The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 22 Not so good!This premonition is not good!

Chapter 22 Not so good!This premonition is not good!

"We are only students in the low-level class. Even if we are exercising, we should give priority to the students in the advanced and intermediate classes, right?"

This time, the one who raised his hand was a boy with cataract... from the Hinata family.

"Everyone in the advanced class has been transferred, and the intermediate class has also completed the assessment. In order to miss talents, the superiors specially ordered the low-level class to be included in the assessment. After passing the assessment and receiving a week of intensive training, there will be another assessment. Those who can pass will go to the rear to deliver supplies, don’t worry, we Konoha haven’t had the habit of sending students to die.”

The strong man with the beard really did exactly what he said, answering everyone's questions.

"Is there still a problem? Ask as soon as possible, we only have a week of special training time, every minute is very precious." Scanning the 1 little radish heads, and hearing the news that they are about to go to the battlefield, few of them were killed. Scared, pretty good.

Guanyue stood in the crowd with a blank expression, thinking about the mystery of this matter, if it was just transporting supplies in the rear, it would be fine, at most, his family's territory would be nothing more than beating bandits and bandits. This transport supply is going to enter the territory of the Land of Rain, so beep the dog, if it is caught by the guerrillas of the Rain Ninja, it is not a bird!

"Is the scope of our activities within the territory of the Land of Fire, or do we need to enter the Land of Rain?" Guanyue raised his hand, which attracted everyone's attention. Many people felt that this question was so stupid. Should I be concerned only after the second assessment?
Is this kid so confident that he can pass the test?

All of a sudden, probing, contemptuous, vigilant, all kinds of eyes focused on Guan Yue.

To be honest, he doesn't like to be in the limelight, but he has to make more plans for his own life.

The burly man with a beard narrowed his eyes slightly, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, and looked at Guanyue, "Forgive me for not being able to answer this question, on the one hand, I don't know, and on the other hand, even if I know, I can't say it out. This is considered a military secret."

Well, this answer was a bit unexpected, but it made sense after thinking about it, but Guanyue still felt the pressure. After all, he still didn't deny that he might enter the Land of Rain.

"Okay, that's the end of the question. Follow me. The training camp this time is not at the Ninja School." The bearded man pointed and pointed, and exactly 21 people were drawn out, and the other two Chunin also divided up the remaining students. .

Guanyue and the five of them happened to be called by the bearded man, or the brothers who asked the question just now were called by the bearded man together with the people around them, and the pineapple head and the cataract boy were also in the middle of the team at the moment.

Everyone hurried on the road, followed behind the bearded man, left the ninja school, and arrived at a training ground in the north of the village unimpeded. The bearded man had a document issued by the high-level in his hand, and the patrolling security personnel just checked it out. not worried.

A circle of barbed wire extends towards the end of the line of sight. In the middle surrounded by the barbed wire is a forest, a large and exaggerated forest. The trees inside are at least 30 meters away at a rough estimate. The lush canopy is like a group It was like a dark cloud, covering the sky and not letting in any sunlight, making the atmosphere inside very gloomy and scary!
Guanyue stood in front of the iron gate, looked up at the forest, the corners of her eyes twitched, so familiar!
"This is No.40 No. [-] practice field. You will be training here for the next week. It's a good place." The bearded man pointed to the hellish forest with a happy smile on his face. .

Fuck!This teacher is a pervert!

Everyone complained in their hearts, how can you tell that this broken forest is so gloomy and scary.

"The training method is very simple. My shadow clone will move around in the forest. All you have to do is find me and defeat my shadow clone... This is both a special training and an assessment. Everyone's performance will give you grades... so try to kill me."

The bearded man grinned, revealing a mouthful of shiny white teeth. With that burly body, he felt like a beast in human form.

"Come here and get your things. Each of you has a ninja tool bag, which contains five kunai, a set of shurikens, and flint and steel. You must use your weapons properly until you are on the battlefield..." Beard took out a scroll from the vest, spread it out, and laid it flat, summoning a bunch of bulging ninja tool bags.

Guanyue and others lined up to get their things. They were just students. Except for a set of clothes, they were naked without even a needle. Of course, students always have some weird things in their pockets, such as Qiu Dao Tang Dong dragged out another bag of potato chips from nowhere, clucking, clucking, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. up.

"Teacher, what do you want from me?"

His voice is hoarse, his complexion is as pale as thin paper, his yellow-brown snake pupils reflect an icy gleam, his long black hair hangs down behind him, and the breath of a predator is inadvertently revealed, which can definitely scare all Konoha's children into tears.

But the first thing Sarutobi noticed was that he was following behind Orochimaru, Jiraiya, who was out of shape after a while, that ruffian smell was too eye-catching.

"Jiraiya, you're here too, I didn't remember calling you..."

"Hey, let me take a look too!"

Zilai also laughed straight away, without the slightest sense of causing trouble to others.

Yuan Fei rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, his two thick eyebrows huddled together.

"never mind."

Sighing, Sarutobi resigned to his fate, it is impossible to get rid of this shameless bastard.

"In this case, bring Tsunade here, and the three of you can do this together." Sarutobi went ahead and called Anbu, ordering to find Tsunade.

After a while, Tsunade rushed over, looked at Orochimaru with a cold face and Jiraiya who was smiling cheaply, and said in a bad mood, "Jiraiya, what did you do? Don't bother me, bastard."

Ji Lai immediately stopped buying it, and called out to Qu, "What does this have to do with me, Mr. Sarutobi asked you to come here."

Seeing that Jiraiya and Tsunade, the enemies with conflicting fates, were about to quarrel again, Sarutobi hurriedly called a stop, otherwise he didn't know how long it would take.

As for Orochimaru, standing aside coldly seemed to be indifferent to all of this.

"I'm looking for you to come here about the war in the Land of Rain." Yuan Fei held his pipe in his mouth, and exhaled a beautiful smoke ring, which slowly floated into the air and spread out little by little. "Rainin's resistance is stronger than we expected at the beginning, and the environment in the Land of Rain is also extremely complicated. It is a bit difficult for Sakumo to control the situation by himself, so I plan to let you go to the front line to help Sakumo."

"This is an excuse on the surface. Come and see these little guys."

Sarutobi greeted the three disciples, and pointed to the crystal ball on the table, in which the light and shadow swayed, a large group of students were queuing up to receive the ninja bag.

(End of this chapter)

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