The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 18 Inviting People to Dinner Is Not Easy

Chapter 18 Inviting People to Dinner Is Not Easy

Combat is physical work.

With tense nerves and high-intensity exercise, the energy consumed every minute is dozens of times higher than usual.

Guanyue clearly recalled a passage Shuo Mao once said to him.

"Don't think that if you can persist in the rigorous training for a whole day, you can play ping-pong-pong with the enemy for half a day. When you really fight against people, you will find how fast your physical strength declines. Intense fighting."

Now, Guanyue has a very deep understanding of this.

Even though he and Otoyu were just sparring, not actual combat, both of them came here with a strong desire to win, with a high degree of concentration, muscles all over their bodies, ready to use force to attack and move at any time. tired.

Even if he was climbing and running with his whole body loaded, he didn't feel tired so quickly.

Every second of confrontation will consume a lot of his physical strength, his breathing will gradually become heavy, beads of sweat will appear on his forehead, and his muscles will feel a little sore. Guanyue tried his best to open his eyes wide, to maintain his concentration, and took a sudden step. Stepping out, a punch hit Otoyu's arms crossed in front of him fiercely.

Yi Yu staggered back two steps, his feet were stunned, his center of gravity was instantly unbalanced, and he lay on the ground sprawled all over.

"Happy, so happy, I lost."

Yiyu's chest rose and fell violently, panting heavily, his hair was wet with sweat and stuck to his forehead, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Fuck me, I'm almost out of strength, what the hell, I always thought I had good stamina." Guan Yue put her hands on her knees, exhaled stale air, and inhaled cool air to ease the heat in her chest and lungs feel.

"You're too nervous. You probably haven't practiced much with people before, or you've only practiced with people you know well, so you feel too tense when you fight with me, and you'll get tired easily." Otoyu lay On the ground, he suddenly relaxed, and his whole body felt like a mass of mud sticking to the ground, not wanting to move.

"Get up, you won't be afraid of catching a cold lying on the ground like this!"

Guanyue took a few breaths, and immediately became much more energetic. Looking at Yiyu who was still lying on the ground, she cursed with a smile, and stretched out her hand.

Takashima-sensei beamed happily, judging from his zhongnin perspective, Otoha and Guanyue's strength is already very close to genin's. If there was no ninja school in the past, this kind of strength was already qualified to go to the battlefield.

Compared with the long torment of cultural class, physical education class feels like time flies.

Soon it was time to end the get out of class, and the piercing ringing of the bell echoed in the classrooms and corridors.

Many people are laughing and laughing together, in groups of three or five, leaving school in groups, going home or other places to play.

Uchiha Otoha packed his books with a proud face, he is different from those guys who only know how to play, he is a proud member of the Uchiha clan, he does not need to waste time playing, he wants to go home and continue to practice... ··
"Yo, Otoyu, come to my house for dinner tonight!" Guanyue plopped down on Otoyu's table, and Otoyu shrank back instinctively in fright. Guanyue looked at Otoyu with a smile, "It was agreed before, I invite you to dinner tonight."

"Please me?"

Only then did Otoyu come to his senses, and stared at Guanyue in a daze.

"Are you sure you want to invite me, I'm from the Uchiha clan?"

"What's wrong with Uchiha? Is it possible that you still want to go to the restaurant? Let me tell you, my sister's craftsmanship is no worse than that of the restaurants outside." Pick and choose.

"No, that..." Otoha took a deep look at Guanyue, and said in a deep voice: "Even if you are the one who just joined in today, don't you know that Uchiha is famous for his arrogance in the village?" Is it difficult to get close?"

Guanyue was stunned when he heard the words, his eyes narrowed immediately, and he immediately noticed that this guy Otoyu occupied a table by himself, even if there was no one sitting in front of him.

"I don't know how arrogant Uchiha is, I just think you and you get along very well, in a word, do you want to go?" Kanyue looked at Otoha without fear.

Uchiha Otoha suddenly felt a bit hot in his eye sockets, his mother, he is only surnamed Uchiha, as a result, in the ninja school, except for a few people in Minato, few people dared to deal with him, and they always took a detour when they saw him. I heard other students discussing in private, saying how arrogant he is, Uchiha is only feared by others, but not admired, even if there is a large piece of Uchiha's name on the monument...

"I'll go. Since you guys dare to invite me, I'll naturally dare to go, but I won't be responsible if no one deals with you in the future." Yiyu's voice was a little hoarse.

"Tch, I don't want to play with those idiots." Jiu Xinna put her hands on her hips aggressively, puffing out her flat chest.

Guanyue shook her head with a smile, and inadvertently saw Minato with twinkling stars, staring at Otoyu enviously...
"Minato, would you like to come, my sister's craftsmanship is very good." Guanyue smiled and sent out the invitation.

However, without waiting for Minato's answer, Kushina frowned first, and immediately kicked Guanyue, "Guanyue, what are you calling that sissy for? I don't want to cook for him!"

As soon as these words came out, Minato instantly wilted like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

The corner of Guanyue's mouth twitched, well, I really didn't see that my old lady hated Minato so much, she rolled her eyes, and suddenly had an idea, "Sister, you see that there are more people eating tonight, so it must be troublesome to wash the dishes. How easy it is to call the water-gate on just in time for him to wash the dishes!"

Kushina hesitated, her small face wrinkled into a ball, as if she was very conflicted, weighing the pros and cons.

"No problem, besides washing the dishes, I can also help with the cooking. I am alone at home. I usually cook and wash the dishes by myself. Don't worry, I will definitely clean them up." Minato is very smart. Seeing every stitch in the needle, he patted his chest and drummed up his craft.

Jiuxinna gritted her teeth, and nodded reluctantly, probably because of that person at home who moved her.

But Guanyue still heard her sister whispering beside her.

"Tch, what a sissy, she can actually cook..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, Guanyue Quan pretended he didn't hear it, and got together with Minato and Otoha to mutter gossip, and the group laughed and walked outside the school.

"By the way, Yiyu, if you don't tell the family, will it be a problem if you go with us?" As soon as Guanyue finished speaking, Yiyu was nailed to the spot, his face changing uncertainly.

"It doesn't matter, let him go, it's not a big deal, the big deal is to go back and beat the board, and you won't lose a piece of meat." Yi Yu said with gritted teeth, but no one could hear the guilty conscience.

Kushina blinked and looked at Otoyu, "Let's just go to your house and say no, what's the board!"

(End of this chapter)

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