'root', and recruited like-minded people. At the same time, he has a long-term vision, not just staring at the budding elite, but also paying attention to the huge cannon fodder of the ninja group.

No matter how good a ninja is, he starts his legendary journey from cannon fodder.

Among them, teenagers with extraordinary blood like Shengshu and Guanyue are the focus of attention.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten the report submitted by Uchihano and the others so quickly.

"Where is the whirlpool watching the moon now?"

"Before I came down, I saw him enter the Hokage building together with Kato, and it is very likely that he is still inside now."

"Kato Duan, is it the art of spiritualization? Tch, it's a pity for talent, this kind of power should be in the 'root' to exert the greatest power... What a waste, waste, that fellow Sarutobi... What a waste!"

Muttering to himself expresses his envy and jealousy towards Sarutobi. Elite talents like Kato Dan don't have any "roots" now, but Sarutobi's entrainment is full of talents, it's hard not to envy him.

"...Go to Whirlpool Guanyue openly and honestly, tell him our ideas, don't force him to make a choice, just express our beliefs, I believe in a genius like him... ... will make reasonable judgments."

Danzo put away his messy thoughts and gave an order.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

The ninja kneeling on one knee responded loudly, forming mudras in his hands, and suddenly disappeared in place. Only the candle flame jumped up suddenly, and the shadow on the wall also swayed violently with the flickering candle flame.


After leaving the Hokage building, Guanyue went straight to the house.

During the period of martial law, there were few pedestrians on the street, and many shops were closed and closed. The pedestrians on the road were either hurriedly armed ninjas, or housewives who went out to buy ingredients, generally these two kinds of people mostly.

"Huh, fucking war."

"Those hooded bastards don't want to die..."

Cursing passers-by hurried past, and the whispered curses were like ice cubes exposed to the hot sun, which quickly melted away without leaving a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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