The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 267 Perhaps...

Chapter 267 Perhaps...
"Kakashi Hatake, Asuma Sarutobi, Obito Uchiha, Maite Kai."

"Who called me?"


Kakashi, who was fighting Asmayo, was startled. The sound he had never heard before made him subconsciously alert. He looked around, but he couldn't find the source of the sound.

"Huh! Are you looking for me?"

The cold breath blew across his neck, and Kakashi suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, and jumped away, only to see the figure standing behind him, a very beautiful woman, long black hair draped over her shoulders, pure white The dress highlighted the girl's purity, and her pretty face showed a charming smile.

"Who are you? What do you want us to do?"

Kakashi's psychological quality is obviously very good. After a moment of absence, he cheered up, stared at the visitor vigilantly, stretched his hand behind his back, and quietly gestured to Asma and the others.

"Very good reaction, I thought that the little guy in this peaceful environment doesn't know how to fight!" The woman smiled and watched Kakashi making small moves.

"I can't say that, but I think Konoha's training method is very good. After laying a solid foundation, it is sent to the battlefield to hone. This method is much better than the rough training method of the Mist Ninja. At least the battle loss rate is not so high. .” Silently, a man in black appeared beside the woman.

"You or I?"

"Let me come, your ice escape technique can't be sent and received freely now, right?" Kaguya Rokuro smiled, "And it's more appropriate for these little guys to use physical skills to teach them a lesson."

"As you please!"

Being in a foreign country, Mizuki Xiaoyue and Kaguya Rokuro got along well, and they spoke a lot more casually, without the restraint they had when they first met.

"Who are you? This is Konoha, and those who dare to mess around with us will not end well!"

Asma said sharply, but the immature voice didn't have much deterrent effect, the four little guys glared, not only did not feel how scary, but rather cute.

"Who? Someone who takes money to do things."

Kaguya Rokuro loosened his muscles and bones, his knuckles pulled and made a sound like popping beans, and there was a crackling sound as his neck twisted, and something called murderous aura diffused invisible.


"is that OK?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. These two people were brought back by Lord Guanyue... and they didn't feel any killing intent. Maybe they were just scaring people?"

The Anbu who hid in the tree whispered.

"Hey! I hope nothing goes wrong... But boss, you should wash your hands well. How can you be so unlucky? This is the third time we've been nanny this month."

"...Don't be so wordy, this has something to do with my luck." The captain clicked his tongue in displeasure, "Who made the three generations of adults remember our ninth branch, and the head of the branch has just spotted us? Hey, what can I do, I'm also desperate, okay?"

"Ah! It's started, stop arguing and concentrate on your work."


Kaguya Rokuro stepped forward, his body elongated instantly, leaving a black light and shadow in the vision of Kakashi and the other four.


The scenery in front of Obito and Kai's eyes changed drastically, the sky and the earth turned upside down, their bodies lost their balance, they screamed in fright, and then fell headlong into the sandpit again.

Kakashi staggered back a few steps, and wobbled to stand firm. Asma fell back directly, lying on the ground sprawled. Although the posture was very ugly, it did not look like Obito and Kay, the two unlucky ones, were thrown into the bunker as well.

"It's not bad, it actually got out of the way, the reaction is really good."

Kaguya Rokuro appeared on the edge of the sandpit with brisk movements, and looked at Kakashi and Asma in surprise. The quality of these two little guys is really not bad, and he secretly felt that there are so many geniuses in Konoha.

"Asma, let's do it together."

Kakashi lowered his waist, made a gesture of both offense and defense, and called Asma to come with him. He could see that the man and woman seemed to have no malice, and he had some speculations in his heart.

"What the hell, Kakashi, are you crazy? We are not the opponents of these unknown guys, if you don't hurry to call someone, you'll return your fucking hands..." Asma's voice paused, and she looked suspiciously Come over, "Did you find something? Be honest."

"It's very simple, this is Konoha, do you really think that someone can intrude in without being noticed? And instead of looking for a more valuable target, you just have trouble with our children, is it sick?" Kakashi flipped He took out a sharpened kunai from the ninja tool bag on his waist.

"Fuck! You mean... I know... wait for me." Asma rolled over and got up, pulling out Kunai from her calf in a frantic manner.

"Kakashi and the others will be alright?" Uchiha Otome was sitting on the step board under the swing stand beside the park, watching Kakashi and his brothers being beaten up by Kaguya Rokuro and rolling all over the floor.

"It's just a bit of a pain, the members of Huiye's family are physical experts, and they can tell the difference between the wrong and the wrong." Guanyue leaned on the swing frame and smiled. "

With the swing frame as the center, Guanyue arranged a circle of invisible barriers. Not to mention Kakashi and the little guys, even the two groups of Anbu hidden in the nearby big trees did not find anything unusual here.

"When will your body come back?"

"It should be soon. In ten days and a half months at most, the village has been settled, and the next thing is to look at the country of water... According to the recent news from the main body, the tribe has been rescued Now, the next step is to get rid of the entanglement of Mist Ninja, and then go back to the village. The time will probably be spent on the road. The three clans add up to more than 2000 people, and there are many children among them..."

Guanyue babbled on some endless nonsense, without the awareness that confidential missions need to be kept secret at all, and Otome also unknowingly listened to the secrets that were only known to the upper echelons of the village.

"Guanyue, don't you want to see sister Kushina?" Otome asked with her head tilted.

"Well... I won't be going for the time being, there's that Minato guy... I feel like I'm going to change my name to brother-in-law soon... Forget it now, don't bother them. "Guanyue raised his head and looked at the slowly moving sea of ​​clouds in the sky. The world has changed a lot because of him, but there are still many things that don't seem to have changed...

Destiny is a wonderful thing indeed!
"Help me push the swing. I didn't play much when I was a child. Now experience it."

"it is good!"

Guanyue replied, turned to the back, stretched out her hand to push the swing, and started to swing unsteadily.

Otome was swinging back and forth on a swing, her long black hair fluttering in the wind, gently brushing Guanyue's cheeks, the faint fragrance tickled people's hearts.

Perhaps, some things can be put on the agenda.

he thought silently.

(End of this chapter)

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