The journey of all worlds starting from the blade of the column destroyer

Chapter 84 Dual Personality, How to Fusion (Recommendation ticket please! Recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 84 Dual Personality, How to Fusion (Recommendation ticket please! Recommendation ticket!)
"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what's the matter?"

My wife Shanyi, who was knocked unconscious by Weiyun with a knife in one hand, slowly woke up. He rubbed his aching neck with some discomfort, and got up from the ground, not knowing the situation for a while.

"You're awake, Shanyi."

Kuwashima Jigoro stood beside him leaning on a cane, looking at him worriedly.

"Grandpa, why am I lying here?"

My wife Shanyi scratched her head, feeling as if her brain had been broken. Although he didn't know what this analogy felt like, he really couldn't remember what happened just now.

"It's okay, good boy, just now you had a sparring with Weiyun, and then he knocked you out, do you still have any memory?"

Kuwashima Jigoro looked at my wife Shanyi with an unprecedented distressed look, he was confused and flattered.

"Grandpa, why are you looking at me like that? And I just sparred with Senior Weiyun? I remember being scared and fainted by him!"

My wife Shanyi took a step back in shock from the weird attitude of the old man in front of him, recalling what happened just now with some headaches, but he couldn't remember anything except the scene where he was ashamed and fainted up.

"You may have a dual personality, do you know that?"

Weiyun, who was leaning on the wall at the side, suddenly said such a sentence, which made my wife Shanyi a little confused.

"Dual personality? What do you mean? Are you talking about me?"

My wife Shanyi looked at Cigoro Kuwashima with an innocent face. The latter had a distressed expression on his face. This expression full of strong emotions moved my wife Shanyi very much.

Then he looked at Weiyun who said this, Weiyun's expression was that of seeing something interesting, which made my wife Shanyi shiver.

"The so-called dual personality means that there is another you hidden in your body."

Weiyun is really curious, because he has never seen a person with split personality to the point of having multiple personalities, but he has read the book "24 Billies" before, which makes him very curious about multiple personalities.

"I still don't understand what this means, what does it mean that there is another me hidden in my body?"

My wife Shanyi was getting more and more confused by what Weiyun said, after all, they didn't have any idea about multiple personalities.

"According to my speculation, when the evasion and weakness in your heart reach a limit, your other personality will take over your body, or after you have been greatly frightened and fainted, your other personality will also take over your body. will dominate.”

Weiyun came to such a conclusion based on his observation just now, of course he was just guessing.

"I ask you a question, and you answer me honestly."

Weiyun leaned forward with a serious face, looked at my wife Shanyi and said.

My wife Shanyi shrank her neck and nodded in fear.

"Did you know that you know Breath of Thunder One Shape? Do you know that you have a move called Breath of Thunder One Shape Six Link?"

Weiyun reconfirmed with him, because in the previous conversation between their master and apprentice, Weiyun knew that my wife Shanyi knew that she knew how to breathe thunder, and it was precisely because he thought that she could only know how to breathe thunder. The breath and the shape of one, I feel that I am ashamed of the training of Cigoro Kuwashima, and there is also a senior brother Yue Yue who keeps putting pressure on him, so he constantly wants to give up and run away.

But Weiyun is not sure if he will be able to use the move of Breath of Thunder · One Shape · Six Links, because it may also be a move developed by his second personality.

"I know, Thunder's Breath, One Type and Sixth Company, I know I should know it, but I really can't use it, even though my mind and body seem to know about it, but I don't know it at all. Can't use it."

My wife Shanyi clenched her fist tightly and told the truth.

"Then it seems that your second personality has the right to use it."

Weiyun is quite curious about this division of labor. One person is responsible for studying?One is in charge of fighting?
"Speaking of which, after you said that, Weiyun, I seem to have really remembered something. During the training before, Shanyi seemed to have experienced the situation you mentioned. He suddenly became taciturn, and then buried his head. Practice hard."

Kuwashima Jigoro paused for a moment on his crutches, and said suddenly.

"Hahaha, it seems that his second personality is responsible for helping him bear the unbearable weight of life."

Wei Yun said with a smile, this second personality is very pure. It is responsible for training and fighting. It is mainly to take over the body after the weak and timid main character faints, deal with the source of danger, or help the main character escape from danger. .

Weiyun is a little bit wanting to beat the table, this life is too easy, all the difficulties are handed over to another person to bear, it is really a convenient dual personality.

"That is to say, the other me is actually much better than me, isn't it?"

My wife Shanyi is very good at focusing on the key points. From the words of Weiyun and Sangdao Ciwulang, he has a good understanding of this point, that is, these two people appreciate his so-called second personality a lot.

When he doesn't want to train, this second personality will come out to train instead of him. No wonder sometimes he feels that he is still training one second, but he has already slept until dawn the next second. The soreness all over his body makes him think he is Train until you fall asleep.

No wonder I can't use the moves that I obviously can't use, but my grandfather said that he saw that he used them, and his brain really told himself that he could use the one-shaped move, and there is also that powerful Liulian. Is it the credit of the second personality?
"Then what's the point of my existence? Wouldn't it be good to just let that second personality replace me?"

My wife Shanyi became extremely negative in an instant. He even began to deny his own existence. When he was his own self, and when he was a self that was expected and recognized by everyone, his negation of himself reached a new height.


A loud slap slapped my wife Shanyi on the face, waking up the child who had fallen into deep self-doubt and denial.

"Hey, hey, don't deny yourself too much. Although you are useless, at least you represent the righteous side of this body. Kindness, sacrifice, friendliness, love, etc. represent the human part. As for you here, if you kill yourself, then you will really become a monster who only knows how to fight and kill, and has lost the concept of good and evil."

Weiyun hurriedly woke up this stupid child. He actually wanted to help this child integrate his second personality. He wanted to help this child master his own power, not to mess with this guy. Death, he came to repay Sang Dao Ciwulang for imparting his knowledge, not to kill his beloved disciple and grandson.

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  ps: I was busy and forgot to thank you.

  Thank you 厷厸厹厺厼厽 for your reward!Thanks to Cangshan Ariel Well Name Sora for the reward!

  Thanks KTSJIEKE for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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