The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 191 Fighting in Hidden Sand Village, Part 1

Chapter 191 Fierce Battle in Hidden Sand Village, Part [-]
Fengying Building, round table room.

"Support is definitely needed. Ten Jōnin are dispatched to the past. They can be stopped by the garrison. After all, there is only one person." The order has already been issued, so naturally it cannot be changed, changing the order day and night will cause a great loss to Kazekage-sama's prestige, even if it is an order from the elders, it should be regarded as an exercise."

"Of course the order to evacuate the villagers cannot be changed, and ten jounin are not enough." The old man with white beard and eyebrows said stubbornly. "You haven't seen the scene on the battlefield with your own eyes. You are definitely a master comparable to the shadows. What's more terrible is that the other party also masters flying ninjutsu..."

"You are too worried, the garrison is not made of mud, it's not that good..."

The patriarch of the Ao Guan family hadn't finished speaking when rumbling thunder came from the direction of the village entrance. The loud sound caused a strong storm to sweep past, and the glass windows rattled in the strong wind.

The senior executives of Sand Ninja were taken aback, and rushed to the window quickly, and through the glass window, they caught a glimpse of the last light and shadow of the thunderstorm at the entrance of the village.

The atmosphere was silent.

The patriarch of the Ao Guan family is as ugly as he looks at the moment. To be the head of the clan, apart from his wisdom, his strength cannot be weak. Even at such a long distance, he can roughly guess the power of the thunderstorm. What a terrifying, completely destructive power, the garrison is probably in danger.

One of his faces was slapped.

"All Jnin who can be drawn go to the entrance of the village to support them. Be sure to keep the enemy out of the village. You must not let this kind of guy mess around in the village." The patriarch of the Xianyuan changed the subject quickly, "Send the order, and everyone in the clan Get up and move the Junin, and definitely stop this fellow from outside the village."

When the third generation of Kazekage left the village, the command of the upper ninja was temporarily taken over by the elders. Regardless of the eloquent talk of the patriarch of the Hanyuan, the real order still depends on the elders. He can really influence the Hanyuan family And the ninjas attached to the Xianyuan clan.

"Our Jonin from the Okukura family will also be dispatched."


All the patriarchs also responded in unison. They may be fighting openly and secretly for the resources of the village on weekdays, but when it comes to big issues of right and wrong, they still have to make a choice.

After all, no matter how they develop, the foundation is the village. Once the village is damaged, they will inevitably suffer losses.

The order of the elders was conveyed at the fastest speed, and a senior ninja rushed to the village entrance with full horsepower. Between the houses, black figures jumped around at an extremely fast speed, and the yellow sand rolled in mid-air, like Rivers meandered in the air, and a figure stood on it.


"Is it real?"

After finishing off the garrison at the entrance of the village, Guanyue did not choose to invade directly. After all, he was not as good as Mr. Shuomao. He was determined to attack the ordinary villagers. He asked himself that he still couldn't do it, so he simply waited here for Sand Shinobi to come to his door. As long as a large number of sand ninjas are killed, these big turbans can also be taught a painful lesson.

The premise is not to pit yourself into it.

"Let me see how many master sand ninjas there are!"

Guanyue also became excited, and stepped forward on the thundering chariot and pushed forward a little bit, just staying above the pothole that was bombarded by the electrocution.

"Konoha bastard, don't even think about leaving if you come today!"

A large yellow sand river in mid-air was moving extremely fast. On it stood a middle-aged man of moderate build and dressed in black, staring at the moon with eyes that were about to burst into flames.

"You killed my elder brother's two sons, they are my elder brother's only blood, Konoha's brat, no matter how confident you are in coming here today, I will take your skin..."

"That's a lot of nonsense, Thunder Dragon."

Guanyue was too lazy to listen to such nonsense, with a wave of one hand, a thunder dragon with its teeth and claws rushed out.

The violent thunder suppressed all the sounds, Xianyuan Fanqi's eyes were straightened, but he had to grit his teeth and manipulate the quicksand into a huge arm to hold the thunder dragon, obliterating the thunder dragon forcefully.

"Huh? This is not weak! You have two hands! Uncle." Guanyue tilted her head, she was a little interested in this middle-aged man, he was very strong and definitely the best among Jonin By.

"Smelly brat, go to hell!"

Xianyuan Fanhong's eyes were wide open, he just wanted to smash Guanyue's corpse into thousands of pieces as quickly as possible, so he controlled the hand of sand and punched out fiercely.

The battle broke out again, quicksand and lightning rolled in mid-air, and thirteen more ninjas from the Xianyuan family rushed up, and fourteen people joined forces to roll up the vast and boundless quicksand, as if recreating a sea of ​​sand in the sky, trying to overwhelm the audience. The moon swallows and crushes.

"This thing can't be inserted!"

The jonin stood on the top of the uncollapsed rock wall, looking at the rolling sand sea, very helpless.

They can't fly, and they can't get involved in the battle in the air. All they can do is stand here and watch the changes in the battle, and pray that the jounin of the Hanyuan family can win.

"How's the situation?" Three relatively young elders who had maintained their strength rushed over with a group of patriarchs.

"Master Fan is leading the masters of the Hanyuan family to entangle with the enemy. It is difficult to distinguish the outcome for the time being, but the report from the perception ninja is very bad. This time the attacker is very strong. Not only is the combat power amazing, but also the amount of chakra. It's scary, it's like a human-shaped tail beast, this kind of enemy is the most difficult."

The oldest jonin responded to the elders' inquiries.

However, this answer made the three elders and a group of patriarchs frown. The human-shaped tailed beast really dared to attack the village alone. It is not an ordinary person, it is very tricky!
If the enemies who commit crimes in the future cannot be killed as soon as possible, the reputation of Shayin Village will be ruined. After all, besides the villagers, there are many businessmen and tourists in the village. It is conceivable how much damage the sand ninja's reputation will suffer.

"The assailant must be dealt with as soon as possible." An elder's face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

However, no one responded, and the other two elders looked gloomy. Everyone here wanted to kill Guan Yue, but the key point was that they couldn't do it!

The billowing thunder shook, and the huge sea of ​​sand vibrated visibly with the naked eye, and hundreds of fine quicksands fell down.

Something is wrong.

The jonin who were watching all made a judgment in an instant. The sea of ​​sand jointly created by the fourteen jnin from the Hanin family showed faint signs of collapse, and the quicksand that began to collapse was the best evidence.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was another series of thunder, and it felt like the sky was about to be blown out of holes. This time, a huge crack appeared at the bottom of the sand sea, and quicksand poured down crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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