The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 137 Brain Chapter Lu Qingqi's Shadow Clones

Chapter 137
The underground Baijue left without a sound.

Guanyue didn't notice any changes, even though he used the Kagura Mind Eye to stare at the ground below all the time, but Bai Jue and the others were first-class in hiding their breath.

But Guanyue didn't expect to gain anything at first, it's just a shot if there is no date. At the same time, his vigilance against Bai Jue has increased to another level. This ability to hide aura is too terrifying. If it is used for assassination, it will definitely be an extremely dangerous existence.

"Well! Let's do this first, the time is almost up, go back... let's go!"

All the messy bomb craters in the field were filled up, and the shadow clones were idle and bored, and began to dig ditches to divert water. They dug ditches in a relatively low-lying place and channeled all the accumulated water into the river not far away.

"What's going on in your head?"

Looking at the cheerful shadow clones digging canals with the earth escape technique, the corners of Guanyue's mouth twitched. There should be no difference between the shadow clones and the main body in terms of personality, right?But Mao's own shadow clone always does these stupid things for no reason. Is this how the earth escape technique is used?


There was a heavy thunder in the sky, and it felt like even the space was vibrating along with it.

"The power of nature... so scary!"

After measuring the power of the thunder in the sky, Guanyue swallowed hard, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and he secretly sighed in his heart that the mighty power of heaven and earth is indeed infinite.

"Let's go back······"


In the evening, the torrential rain subsided a little.

In the layer upon layer of smoke-like rain, three figures walked slowly.

"Yo, watch the moon! We're back."

Yahiko greeted Guanyue, who was sitting under the eaves of the old god, full of energy, with a big and exaggerated package on his back, and his bright smile was as dazzling as the sun.

"Minato-style smiling face... Ugh! Should I say it's a leader-like face?"

Muttering softly in his mouth, thinking of his friends who don’t know what’s going on, and his violent old sister, he feels pity in his heart, and hopes that Otome and Nawaki will go back later, otherwise... I hope the old sister will not run away .


Greeting lazily, Guanyue restrained her brain that had almost stepped into roaming mode.

"Guanyue, you haven't been sitting here for a whole day, have you? It feels like you were in this posture when you left in the morning?" Xiao Nan stood in the corridor, took off his raincoat, shook off the water droplets on it vigorously, and walked out from Yahiko. , Nagato took the raincoats in his hands, and then hung up the raincoats of the three of them.

"I can't! I've been 'exercise' for a while! I dug more than a dozen aqueducts in the field by the river!"

"Aqueduct? Huh?" Xiao Nan tilted his head, his confused face was cute, and he looked at Guanyue in puzzlement, "What are you digging an aqueduct for?"

"······························· Guan Yue laughed dryly twice, lamenting in his heart, he couldn't figure it out, after removing the shadow avatars, the memory returned is also very simple, just the shadow avatars He did it because of his interest, but he didn't know when he became interested in civil engineering, "ah... it didn't suddenly rain heavily, I was worried that the stagnant water would flood the house, So make some preparations in advance.”

"Hey!! But the terrain here is very high. When the house was built, the place was specially selected. No matter how heavy the rain is, there is no need to worry about the water flooding!"

Yahiko interjected, he was taking things out of the huge backpack.

Rice noodles, grain and oil, daily necessities, all kinds of things...

"Hey, Yahiko, are you going to open a grocery store? What are these things? Fishing hooks, leather sticks... There are two toilet seats?"

The corners of Guanyue's eyes twitched, these were all messed up things, and the embarrassment in his heart had disappeared.

"What's the matter? Is there anything you like?" Yahiko turned back and looked at Guanyue with a smile, "Well, this is also a matter of no choice. Buy more things at once for storage, and replace them if they break, or else we can buy them again when things come to an end." It’s really troublesome to be in a hurry.”

"Ah! That's what you said, but three sticks, what kind of clogging is this toilet?"

Guanyue propped her face, her eyes wandered and scanned the strange objects on the floor.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Shaking his head violently, as if he wanted to clear out the irrelevant things such as the leather stick and the toilet seat from his mind, Guanyue recruited two shadow clones to help, "Yahiko, my injury is almost healed, and I'm going to leave tomorrow."

"Oh! Tomorrow... wait!!!" Yayan Quran turned his head, his eyes widened, "What did you say? Why was it so sudden? I didn't hear you this morning."

Xiao Nan, who was directing the work of Guanyueying's clones, also turned his head to look over, and Nagato's hand also stopped.

"Well, after you guys left, I tried to move around a bit, and I felt that I was almost recovered. Besides, I have been eating and drinking for nothing for a full ten days, and I would feel ashamed if I stayed any longer." Guan Yueban Jokingly said.

Yahiko's eyes dimmed for two or three seconds, and then regained their high-spirited brilliance.

"Guanyue, since you have made your decision, I wish you a smooth journey."


Back and forth, simply and neatly.


After dinner, Guanyue, who lost the punch, recruited a shadow clone to wash dishes in the kitchen. Guanyue and Yahiko sat under the eaves, chatting while looking at the dark rainy night. In the room, Xiaonan and Nagato started their daily practice. .

"Hey, Guanyue, what does Muye Village look like?"

Yahiko spoke, breaking the quiet atmosphere.

"Well... I think about it, it is a very peaceful and lively place. There are many people in the village, and there are all kinds of shops selling things from all over the world. Those merchants Traveling all over the world is better than ninjas. As long as there is money to make, I feel that they dare to jump into the crater... Also, the lady boss of Barbeque Q is very nice and gives us free food every time Juice... Although Yile Ramen is good, I don't feel much enthusiasm, mainly because my sister likes Ramen very much..."

Guanyue herself couldn't explain why she suddenly became talkative, muttering about trivial things.

"Sounds like a great place! So nice!!!"

Yahiko showed a leisurely and fascinated expression on his face.

"Then do you want to come to Konoha to play? Konoha is different from xenophobic villages such as Wunin and Iwanin, and outsiders are not prohibited from entering and leaving. Besides, you are the apprentices of Master Jiraiya, and you are not considered outsiders. You can come here Take a walk around the Land of Fire, it will be easy to pass the review, it is completely different from the Land of Rain, and I can be your guide then."

(End of this chapter)

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