The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 128 Two Too Many

Chapter 128 Two Too Many

While Guanyue was sighing and sighing, in the field in front of the house, Nagato was fighting Yahiko and Xiaonan alone, the three of them were coming and going, the rabbits were flying and the falcons were falling, the fight was wonderful!


Guanyue stared at it for a second and lost interest. Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan are all good in strength, but the three of them are obviously ninjutsu-type, not taijutsu-type. The taijutsu of the three is very solid, but That's all, it's flat, there are no obvious shortcomings, but there is nothing conspicuous...
"Just like me now, there is no place to stand out!"

He smiled wryly, if he had a mirror in his hand, he could see the full self-mockery, the lingering bitterness on the brows and eyes, Guanyue scratched his head, feeling a little depressed.

The most difficult thing for people is to recognize themselves.

"Mediocrity, mediocrity, mediocrity, practice after practice, and finally become mediocre, this is really unexpected!"

The time to recuperate the body is always extremely difficult, and it is impossible to practice as hard as in the past. You can only sit and reminisce about the bits and pieces in your memory and every fight you have experienced. However, the more you analyze, the more convincing the conclusion you draw. People are uncomfortable, he is really too mediocre now, he seems to be able to do a lot, but apart from his perception ability, he really has no bright spots.

Perception ability, the unique ability of Kagura Mind Eye, the Uzumaki family, if he can be a perception ninja with peace of mind, he will definitely be able to make a name for himself in the perception team.

It's a pity that although Guanyue doesn't have Yahiko's ambition to conquer the world, spending an ordinary life is not what he pursues.

"It's outrageous to go on like this."

Muttering to himself dissipated amidst the noise of the rain, Guanyue frowned, eyes narrowed into slits, staring at the gray-black sky, a silvery-white lightning flashed across the clouds, and in an instant, it was like a crack in the sky !
The thunder is rolling, and the rain is getting heavier!

The oil lamps were burning quietly, the small flames were only the size of soybeans, and a series of oil lamps were nailed to the wall, illuminating the long stone corridor.

The slight sound of footsteps echoed in the corridor, the steady airflow suddenly became chaotic, the lights flickered, and a large black shadow danced along with it, casting a ferocious ghost on the ceiling of the corridor.

Bai Jue came over, alone, and pushed the door to enter the room at the end of the corridor.

"Sir Madame?"

In the huge and empty room, there are little lights on the east and west walls, barely bringing a glimmer of light to this oversized room. To the north is a square and wide stone chair, on which the white-haired old man sits and leans on the stone chair , seems to be asleep.

The soft voice is multiplied in the room, the space is too vast, and the echoes are endless.

"What's the matter?"

The old man with white beard and hair slowly opened his eyes, and two scarlet rays of light were breathtaking.

"An accident happened again on Nagato's side. A young man from the Uzumaki clan got mixed up with Nagato and others. I was worried that there would be an accident, so I came here to report it." Bai Jue said softly.

After hearing no sound for a long time, Bai Jue raised his eyes and saw the burning red eyes of the old man on the stone chair like two balls of flames, which made him lower his head again in fright.

"It's the whirlpool again? If I remember correctly, didn't the fog ninja destroy the Uzushio village a few years ago? Where did the whirlpool come from? Could it be that they are cockroaches, and they can't kill them all? "

"I don't know, this boy from the Whirlpool clan was fished out of the river." Bai Jue replied in a low voice.

"Filled out of the river?"

The old man's voice rose several degrees in an instant, and a look of suspicion appeared on his old face.

If he hadn't created these things by himself, knowing that they would not deceive him, according to his temper, he would have burned such nonsense things to ashes long ago. However, a whirlpool was fished out of the river For a young man of the same family, this kind of thing is too absurd.

"It was indeed fished out of the river, and it was covered in a layer of coke at the beginning. We have collected the coke fragments. It should be the flesh of the human body, which was scorched by lightning!"

"Be struck by lightning?"

The old man was stunned for a moment. Does this mean that the matter is not absurd enough?It's getting more and more out of order.

Wait...was struck by lightning, fished out from the river, and replaced with those cockroaches of the Uzumaki clan, maybe they can really survive, the old man's body is old, but his heart is not old, and thoughts are flying in his heart Turning, using the fragmented and disordered information to piece together the general situation.

"Have you survived being struck by lightning? The little ghosts of the Uzumaki family are really tough!" The old man sighed, "Konoha and Sand Shinobi have been fighting very lively recently. This little guy should be a ninja from Konoha, if it is not the Uzumaki family The clansmen who are scattered outside, then this little guy is probably the lucky one brought out by Konoha from Uzumaki Village!"

"However, Whirlpool...Whirlpool...Troublesome name." The old man leaned on the straight back of the stone chair, supporting his bony body, feeling a little headache, and things are not going well recently , his plan has already been decided, but now there is still a lack of a good puppet. It is a pity that this generation of Uchiha does not have a seedling that can satisfy him.

Fortunately, he still has a way to maintain the vitality of his body. Even the woman in Mito is dead, but he is still alive tenaciously. Madara Uchiha is still alive in this world. As long as he is alive, he can wait for opportunities and create opportunities.

Behind the stone chair is a huge and hideous shadow.

"Two vortexes are too many, too many, for me, one is enough, too many... will only cause trouble, ahem!"

A faint sigh echoed in the room, Madara coughed twice, her large robe fluttered like a butterfly, and her thin body was nothing more than a clothes hanger, although she was alive, she was extremely weak.

Bai Jue understood.

"Understood, we will deal with it very cleanly, and promise that Nagato will not be aware of it."

There was a strange smile on Bai Jue's face, Madara glanced coldly, his eyelids slowly closed, and his bony chest heaved slightly, proving that the old man hadn't turned into a cold corpse yet.

He moved his feet and backed away slowly, all the way to the wall, stretched out his hand to stick to the wall, and immediately melted into the thick rock formation quietly like a fish in water.

Excessiveness is trouble, so remove the excess, and the trouble will be gone.

What a simple and clear order, isn't it killing people!This is much more interesting than monitoring a stinky brat for a long time. After being bored for so long, he can finally open his eyes. The fly in the ointment is that there is only one target, and there are so many of them. It seems that there will still be competition!

I was thinking wildly in my head, but my speed never slowed down. I followed the low rock formations and returned the same way I came. Perceived.

(End of this chapter)

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