Chapter 768 Changing status, Amaterasu solicits
Weiyun controls the huge mecha like a demon god, and wields the ferocious Daguan knife in his hand like a tiger. In this case, there is no skill at all, Weiyun just needs to keep slashing.

There is also a mechanical propulsion facility on top of Guandao, which is constantly increasing the power of the slash through [Attack - Mozi].

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

Weiyun slashed with a knife, and the Daguan knife directly pressed on the "Budu Yuhun" of Jianyu Leishen, who was surrounded by thunder and lightning. attack.

The propeller on the Daguan Dao increased its power, forcing Jianyu Leishen's figure lower and lower.


The sound of violent thunder and lightning surged, Jian Yu Leishen's eyes condensed lightning, and two thick lightning shot out from his eyes, and shot straight at the visor of [Attack - Mozi] superior.

But this guy obviously misunderstood, the control position of [Attack - Mozi] is not on the head, but on the abdomen.

However, the head does have a vision device. Jianyu Leishen's "electric eye is compelling" illuminates a vision screen in the control room.

In addition, this trick seems to have indeed played a certain role. On the visor of [Attack - Mozi], two thick lightning bolts left two white spots.


Jianyu Leishen let out a loud roar, and his whole body began to exert strength, thunder and lightning danced wildly on his body, and this family actually pushed the [Attack - Mozi] out.

The whole body of Jianyu Leishen began to change. He gradually broke away from the human figure, began to grow more arms, grew thick horns on his head, and the skin color of his body began to turn black. His body appeared, and his face began to change.

In the end, Jianyu Thunder God turned into a dark-skinned monster with thunder patterns and eight arms.

Seeing Jianyu Leishen's strange shape, the face of which he couldn't tell what kind of creature it was, and his distorted hooves, Weiyun could only say that this thing looks indescribably, probably it is a god.

"This is because the blood volume has been worn to a certain level, and the boss has entered the second state?"

While complaining about the sudden transformation of Jianyu Leishen, Weiyun directly swung the Daguan knife again and slashed at it.

He didn't give Jianyu Leishen who had just entered the second state a chance to speak, although Jianyu Leishen still stubbornly spoke out.


After blocking Weiyun's [Attack - Mozi]'s Daguan knife, Jianyu Leishen let out a wild howl.


This time, he easily pushed Weiyun's [Attack - Mozi] out. It seems that his two-state transformation has brought him a very large bonus.

"I don't know how long it has been since I changed back to my real body. Since you have forced me to this state today, I will let you see what the real Jianyu Leishen is!!!"

Thunder and lightning began to accumulate on the "Budu Yuhun" in Jianyu Leishen's hands, and the [Attack-Mozi], which was bounced and stopped in the air, did not show weakness, and the arsenal was opened again.

Weiyun didn't wait for Jianyu Leishen's skills to be released, and another round of devastating volleys shot at Jianyu Leishen.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Although he has entered the second state, this Jianyu Thunder God is undoubtedly a thin-blooded guy, so facing Weiyun's ruthless death bombing, he still did not resist hard, but continued to "call lightning".

The lightning once again reacted with the missiles all over the sky, and huge shock waves were generated again and again, and the exploding shrapnel scattered and splashed.

If those Martial Gods hadn't seen the fierce battle between Weiyun's [Attack - Mozi] and Jian Yu Leishen, they would have all run aside early, this time the big explosion in the air would definitely accidentally injure many Valkyrie, and even bad luck It is not impossible to die directly.

However, Jianyu Leishen's big move was still not interrupted, the "Budu Yuhun" in his hand swung fiercely, and a thunderbolt sword energy like a crescent moon that could cut through the sky was aimed at Weiyun's [Attack—— Mozi No.] cut in the past.

Weiyun manipulated the [Attack - Mozi] and had no time to dodge, so he simply shot an extremely thick laser beam from the chest of [Attack - Mozi], colliding with the thunder and lightning sword energy .


