
Chapter 904 The Power of the Underworld God

Chapter 904 The Power of the Underworld God
Many people may be wondering why the Knight of the Dark Templar has "knight" in his name, so he is a ghost swordsman.This is a misunderstanding in people's thinking, thinking that "knights" must fight on horseback.In fact, knights have many meanings. In addition to being a soldier in horseback riding, they are also a kind of status, honor and position.

There is also the title of knight under the fifth-class title of Duke and Bozi. Knights are also warriors similar to oriental "knights". Knights are also general references to certain religious armed forces, such as Arbitration Knights, Judgment Knights, Templar Knights, and Bright Knights Etc., the establishment of these legions also includes archers and magicians.To give the simplest example, do paladins have horses to ride?

The Knights of the Dark Temple are members of the palace guarding Hades, but they are all swordsmen, and they also practice swordsmanship, but these swordsmanship are magic swords that use the power of Hades.In other words, they are what people usually call magic swordsmen.

"Shadow vortex!"

Little Xue Sharen suddenly waved the dagger in the air, the power of the god of the underworld lingering around her instantly blazed, and a tall and stalwart figure vaguely appeared behind her, and then all the light condensed on the tip of the dagger, With a swing of the sword, the power of the underworld god condensed into a sword of light and shadow and thrust it towards the male swordsman. The male swordsman turned sideways to avoid the sharp edge of the sword of light and shadow, but before he could get over his breath, he felt a terrifying force enveloping him .

It was a vortex, and the sword edge condensed by the power of the underworld god stirred up a huge vortex out of thin air. The male swordsman only felt countless strange forces acting on him, as if he had fallen into the vortex, but the strange thing was This force did not harm his body in the slightest, his clothes were intact, and his skin and flesh were as clean as new.


When the vortex was shrouded, the male swordsman only felt that death was coming, he really felt the shadow of death, the breath of death.No, it wasn't the breath of death, the male swordsman who had wandered between life and death many times noticed the subtle difference instantly.What enveloped him was a completely opposite energy, similar to light, darkness, metal, wood, water, fire, but under the erosion of this energy, the male swordsman felt like a dying old man, and his body was like a broken body with air leaking from all sides. The house, the soul in the body is swaying, as if it will go away with the wind at any time, or die with the wind.

Not attacking the body, but targeting the soul, so weird!

It is precisely because internal organs are too fragile that people have muscles and bones to protect internal organs, and armor to protect their own muscles and bones. The battle between warriors is to protect their own bodies and destroy the enemy's body.Because the body is the carrier of the soul, destroying the enemy's body is actually to make the enemy's soul homeless and die.

That being the case, why bother to attack the enemy's armor and body with every effort and means, why not directly target the enemy's soul?Just like the principle of shooting people first, shooting horses, capturing thieves, and capturing kings first, if the enemy's soul is broken, what's the point of having a tough body and armor?

This is the core of the Knights of the Dark Templar's practice. Destroying the enemy's body is not the goal. Their only goal in fighting is to destroy the enemy's soul and turn their soul into their own power.

The shadow vortex disappeared in a flash, and the male swordsman returned to normal immediately, but the male swordsman, the male swordsman did not have any scars on his body, and the attack of Xiaoxuesha didn't even hurt a single hair on him, but the trauma suffered by the male swordsman was worse than a broken bone. serious.The damage caused by the power of the underworld is not a sword wound, but it is more severe than a sword wound, because the body of the male swordsman has become riddled with holes, and his soul is surrounded by wind.

Not the coldness of the body, but the coldness of the soul.With the strength of the male swordsman, he wouldn't tremble even if he was soaked in the ice spring of ten thousand years, but now the male swordsman actually has a feeling of trembling, the surrounding wind keeps blowing. But now, these winds have directly passed through his body, entering from his chest and exiting from his back. Although he did not cause any harm to him, the heat in his body was taken away during the shuttle, which made his body feel even worse. The fire of life dimmed.

Just like when the quilt was suddenly taken off on a winter morning when I was a child, the cold air hit the bone in an instant.The male swordsman knew that the attack just now had caused his body to lose something, and this kind of thing was like the "quilt" on his body.

"Help me get her under control!"

The male swordsman's fighting power is indeed strong, but he is still very afraid of the weird little blood demon, especially the weird attack method that cuts directly at the soul, which is unheard of in the civilized world of swordsmanship, so the male swordsman has to ask his companions for help.

The female swordsman is also a little bit embarrassed. With her strength, being able to control Yue Chuan is already the limit. After all, she is only the peak of the holy domain, and Yue Chuan is the divine domain. There is an essential gap between the two sides. She has no chance at all under the suppression of the Dominant Sword.Although she used the earth spirit binding to tie Yue Chuan to the ground, but at the same time, all her mind was spent in the positional binding, so she couldn't be distracted in the slightest.

At this time, Xiao Xuesha flew up and down, jumped left and right, and attacked the male swordsman frantically. Although the male swordsman defended impeccably, every time Xiaoxuesha attacked, he would emit a wave of the power of the god of the underworld. Shadow blade, this kind of shadow blade ignores the male swordsman's defense and hits him directly. Although it is not painful or itchy, but every time he is hit by the shadow blade, the male swordsman feels the chill on his body even more, and his life The fire also grew dimmer.

"Hurry up, I'm going to die!"

If the male swordsman dies, the female swordsman will also die. Feeling the more and more sluggish atmosphere of her companions, the female swordsman's eyes flashed with determination, and then this determination turned into hesitation. grit your teeth.Well, that's the only way to go.

****The long sword in the ground shone magnificently, and rays of neon-like rays of light projected from the body of the sword, merged into one stream, condensed into a bunch, and a wall appeared in front of the female swordsman in the blink of an eye Colorful light curtain.This light curtain is like a mirror wall, reflecting the figure of the female swordsman.Eyebrows, hands, feet, clothes and ornaments are all exactly the same, so lifelike, it's hard to tell the truth from the fake.

"Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water·Yin-Yang Breaking Soul Slash!"

An invisible blade fell from the air, cutting between the female swordsman and the image in the mirror, cutting off all the inextricable connections between the two.


Heart-piercing screams came from the mouth of the female swordsman. At this time, she was suffering unspeakable pain, which was more painful than giving birth, because giving birth was just a piece of flesh from the body, and "Mirror Flowers, Water Moon, Yin and Yang" "Break the soul and chop" is to cut the three souls and seven souls into two parts, and cut himself into two parts.

[Thank you Xiang Wang Yu Haijiao for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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