
Chapter 774 Refining Fire Elements

Chapter 774 Refining Fire Elements

Knowing that doing so would harm the interests of many powerful people in Icewind Dale, Grian still did it without hesitation.Cultivation is basically going against the sky, and it is also a plunder of resources.The struggle of magicians is no less than that of warriors, and even more cruel.

Fights can occur over a magic handbook, a spell, a magic robe, or even a top-quality magic spar.Fighting between warriors is at most a one-shot slash, while fighting between magicians will imprison each other's souls and torture them cruelly.Grian's teacher failed to teach him much magic knowledge, mostly Grian taught him by himself.But Grian's teacher told him too much about the struggles of magicians, and told him that the world is dangerous and be careful in everything.

Grian looks like a sunny boy, but the darkness in his heart is no less than that of Ludovica. Without these dark thoughts, he would not be able to live to this day, and he has cultivated to this level, which is necessary for survival.Therefore, Grian will not have any hesitation in plundering related to cultivation and resources. As long as it can help him and make him stronger, Grian will do it and fight for it without hesitation.In the past, he had no strength and no opportunity, but now a great opportunity is in front of him, Yue Chuan helps him suppress the enemy, it is impossible for him to dissuade Yue Chuan from environmental protection, natural harmony and so on.

Even if Icewind Dale will always be the Ice Age from now on, as long as you become a peak powerhouse, all this will be worth it!
Amidst Ludovica's murderous eyes and sharp roar, Grian jumped down, and blazing flames erupted from him in an instant.The last time he refined the fire element of a hot spring, his strength has risen, and he has reached the level of the middle stage of the sanctuary. The increase in strength not only did not satisfy Grian, but made him realize his own shortcomings, and deeply understand It is difficult to reach the peak of the sanctuary in the middle of the sanctuary. If you want to fill such a huge vacancy, you can only rely on meditation to condense the fire element. The qualification for the pinnacle, decades later, I will inevitably die, and the chance of hitting the pinnacle of the sanctuary will only become more and more slim, even hopeless.

Self-effort is necessary, but the assistance of foreign objects is also indispensable. If you want to quickly hit the peak of the sanctuary, you must obtain a huge fire element power. The fire element in Icewind Valley Hot Spring is pure and rich, and has accumulated Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, it is definitely a first-class treasure in the world.

These fire elements are not coveted, but they involve the interests of too many strong people. Ice and fire are incompatible. No fire magician dares to offend so many ice powerhouses at the same time, not even Grian.However, Yue Chuan can.Even Ludovika was suppressed by Yue Chuan, who would dare to come out and stab him at a time like this.


A flame fell from the sky like a waterfall of fire. The blazing flame instantly evaporated the surrounding cold wind, ice and snow, and then slowly condensed into a big hand. The big hand of the flame slammed fiercely on a small hot spring. The rocks and the like all exploded in an instant, and were burned into nothingness by the flames. The fire element that had been suppressed for thousands of years under the surface cheered and erupted violently like a wild horse or a tiger that had been released from the gate.

The flame's big hand grabbed the fire element that was erupting violently underground and began to absorb and refine it. The magic vortex in Grian's body was spinning and growing rapidly, improving and becoming stronger every second, and the speed was unbelievably fast.

The strong men in Icewind Dale saw this scene as soon as they raised their heads. They all watched with blood-filled pupils and eyes tearing apart, but with Yue Chuan pressing above them, none of them dared to act rashly.

The hot springs ruined their practice. It was more difficult when they practiced. At worst, they found another place to practice, but if they went up to prevent them from being killed by Yue Chuan Liwei, it would be too worthless.Although they have feelings for Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale is neither their hometown nor their sect, so what does the life and death of Icewind Dale have to do with them.Therefore, seeing Grian's movements, not only did no one step forward to stop them, but many people retreated back, as if they were clearing themselves.

With the previous refinement, Grian's refinement was much easier and faster this time. The fire element in a hot spring was completely refined in less than 10 minutes.If someone else wants to refine these fire elements, no matter how powerful they are, it will take ten days and a half a month. After all, the fire elements contained in the hot spring are almost equivalent to a vein of fire-type magic spar, and if one is not careful, even It will become a burning fire, burnt or even burned to death by the huge fire element.

But Grian is different. He is born with a fire element physique. The element of fire is easy to use.

The fire element in the small hot spring was plundered by Grian. In the cold climate of Icewind Dale, the place was occupied by the severe cold in the blink of an eye. The fire element in the ground could no longer overflow the surface, which meant that the hot spring here There will be no resurrection.

The mages and warriors who depended on this hot spring to live and practice all packed their bags in frustration and prepared to leave.This place is no longer suitable for living, especially those who have poor ability to keep out the cold. Without the protection of hot springs, they may even freeze to death here.They must find another way out.

Although these people were gnashing their teeth at Grian and Yue Chuan, none of them dared to speak out, because Yue Chuan's strength was really too strong, and even Ludovica was easily suppressed by him, which was not a means that human beings could have at all.

But soon, these people transferred their hatred to Ludovica.Although they didn't know what happened to Ludovica and Yue Chuan, they also guessed that Ludovica offended Yue Chuan. The last time Ludovica drank Yue Chuan away, they could still remember the situation. This time Yue Chuan made a comeback, and he must find a place to take revenge. of.And all of this was caused by Ludovica.

It's all Ludovica's fault!Blame the Eugenie family!

Ludovica stared blankly at this scene. He didn't expect Yue Chuan to really dare to do such a thing, and she didn't even expect that junior named Grian could refine the fire element contained in a hot spring so quickly.Those are the accumulation of countless thousands of years. How can this level of energy be carried by a mortal body?

Yue Chuan saw that Ludovica still didn't let go, and immediately nodded to Grian. Without Yue Chuan's confession, Grian swooped down again. He was in the air, and the big hand made of flames fell down like a meteorite, smashing the The surface of a hot spring smashed to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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