The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 52 Chapter Village

Chapter 52 Returning to the Village
The crisp and tender grass blades are chewed and crushed by the sharp teeth, and the long ears tremble slightly, listening to the wind and grass in the four fields. The rabbits maintain a high level of vigilance, and the slightest movement can make them run away.


The ground suddenly arched, rolled out together with the grass roots and soil underground, and the rabbits fled to the ground in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

The placer gold flow gushes out from the ground, like a fountain, the difference is that the white spring water is replaced by dark yellow quicksand. In just a few breaths, the grass within a radius of 20 meters is replaced by quicksand, and the open grassland appears. A very discordant scar.

An eyeball flew up from the quicksand, looked around to confirm that there was no danger, and shattered into sand, and then a pale palm stretched out from the quicksand.

Lying down on the soft sand, Luo Sha let out a long sigh of relief, and finally escaped.

Since he saw a bad opportunity, he directly gave up the mission and escaped. During the period, Konoha could be said to be surrounded and intercepted. If it weren't for the fact that Konoha dispatched all the ninjas, and the magnetic escape technique was powerful enough, combined with the earth escape technique, it was extremely unpredictable. With a body of over a hundred kilograms, it is impossible to say that he is in the country of fire.

"The group of brainless idiots above, sending spies to Konoha at this time is a fool's use, almost costing my life, a bunch of bastards." Luo Sha regained his strength, and did not scold Konoha. On the contrary, he cursed the high-level officials in his own village, with a gloomy expression, wishing to kill those idiots who issued orders alive.

Brainless fool.

This is Luo Sha's definition of the group of elders above, because the powerful image of the third-generation Kazekage, known as the strongest in history, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, many people in the village have become blind and arrogant, and somehow changed from the strongest Kazekage This ridiculous statement that has become the strongest in the ninja world.

But in the village, there is still a market for such remarks. Even some high-level officials in the village have given birth to unrivaled opponents in the world. It seems that Konoha and Iwanin are nothing but chickens and dogs, and they cannot stop the Sand Ninja army at all.

Of course, this kind of blind self-confidence is not without. After all, even in the era when the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara swept the ninja world, Sand Hidden Village was the second most powerful after Konoha, surpassing the other three ninja villages , without the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara, Konoha is not invincible.

There are quite a few people who have this kind of thinking, and Luosha is also one of them. They are unwilling to occupy the fertile land of the mainland, but such a move is simply stupid. Without any pioneer preparations, they randomly dispatch spies to try to invade the land of Fire. The country, invading behind Konoha, is simply foolish.

"The idiots must pay the price."

Although he is only a ninja, Luo Sha is not afraid of those high-level elders at all. With his family background and status, he has fallen into such a dangerous situation, and someone must pay the price for it. The strongest blood successor family, three generations of Kazekage also possessed magnetic escape, is Luo Sha's elder.

After recuperating for half a day, Luo Sha drove the sand gold flow and dived into the ground again, preparing to cross the land of rivers and return to the land of winds.

"And the bastards of Konoha, I will never make it easier for you next time..."

The stupid decision of the upper management was irritating, but he also firmly remembered the appearance of Guanyue and the others. Although relying on the large number of people, they all looked younger than him and could suppress him. It is undoubtedly a disgrace.

Next time, definitely get back to this place.

The huge purple-gray mountain rock is located in the jungle, and the inside of the rock more than 200 meters high has been hollowed out. The densely packed corridors are dazzling like spider webs, and Konoha ninjas wearing green vests shuttle through the corridors one after another. The footsteps are hurried, but orderly.

This is the base camp of the Fire Nation's western frontier garrison.

The long national border bordering the country of Chuan is guarded by the western border garrison stationed here. If this base camp is compared to a spider's nest, then thousands of Konoha ninjas are spider threads extending out, densely covering every corner of the border. A corner is woven into a tight web, even the slightest disturbance in the wind and grass will alarm the owner of the nest and cause the little spiders to move out.

Guanyue and the others are also part of the Western Territory garrison that is temporarily attached.

"It's a pity to be run away."

Sitting on the sofa, Guan Yue sighed, indeed, a genius like Luo Sha is hard to kill.

However, disappointment also gave birth to a little competitive spirit. This time everyone failed to win Luo Sha together, which really made people a little unconvinced. They couldn't help but secretly made up their minds. The next time they meet, they will definitely let the four generations of Kazekage-sama try it. He's great.

"But that Sand Ninja is really powerful. It's the first time I've seen the Blood Succession Limit of Citun. I heard that the third generation of Kazekage in Sand Hidden Village is also a user of Citun, and they were said by those headscarfs to be the strongest wind in history. Shadow." Otoyu is still reminiscing about the previous battles, and the confrontation with Luo Sha was the most intense among the several battles they encountered, and everyone has different feelings.

"It's really strong."

Minato nodded solemnly, Luo Sha's placer gold flow left a deep impression on him, because he found that if he fought alone, he was no match for Luo Sha at all.

Among other things, the form change ability of placer gold alone makes it a combination of offense and defense, and its combat power is beyond the charts at the lower ninja level. On the other hand, he himself has no tricks at all except for the big breakthrough taught by Jiraiya.

This is the tragedy of commoner ninjas. Without ninjutsu and no resources, everything depends on one's own efforts. Talents such as Minato have to worry about ninjutsu.

If he could learn more powerful ninjutsu, wouldn't he be inferior to that turban man who ate sand? He sighed weakly in his heart, suppressing this meaningless thought, Minato quietly sipped tea, thinking about how to learn New ninjutsu.

"Boys, go back to your room and pack your things. We are going back to the village."

Nigong Hao rushed in in a hurry, and the extremely straightforward order made everyone confused for a moment, and no one responded for a while.

"Why are you going back to the village now?" Otome was the first to come to her senses, with a look of bewilderment on her face, "Isn't it too sudden? There was no news at all before."

"Ahem, do you still want to graduate? Don't forget that you are still students. If you fail to catch up with the graduation exam and fail to graduate in the end, don't blame me for not reminding you now." Nigong Hao shook his head. I forgot my identity.

"Remember, you are still students, and the helmets on your heads are issued temporarily. Don't tell me that you all forgot."

They stared at each other wordlessly for a while, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

They really forgot about it.

(End of this chapter)

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