The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 68 Rescue Operation, II

Chapter 68 Rescue Operation, II
Jonin is the top fighting force of a village, and the number of Junin reflects the rise and fall of the ninja village to a certain extent.

Konoha relied on the incomparably tyrannical ninja crowd to coerce the ninja world and frighten all directions, especially the endless emergence of top masters. Starting from the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara, there were all top masters who provoked the main beam, such as The second generation, the third generation, Danzo, Bai Fang, the current Sannin, and the future yellow flash, all of them are like this.

Every Jonin has great power in the village. If Hokage is a confidant, he even has the right to mobilize Anbu to do things. Therefore, even if there are three generations, all Jnin are treated preferentially, and orders are never forced upon minor matters.

The 23 junin, plus the nine junin from the Hyuga clan, divided into sixteen teams. It took only about ten seconds before and after, and they were capable and neat.

Sarutobi's expression was a little pale, as long as there is suppression by the ninja, Konoha will be as stable as Mount Tai.

But I don't know whether it was intentional or not, including the Hyuga Clan, there are 32 Jnin, but there is no fire fan.

"The cloud ninja spy kidnapped the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and you go to pursue it, and you must bring the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki back. Anyone who obstructs him will be killed."

The map of the Land of Fire was spread out on the table, and the pipe in Sarutobi's hand was hitting the valley where the Kikuchi flower garden was located. A big cross was drawn with a red pen on the small dot, and the frantic handwriting reflected the anxiety of the person who wrote it. anger.

"This is the place where the incident happened, and remember, you must not let Yun Nin take the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki out of the country."


The 32 people responded in unison, each with a solemn expression, the kidnapping of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is simply appalling, no wonder Master Hokage is so angry.


No time to talk nonsense, Sarutobi waved his hand, the 32 Jonin disappeared in an instant, and the room became empty again.

He just lay down on the chair, looked up at the ceiling, and skillfully filled the pipe with tobacco leaves with both hands. At this moment, he had done all he could do, and now he could only wait for the good news.

Hope to hear good news.


Konoha Police Department.

The signs of fire fans can be seen everywhere. Even as the night gets darker, the lights are still bright, and the Uchiha people who are full of energy are either guarding the important areas, or patrolling the four directions, or sitting at the table to deal with important affairs.

"Otome, I don't want to get involved in this matter." The tall, handsome middle-aged man, who almost looks like Otome, is sitting on the seat behind the table, with an unspeakable expression on his face. With a wry smile, he looked at the precious girl standing in front of the table.

Uchiha Mu rubbed his eyebrows, his precious daughter really gave him a big problem.

If it wasn't for Otome's words to deploy people to rescue Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he would have thrown them out and imprisoned them long ago, so how could he be so troubled.

The Uchiha clan seems to be beautiful, but they know it hard. Since the second Hokage, the suppression of their clan has never stopped, but compared with the cruel second generation, the current third generation is much gentler, but it is also a Zhu'er, who kills with a soft knife without blood, just looks glamorous on the bright side.

In order to maintain the prestige of the family, the family kept a low profile and behaved according to the rules, so they fought secretly with that mad dog Danzo. For Sarutobi, the third-generation Hokage, the family was unwilling to disobey half a point. One Danzo was already a headache for them No matter how strong Uchiha is, he is not able to compete with the entire village on his own.

Therefore, in today's matter, if there is no Hokage, Uchiha would not dare to act privately. If he was bitten by Danzo's mad dog because of this, wouldn't it be three points to the bone.

"Otome, you have always been smart, you should know that the current situation in the clan is not calm." Uchiha Maki sighed, and spoke softly to the girl.

"I know, but today's matter is not to save Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but to save my brother..." Mentioning Otoha, the girl frowned unhappily, her eyebrows and eyes were exquisite and picturesque, but hidden With Uchiha's pride.

"Protecting the tribe is the foundation of our life. Besides, my brother desperately used the shadow clone to report back to the village. It is a great achievement. Even Lord Hokage can't say anything." Otome said lightly.

There are hundreds of Konoha families, and there are Senju, Uchiha, and Hyuga who are powerful. Now Senju has retired, and only Uchiha and Hyuga are famous for their pupil skills.

Although the Hyuga Clan is powerful, they have never been feared by all parties. This is not because they looked down upon the Hyuga Clan, but because the Hyuga Clan’s system is really criticized. The distinction between the family and the division is determined according to the order of birth. Although it is called protecting the blood, But this thing is a land mine, and no one knows when it will explode.

In other words, Ningci's resentment towards the clan in the future is the result of this paradoxical system.

In contrast, the family system of the Uchiha clan is much more sophisticated. There is no distinction between clan and branch families at all. It depends on strength to distinguish between high and low. Whoever has the highest strength will have a higher status in the family to which it belongs. Space is far more united than Hinata.

Uchiha Mujian raised his eyebrows lightly, he can naturally think of what Otome can think of, but it's not like the wishful thinking of his younger daughter's family, he still has to worry about Sarutobi's reaction, really can't say anything?He will still make other moves, and he dare not underestimate the third Hokage.

"Brother, you are too mother-in-law, leave this matter to me, and make sure to bring Otoha and that Nine-Tails Jinchuriki back."

The closed door opened with a bang, and a man with an unruly smile on his face broke in.

"Fourth, shut up and stop causing me trouble."

Uchiha Mu looked at this younger brother with a headache, and reprimanded him angrily. There are four brothers, the second and third are of average talent, but they all keep their own place.

And this youngest brother, who is more than ten years younger than him, is much more talented than him. Now he is a jounin, but he has an unruly temper. Get into trouble and get a headache when you see him.

A large part of the reason why he is strict with Yiyu is due to this younger brother. He is afraid that his son will also become this kind of virtue, so he will work hard for him as an old man.

Uchihano raised his eyebrows, disapproving of his elder brother's timidity, but his little niece was next to him, so he couldn't say much, and when he rolled his eyes, he suddenly became concerned.

"Brother, I think Otome is right. It's not good for you to show your face about this matter, but it's okay to let me handle it. Even if something goes wrong, just say that I did it recklessly, and it won't hurt the family anyway."

The words are sincere and sincere, showing the passion for the family.

(End of this chapter)

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