Maybe it was because Weiyun was standing on the left, but he was not able to win this time against Bo.

Jian Yu Thunder God's Crescent Lightning Sword Qi contains the two powers of his sword god and thunder god. It can be said to be a super powerful attack skill, and naturally it cannot be easily blocked.

Although Dui Bo lost, Wei Yun wasn't afraid at all, because after the sword qi hit [Attack—Mozi], the effect was actually very limited.

But this blow was really strong, and it was no longer the same as before. He fought for a long time, and he didn't even scratch the shell of [Attack - Mozi].

Now that he has eaten up the fencing spirit, a long sword mark was drawn on the chest of [Advance——Mozi]. To cause this kind of damage, Jianyu Leishen really deserves to be the incarnation of the God of Sword and God of War.

"I didn't expect this to hurt you."

Seeing that Weiyun was still unscathed, but a shallow scar appeared on his chest, Jianyu Leishen was obviously a little disappointed.Even if he now feels that his speed and strength are far superior to Weiyun's, but he just can't cut people down, what can you do?

Jianyu Leishen felt that he was very desperate, this kind of despair was indescribable, he only felt that he had all the power in his body, but he had nowhere to use it.

"Where does all this nonsense come from? Just watch it."

Weiyun is also very angry now, he has no choice but to let this dog cut a big scar on his chest, that would be a big loss, right?
Is this Oliha just so easy to handle?How much effort would it take to heal this scar?
Although the repair of this small scar will basically not have any impact on the entire mech, Weiyun still feels that he has lost a lot.

So Weiyun directly slashed at Jianyu Leishen again, and Jianyu Leishen obviously couldn't use the blow just now, otherwise he wouldn't be so disappointed.

If you can use that move all the time, Weiyun's [Attack - Mozi] can neither dodge nor block it, isn't that just letting him play at will?

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

But even if Weiyun rushes to attack now, he can't take advantage of Jianyu Leishen.

Jianyu Leishen, who has entered state two, is simply extremely brave, and his speed and strength have been greatly improved.

But the good thing is that this guy's normal level A still can't cut Weiyun's [Attack - Mozi], and now the two of them are in an awkward situation, that is, no one can hurt the other.

Weiyun was able to cause damage to Jianyu Leishen, but he couldn't hit the flexible Jianyu Leishen, and although Jianyu Leishen was able to steal Weiyun's [Attack - Mozi] a few times from time to time, but he stole These few knives are true and useless, after all, they can't cut blood.

"I can't go on like this, I have to slip first."

Seeing this stalemate situation, Weiyun immediately reacted, this is his territory, he is a bit too contemptuous of him if he spends so much time with him.

This is just a god with a name and surname. If there are more than one face to face, wouldn't he be beaten in vain?
Anyway, you can't beat him to death, so why bother with this guy?

After Weiyun figured it out, he immediately began to think about the way out, but Jianyu Leishen clearly saw his thoughts.

"Want to run now? I'm afraid it's a little late?"

Seeing that Weiyun wanted to run away, Jianyu Thunder God immediately began to pester Weiyun with all his strength. He didn't want to let Weiyun go. If he had already beaten Weiyun like this, but let Weiyun run away from Gao Tianyuan, then He, Jianyu Thunder God, really doesn't need to hang out in Gao Tianyuan anymore.

But he can't kill Weiyun, which is very embarrassing, so in fact, Jianyu Leishen's current plan is to hold Weiyun back and wait for reinforcements to come.

And there is only one reinforcement that he can count on, and that is Amaterasu Omisami, because even he can't break through the defense, and other messy gods must be helpless.

Jianyu Leishen's attack ability is basically the best among all the gods under the Amaterasu Great God in the entire Gaotianyuan. He said that he is the second god in attack power. Absolutely no god dares to say that he is the first.

After all, Jianyu Leishen's record is achieved, and no one can question his record. Even if someone really disagrees with him, no one will really dare to provoke him to speak out.

