The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 189 Enemy attack! !

Chapter 189 Enemy attack! !
"Beep beep——!!!!!!"

In the sky and on the street, sharp and piercing whistles sounded, mixing with the original thunder.

The villagers showed a dazed and confused look, looking left and right, a little at a loss, the children were frightened and cried, and the cheerful atmosphere of waiting for the rain suddenly became heavy.

"Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!"

The quick-witted people realized that it was only the whistle that had been heard during the exercise, but this time they had not been notified of the exercise in advance, so there was only one possibility, the village was really attacked.

However, most of the villagers still didn’t react. Their deep-rooted consciousness made them unwilling to believe that the Sand Hidden Village was under attack. Even if the Sand Ninja was defeated on the front line, they never thought that the village would be attacked one day. It felt like a dream. Generally incredible.

It wasn't until the sand ninjas rushed over and began to organize the villagers to evacuate to the shelter that the chaos broke out.

Crying, cursing, and shouting, the crowd fell into a huge chaos. Even with sand ninja, it was still very difficult to maintain order.

Wind Shadow Building.

Unlike Konoha, the architecture of Hidden Sand Village is very distinctive, and the Kazekage Building is also a tall and round building.

The round table room decorated with statues of past dynasties is the place where the high-level officials of Shayin Village hold meetings.

At this moment, the elders are arguing endlessly under the watchful eyes of the past generations.

"Just a mere person, you actually want the laboring villagers to take refuge. Did you guys make Konoha's ninja fool you on the battlefield?"

"An enemy who can destroy Renzhuli, even if it's just a single person, needs to be treated as an army. It's you, an old bastard, who is stupid? Go back and die!"

"What did you say, old man?"

Two high-ranking elders stood up, the unprecedented situation made them lose their calmness and wisdom in the past, and the anger in their hearts was tumbling, and they were about to fight here, but the seats belonging to Fengying were empty The remaining elders were powerless to stop these two.

"Be quiet, are you planning to fight in the sacred meeting room under the watchful eyes of the wind shadows of the past?"

The door slammed open with a bang, and a group of people rushed in. All the patriarchs of the wealthy clan in Shayin Village rushed over. The leader was a cousin of the third Kazekage, the contemporary patriarch of the Xianyuan clan who possessed the limit of magnetic escape and blood succession. .

Compared with the aging elders, the meaningless quarrel was quickly ended with the intervention of the patriarch of the idle courtyard.

"What happened to the attacker?"

The patriarch of Xianyuan asked, compared with the elders who directly hold power, these patriarchs have not received a letter from the garrison.

"It seems that there is only one person who came." The elder who spoke was the elder who advocated for the villagers to take refuge. The old man only withdrew from the Kingdom of Rain three months ago, and he has not forgotten the shadow criss-crossing the sky.

"one person?"

The patriarch of Xianyuan was stunned, and the patriarchs of the other powerful families including Ao Guan also showed disbelief. Could it be that some shadow came to the door?It is necessary for a mere enemy to mobilize so many people to let the villagers take refuge.

"Although there is only one person, according to the information from the Kingdom of Rain, the attacker is likely to be the guy who killed Yiwei, and he is by no means an object to be taken lightly." The elder looked solemn, "The garrison should have handed over Getting angry, I advocate mobilizing the upper ninja as soon as possible to support the garrison, otherwise I am worried..."

The old man didn't finish his sentence, but everyone knew what he meant. He was worried that the garrison on the rock wall would be defeated.

Just, is this possible?
A garrison with more than a dozen jounin is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch.

"Hu rumbling—"

The thunder came from far away, and could be faintly heard even in the room.


Step back in time a little.

Guanyue starts from the oasis, drives the thundering chariot directly across the sky according to the marks on the map, avoids all the oases along the way, and sand ninja spies that appear in the desert, and prevents sand ninja from sending messages back to the village , Call back the three generations of Kazekage who went out.

But even though he avoided all the sand ninja eyeliners along the way with Kagura's mind, he still inevitably exposed his whereabouts when he approached the hidden sand village.

The Thunder Chariot is extremely fast, and its fighting power is also extraordinary, but the only drawback is the deafening thunder, otherwise it would not have such a name, the thunder and lightning movement will definitely make a sound, this kind of regular phenomenon cannot be erased by observing the moon .

Fortunately, Guanyue doesn't care much about this small defect. This kind of thunder may be a headache for other people. Long-term noise may even damage hearing, but Guanyue only controls the ear muscles. With a little squirm, a complete soundproof cover is easily formed.

The practice of medical ninjutsu allowed Guanyue to have a deeper understanding of Renrenguo, and mastered many delicate tricks.

"Are you prepared?"

After the eyesight is strengthened, the distance of vision of observing the moon can be compared with that of Baiyan. Except that the perspective and 360-degree vision like Baiyan cannot be achieved, there is not much difference in distance.

The actions of the sand ninjas on the rock wall are reflected in his eyes one by one.

"But what's the use? Let's play, sand ninjas." Guanyue licked his lips and stomped his feet lightly, "Leiguang Gun."

The thundering chariot trembled, and the silver-white thunder lights condensed into shapes. The two-meter-long thunder guns were densely packed like locusts flying towards the rock wall below, and they crossed the sky in a blink of an eye. Nailed in the rock, the junin were strong and quick to react, avoiding the Leiguang gun, but the chunin who were within the range were not so lucky.

After a series of short screams, seven or eight Chunin lay down on the stepped rock wall. A hole the size of a bowl appeared on each of them, or in the chest or abdomen, and some unlucky ones directly cut half of them. The head was gone, and the remaining half of the brain was cooked by the high temperature of the thunder and lightning, and a bad smell filled the air.

"Take this as a declaration of war!" Guan Yue's voice was drowned in the thunder, and no one heard it.


Seeing this tragic situation, several newcomers couldn't help but vomited.

Because no one has ever boldly and openly attacked the village, the garrison of Shayin Village basically has no chance to fight. Rookies like this who have not seen much blood are always indispensable. They have not rotated to the frontline battlefield to participate in the war. The previous missions of the garrison did not have such a tragic scene.

"Counterattack and counterattack, you bastard, spit away and spit away." The captain of the garrison roared. The rookies' unsatisfactory performance made him very angry. He secretly vowed to train these little bastards well after the attackers were driven out. "Magnetic escape ninja, push me up, pull the enemy down, and get ready for the rest."

The two jounin from the Xianyuan family clapped their hands, and the mighty quicksand under the rock wall moved, flying up like a python. The two jumped on the quicksand, and immediately drove the billowing yellow sand to the sky. He went up to the silver-white chariot that was rushing at high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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