
Chapter 821 The legend of the city in the sky

Chapter 821 The legend of the city in the sky

"If only I had a flying castle like a palace of bones..."

If that was the case, Yue Chuan would be able to place his own manpower anywhere in the God's Continent at any time, instead of being powerless to watch the Demon Blood Sect do evil because of the constraints of the teleportation array.

Yue Chuan really never forgets the Lich King's Skeleton Palace. After all, the Lich King's Skeleton Palace can not only live in, but also carry people to fly.It feels like a spaceship, and a spaceship with space jumps.

It's a pity that the Lich King cherishes this Skeleton Palace very much, and will not lend it out at all, and his Skeleton Palace has been severely damaged, and he is even more reluctant to lend it out.Yue Chuan repeatedly asked the Lich King about the production method of the Skeleton Palace, and the Lich King said hesitantly that the core of the Skeleton Palace was picked up when he was exploring the world, and he just added some things to the core. As for the specific How to make it, he was still at a loss after studying it for hundreds of thousands of years. He made an exception and allowed Yue Chuan to look at it for a while, but Yue Chuan's eyes were smeared.

Yue Chuan explored the world of kendo civilization through the power of the server, and learned that the strong in the world of kendo civilization also have items similar to the bone palace, but those are made by means of refining, and it is an extremely complicated and huge project, which requires the whole country It can only be completed by one or two blacksmiths or a small workshop. With the prosperity of the Kendo civilization world, there is no magic weapon that can cross the void with more than one hand, which shows how rare this kind of thing is.

"If the plot of the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" reaches the heavens, can we go to the scientists of the heavens to get some spaceships or something? Although the civilization of the heavens is advanced, the spaceships are a bit unrealistic, right? Their technology At most, it is at the level of the earth in the 21st century, with aircraft, cannons, and artificial satellites, no matter how many there are.”

Paul, who had been serving Yue Chuan, could not help but bend down when he heard what Yue Chuan was saying, and said in a low voice, "My lord, I know something about flying castles."

you know?
Yue Chuan stared blankly at Paul, and then recalled the reason why Paul followed him. His country was destroyed, and his people were also killed. Only the loyal guard Frank escaped with him.The reason why he followed him was to use his own power to take revenge and even restore the country.Of course, Paul never said these things, and his following was not a transaction of interest.

For a long time, Paul never mentioned his past. It was a gamble for him to follow Yue Chuan. Maybe he had a unique vision, or maybe he was really impulsive, but in his current situation, even if Yue Chuan didn't do anything in the future , at least give him a rich life.It's just that Yue Chuan's achievements far exceeded his imagination.

Yue Chuan sat down slowly, then pointed to the chair next to him, signaling Paul to sit down too.

Paul sat down and said in a low voice: "My lord, I wonder if you have heard of the Yi clan?"

Wing clan?

Yue Chuan thought to himself, I've heard of it, but it's in online novels.

"Slightly heard."

Paul originally thought that Yue Chuan would say that he had never heard of it. After all, his race was too mysterious, and it was impossible for Yue Chuan to hear about it.But thinking of Yue Chuan's incredible ability, Paul felt relieved.It is reasonable for Yue Chuan to be omniscient and omniscient.Now that Yue Chuan knew about the Yi Clan, the last trace of worry in Paul's heart disappeared, and he no longer felt guilty about revealing his secret.

"The Wing Clan is no different from ordinary people, but with light bones, they can grow wings on their backs, or turn into birds and soar in the sky."

Paul secretly observed Yue Chuan's expression, but found that Yue Chuan just nodded lightly, and he didn't look overly surprised. He couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration in his heart. He thought that his background would scare people for a while when he revealed his background. As a result, people didn't show any expression at all.

"The blood of the birds is flowing in the body of the Wing Clan. The instinct of talent can transform into the appearance of a bird. It is similar to the transformation of the Druids, but it is more clever than them. The difference is that the Wing Clan can only change into one kind of bird."

"The monarch should have seen Frank's bloodline. It's the fire phoenix. I, like him, belong to the phoenix branch. We all have the bloodline of the phoenix. There are many other bloodlines, some strong and some weak. , when the Yi Clan was at its strongest, it was known as the Hundred Clans, and this is what Bai Niao Chaofeng said. But now..."

"The bloodline of the Great Peng is second only to the bloodline of the Phoenix. Our Phoenix bloodline is struggling, with a dwindling population, and we are getting weaker and weaker. The Bloodline of the Great Peng took the opportunity to attack us, killed our clan, and seized control of Sky City."

Yue Chuan, who had always been listening to stories, was suddenly refreshed because he heard the words "City in the Sky".

Castle in the Sky?

The Tower of the Dragon Man and the Palace of the City Lord suddenly appeared in Yue Chuan's mind, and he shook his head immediately.

"Yes, we Yizu all live in the city of the sky. Because we belong to the sky!"

The Sky City is an ancient and magical existence. No one knows how it appeared, nor how long it has existed. The Wings only know that their ancestors discovered it, lived here, and multiplied.

According to Paul's description, Sky City is a small meteorite. It looks only the size of a baby's head on the outside, but there is a cave inside, and it is an independent world.This small meteorite flew high in the sky and was hidden in the clouds, so no one discovered its existence at all. If Paul hadn't mentioned it, Yue Chuan would never have known about such a place.Because the existence of Sky City is the supreme secret in the hearts of every Wing Clan, and it must not be leaked in the slightest.If it wasn't for Paul's special situation, if it was another Wing Clan, they would never reveal this secret until their death.

After listening to Paul's description, Yue Chuan roughly understood what this sky city was.That should be an independent small world, just like a space ring, which seals a vast space in a small object, and it is not known which powerful method it is, or the power of nature's creation.

According to Paul, the space of this sky city is not very large, it can even be said to be small, which is the size of a large city, and the Yi people living in it are only 10,000+ people.Because of the small space of the Sky City, it is impossible to grow food crops in it. All living materials depend on external supplies. Members of the Wing Clan turn into birds to hunt outside, or sneak into the human world to buy food and living materials.

The Wings have always been cautiously lurking, and rarely come into contact with the human world. They buy daily necessities every few decades or even more than 100 years. The human world doesn't even know their existence. Think of those birds as a race.

"The city in the sky has a control hub that can fly and shuttle. The city in the sky is suspended overseas all year round, covered by clouds, and moves with the clouds, so it has always been hidden from human sight. However, I know how to find the sky If the king needs a city that can fly freely and shuttle freely, I can lead the way for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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