But Amaterasu Omishen is different, Amaterasu Omishen's Sun Fire is a more terrifying attack than Jianyu Leishen's sword and Leidu, and Jianyu Leishen himself admires Amaterasu Omishen's attack ability very much.

Moreover, Jianyu Leishen felt that his sword and thunder could not break through Weiyun's defense, which did not mean that Amaterasu's Taiyangshenhuo could not. After all, Amaterasu's Sunshenhuo should restrain such things logically.

So in order to be able to kill Weiyun, Jianyu Leishen is now doing his best to stop Weiyun.

And it is really difficult for him to stop Weiyun, because there is no way for him to hurt Weiyun, only Weiyun chases after him, and he chases Weiyun, Weiyun doesn't care at all!
Weiyun drove the [Attack - Mozi] to rush left and right, and moved towards the exit under Jianyu Leishen's crazy slashing. The prison Leishen could only stop Weiyun with his power, but he couldn't It showed too many flaws, because if Weiyun seized the flaws and stabbed him, the battle would be over directly.

So Weiyun came to the exit very quickly, along the way he also took care of a lot of Martial Gods, those Martial Gods dared to block his way, they had no choice but to die, they couldn't deal with Jianyu Leishen, and Weiyun had no choice but to deal with those little Martial Gods It comes at your fingertips.

But just when Weiyun was about to reach the exit, a ray of light shot towards this side, which belonged to the attack of Amaterasu Omisami.

That guy finally arrived here in time, and Weiyun's heart sank a little, after all, he really didn't have much confidence now, to be able to confront this Amaterasu Omisami head-on.

This dog-legged Jianyu Leishen is already enough for him to fight. It is unreasonable for this master Amaterasu to be weaker than Jianyu Leishen. We must speak with strength.

"Jianyu Thunder God, what are you doing?"

As expected, Amaterasu God Expressed his dissatisfaction with Jianyu Thunder God. His face, which was invisible under the shroud of light, must be very angry at this time.

"It's the subordinate's dereliction of duty. This human being is very powerful. The subordinate can't take him down, so he has to do this!"

Jianyu Leishen also quickly knelt down to plead guilty. This day, Amaterasu Omishen is indeed a very powerful deterrent in this high Tianyuan, and no god dares to offend him.

"You are indeed too dereliction of duty. As the supreme commander of the Valkyrie, you let the enemy break into Gao Tianyuan, and you can't fight fiercely for a long time. I think it's time for someone else to sit in your position."

Amaterasu didn't know whether he really looked down on Weiyun, or really looked down on Weiyun. After he came here, he ignored Weiyun at all, but began to reprimand Jianyu Leishen.

Originally, at this time, Weiyun shouldn't have stood by and watched the show, but there was really no other way.

Amaterasu's attack just now was actually not Weiyun's attack. The attack of Amaterasu's just now actually completely closed the gate of Gao Tianyuan.

Now Weiyun was dumbfounded, because he really didn't know how to open the door.

During the short period of time when Amaterasu Goddess reprimanded Leishen Jianyu, Weiyun had already used various attacks on Gao Tianyuan's portal, and the results were obvious.

He's still standing here, which means he didn't open the door.

"It's over, it's over, it's overdone."

Weiyun couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, he didn't think he could run away again in this situation, the only choice left was to try hard with the other party, maybe this Amaterasu Omisami is actually a parallel importer ?

Of course, Weiyun thinks that possibility is still very low, at least judging from the reactions of these Gaotianyuan gods, this Amaterasu Omisami must have two brushes, and will not be like the previous descended clone. He was easily killed by him.

"Mortal, you are very talented, I admire you very much, why don't you stay in Gao Tianyuan and be a god."

What Weiyun didn't expect was that after reprimanding Jianyu Leishen, the Amaterasu god didn't directly kill Weiyun, and he actually wanted to incorporate Weiyun into Gao Tianyuan!

"Master! This guy."

Jianyu Leishen obviously didn't think so, but just as he was about to speak, Amaterasu's gaze made him shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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